This is an example of dialog creation with PySide.
In this example, the entire interface is defined in Python. Although this is possible for small interfaces, for larger interfaces the recommendation is to create .ui files through Qt Designer, and load these in the program.
import PySide
from PySide import QtGui ,QtCore
from PySide.QtGui import QPixmap, QMovie, QLabel
from PySide.QtCore import *
class MyLabelPatience():
label = QtGui.QLabel()
label.setText("<img src=" + path_Name_Image + "><b><center>Wait please</center> \n\n<center>i search the fonts !\n\n</center></b>")
# center screen
ecran = FreeCADGui.getMainWindow().frameGeometry()
xF = 250; yF = 120
xW = (ecran.width()/2) - (xF/2)
yW = (ecran.height()/2)- (yF/2)
label.setGeometry(xW, yW, xF, yF)
label.setStyleSheet("QLabel {background-color : #F0C300;font: 12pt; }");
label.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowFlags(Qt.FramelessWindowHint)) # pas de bords (not border)
### un-comment for use ###############
movie = QtGui.QMovie(path_Name_Image) # anime le fichier Gif anime (decommenter)
patience = MyLabelPatience().label #show the image
#patience.close() #close the Qlabel
#MyLabelPatience().movie.start() #start the animation (after
#MyLabelPatience().movie.stop() #stop animation
Example QLabel with image and text.
Example QLabel with animated GIF.