The Drawing dimensioning workbench adds powerful dimensioning and annotation tools to the Drawing Workbench (see forum thread).
Drawing dimensioning workbench for FreeCAD v0.15 or later. Take note that this workbench is experimental and still contains bugs.
This workbench can be installed from the Addon Manager. For manual installation see Installing more workbenches.
To use this workbench clone this git repository under your FreeCAD MyScripts directory, and install the pyside and numpy python libraries. On a Linux Debian based system such as Ubuntu, installation can be done through BASH as follows $ sudo apt-get install git python-numpy python-pyside $ mkdir ~/.FreeCAD/Mod $ cd ~/.FreeCAD/Mod $ git clone
Once installed, use git to easily update to the latest version: $ cd ~/.FreeCAD/Mod/FreeCAD_drawing_dimensioning $ git pull $ rm *.pyc
Tested with 015.4415 Development Snapshot on a Windows 7 64bit-System (thanks BPLRFE )
FreeCAD will now have a new workbench-entry called "DrawingDimensioning".
Pyside and Numpy are integrated in the FreeCAD dev-Snapshots 0.15, so these Python packages do not need to be installed individually.
To update to the latest version, delete the DrawingDimensioning folder and redownload the git repository.
Copy or unzip the drawing dimensioning folder to the directory
where is the folder where FreeCAD is installed. (thanks PLChris)
Unit preferences are taken from the General unit preferences (excluding number of decimal places!). To set unit preferences goto edit → preferences → general → units
To set up your desired dimensioning style
Linear dimensions / Linear dimension stack
Upon clicking on linear dimensions or linear dimension stack you will get a menu with different choices. repeat: If checked the menu won't close after defining one dimension Grid Options: allow you to snap the dimensions to a grid
grid on will toggle the visibility of the grid
spacing: will define the spacing of the main grid (default: 1 mm)
display period: will define how often the lines are displayed (default: 20)
color: line color of the grid lines
line width: line width of the grid lines (default: 0,15) Unit Options: will define the units of the dimensions
Edit → Preferences → Unit: use same units as defined in FreeCAD preferences
mm: force units to be in mm
inch: force units to be in inch
m: force units to be in m
custom: use custum scaling of units (default: 1/mm) Preferences: define preferences of the dimension appearence
format mask: changes the format of the dimension (default "%(value)3.3f"). Overwrite with manual text possible
arrows: changes arrow style (auto/in/out/off)
auto place text: place dimension text manually
comma: use comma instead of point
gap: (default: 2)
overshoot: (default: 1)
arrowL1: first Length of arrow (default: 3)
arrowL2: second length of arrow (default: 1)
arrowW: width of arrow (default: 2)
strokeWidth: change line with of dimension lines (default: 0,3)
lineColor: change color of dimension lines
text properties: choose font name, font size and color (default: Verdana, 3.6, red)
auto place offset:
Set as default: Accept settings as default