Description |
Makes a B-spline surface through a grid of points. Macro version: 0.1 Last modified: 2022-07-31 Author: heda |
Author |
heda |
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Macro Version |
0.1 |
Date last modified |
2022-07-31 |
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None |
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None |
Makes a B-spline surface through a grid of points. Options for only creating Wire or B-spline curves.
Macro BSurf from grid
Available in the Addon manager.
See docstring.
See docstring.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # *************************************************************************** # * * # * Copyright (c) 2022 - heda <heda@fc-forum> * # * * # * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * # * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * # * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * # * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * # * for detail see the LICENCE text file. * # * * # * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * # * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * # * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * # * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * # * * # * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * # * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * # * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * # * USA * # * * # *************************************************************************** __Name__ = 'BSurf_from_grid' __Comment__ = 'Makes a BSpline surface through a grid of points.' __Author__ = 'heda' __Version__ = '0.1' __Date__ = '2022-07-31' __License__ = 'LGPL-2.0-or-later' __Web__ = '' __Wiki__ = '' __Icon__ = '' __Help__ = 'Select structured point-cloud, set options, run macro' __Status__ = 'functional' __Requires__ = '' __Communication__ = '' __Files__ = '' """ inspired by: cred to snow54 it is assumed that the cloud is: - structured - aligned with xy grid, i.e. a constant y divides 2 horizontal rows of points, analogue for x and vertical columns of points usage: select a pointcloud and run macro options: wires: convert boundary wires to spline (draft wb), in surf wb, use boundry edges and verts on wires as vertex-constraints splines: in surf wb, use outer contour as boundry edges, inner edges can be used as edge constraints bsurf: surface directly created with poles/knots from interpolated spline mkwframe: in case of bsurf, symbolic wireframe of splines (draft wb) """ import numpy as np from scipy import interpolate import FreeCAD as App import FreeCADGui as Gui import Draft, Part Vector = App.Vector doc = App.ActiveDocument try: cloud, = Gui.Selection.getSelection() except ValueError as e: raise RuntimeWarning('a point cloud needs to be selected.') points = cloud.Points.Points bb = cloud.Points.BoundBox options = o = dict(MakeWires=False, MakeBSplines=False, MakeBSurf=True, MakeWFrame=True) ## a bit of options logic... if o['MakeWires']: o['MakeBSplines'] = False if o['MakeBSplines']: o['MakeBSurf'] = o['MakeWires'] = False if o['MakeBSurf'] and o['MakeWFrame']: o['MakeBSplines'] = True; o['MakeWires'] = False if not o['MakeBSurf']: o['MakeWFrame'] = False def RGB(*args): return tuple((float(i/255) for i in args)) hstep = min((p.y for p in points)) vstep = min((p.x for p in points)) wiregroup = doc.addObject('App::DocumentObjectGroup', 'Wires') hwires = doc.addObject('App::DocumentObjectGroup', 'HWires') vwires = doc.addObject('App::DocumentObjectGroup', 'VWires') wiregroup.addObjects([hwires, vwires]) for wg, step, getter in ((hwires, hstep, 'y'), (vwires, vstep, 'x')): wires = list() empty = False cc = bb.YMin if getter == 'y' else bb.XMin cc -= step/2 while not empty: polypoints = list() for pt in points: value = getattr(pt, getter) if cc < value < cc + step: polypoints.append(pt) if polypoints: if o['MakeWires'] or (o['MakeBSurf'] and not o['MakeWFrame']): maker = Draft.make_wire elif o['MakeBSplines']: maker = Draft.make_bspline wires.append(maker(polypoints, closed=False)) cc += step else: empty = True wg.addObjects(wires) Gui.Selection.clearSelection() if o['MakeBSurf']: degree_u = degree_v = 3 periodic = False lowerx, lowery = hwires.Group[0], vwires.Group[0] x = np.array([pt.x for pt in lowerx.Points]) y = np.array([pt.y for pt in lowery.Points]) Z = np.array([[pt.z for pt in hw.Points] for hw in hwires.Group]) ## Create spline surface g = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(x, y, Z.T) coefgs = g.get_coeffs() coefgs = np.reshape(coefgs, Z.T.shape).T knots = g.get_knots() # Convert knot vector format knot_u, mult_u = np.unique(knots[1], return_counts=True) knot_v, mult_v = np.unique(knots[0], return_counts=True) # Normalize knot vectors knot_u = (knot_u - knot_u.min()) / (knot_u.max() - knot_u.min()) knot_v = (knot_v - knot_v.min()) / (knot_v.max() - knot_v.min()) # Calculate spline coefficients for x and y gx = interpolate.make_interp_spline(x, x) coefgx = gx.tck[1] gy = interpolate.make_interp_spline(y, y) coefgy = gy.tck[1] getVector = lambda iz, jz: Vector(coefgx[jz], coefgy[iz], coefgs[iz, jz]) # Create control point vectors ctrl = [[getVector(iZ, jZ) for jZ, lc in enumerate(lr)] for iZ, lr in enumerate(coefgs)] # Create spline surface in FreeCAD bs = Part.BSplineSurface() bs.buildFromPolesMultsKnots(ctrl, mult_u, mult_v, knot_u, knot_v, periodic, periodic, degree_u, degree_v) surf =, 'BSplineSurf') surf.Label2 = 'spline surface through points' surf.ViewObject.ShapeColor = RGB(0, 170, 255) if not o['MakeWFrame']: for obj in hwires.Group + vwires.Group + [hwires, vwires, wiregroup]: doc.removeObject(obj.Name) doc.recompute() av = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView av.viewIsometric() av.fitAll()