This page is dedicated to the description of the Google Summer of Code project idea regarding extending FEM solver Z88OS.
Obsolete: This page has been moved to
FreeCAD is not only a traditional CAD platform but also aims at providing general engeneering functionality. One of the most valuable design tools for modern product development is the finite element method. It provides advanced means for design analysis, stress tests and optimisation. Over the last two years a FEM workbench in FreeCAD has been developed based on the CalculiX solver and already reached a usable state in the 0.16 release. However, since CalculiX has neither real Shell nor real Beam elements, CalculiX has limitations in the regard of these element types. This was the main reason to start an implementation of an additional solver for the FreeCAD FEM workbench. Z88OS was choosen, since it is OpenSource and thus runs on all major plattforms and has real Beam and Shell elements. The solver Z88OS has been integrated in FreeCAD FEM already. But only very limited parameter are supported at the moment. Only fixed constraints in main axis directions and simple node loads are supported on the pre processing side. On the contrary the post processing only the displacements are read into FreeCAD FEM. To really be able to use Z88 as an additional solver more of his capabilities need to be supported by FreeCAD.
The GSoC project aims to exactly do this. On pre processing side of FreeCAD a lot of constraints and boundary conditions are supported by FEM and CalculiX solver. Most of them should be ported to Z88 too. On post processing side the FreeCAD FEM result object supports a wide range of result types as well as viewing them by the use of sophisticated VTK post processing tools. An implementation should be made to read more Z88 results into FreeCAD result object. Furthermore most Z88 solver adjustments are hard coded into FreeCAD FEM. They should be changed in a way they could be changed during run time of FreeCAD FEM.
If this project is finished successfully futher work on the FEM workbench can be done. Advancing the preprocessing with better control over the meshing process come to mind, or integrating different solvers for other analysis types. Also calulix implementation can be advanced, for example allowing nonelinear calculations.