GSoC FEM Unit Tests

This page is dedicated to the description of the Google Summer of Code project idea regarding extending FreeCAD FEM unit test suite.


FreeCAD is not only a traditional CAD platform but also aims at providing general engineering functionality. One of the most valuable design tools for modern product development is the finite element method. It provides advanced means for design analysis, stress tests and optimization. Over the last two years a FEM workbench in FreeCAD has been developed based on the CalculiX solver and already reached a usable state in the 0.16 release. There have been addend lot's of new tools to FreeCAD FEM workbench in n 0.17 development cycle. Still the FEM unit tests to prove the function of all new tools and API methods are really rare.

The GSoC project aims to add a wide range of unit test for most of FreeCAD FEM GUI tools and for the mesh api methods.


  1. Get familiar with FreeCAD FEM workbench its capabilities and its architecture. Furthermore get familiar with the FreeCAD unit test system and the Python unit test module.
  2. Add unit tests for any available GUI tools which are accessible by python and for all its variations.
  3. Add unit tests for all python smesh API calls.
  4. Add unit tests for the GMSH API calls.
  5. Start fixing bugs which will be found by all the new unit tests.

Expected Outcome

  1. Make FreeCAD FEM more robust for further code changes in the future.

Future Possibilities

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Additional Information