Macro FCInfoToMouse

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Macro FCInfoToMouse

Provides info about coordinates, length, and angles in real-time next to the mouse pointer.

Macro version: 00.04
Last modified: 2018-03-27
Download: ToolBar Icon
Author: Mario52
ToolBar Icon
Macro Version
Date last modified
FreeCAD Version(s)
Default shortcut
See also


Provides info about coordinates, length, and angles in real-time next to the mouse pointer in a bubble annotation displayed in the 3D view

Temporary code for external macro link. Do not use this code. This code is used exclusively by Addon Manager. Link for optional manual installation: Macro

# This code is copied instead of the original macro code
# to guide the user to the online download page.
# Use it if the code of the macro is larger than 64 KB and cannot be included in the wiki
# or if the RAW code URL is somewhere else in the wiki.

from PySide import QtGui, QtCore

diag = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Information,
    "This macro must be downloaded from this link\n"
    "" + "\n"
    "Quit this window to access the download page")


import webbrowser"")
<class="rawcodeurl"><a href="">raw code</a>

FCInfoToMouse macro in action


  1. Install the FCInfoToMouse macro in your macros directory via the Addon Manager
  2. Run the Macro
Result: an annotation appears and the mouse coordinate information is displayed in real-time.

Figure 1

  • X, Y, Z: mouse coordinates are displayed in the bubble (this only applies when "Single" mode is enabled) as seen in Fig. 1
Once the mouse is clicked for the first time, additional info is displayed (when "Forced" mode is enabled this setting will be solely displayed)

Figure 2

  • X1, Y1, Z1 : Initial coordinates of the 1st mouse click
  • X2, Y2, Z2 : Current coordinates of the mouse
  • L : Length between the first mouse click and the location of the current mouse pointer
  • XY, YZ, XZ : Angles between the 1st point and moving mouse pointer in the XY, YZ, and XZ planes

Figure 3 - when mouse pointer is over an object, the name of the object will be displayed

If the mouse hovers over an object, the object name appears at the top of the annotation (see Figure 3).

Keyboard Shortcuts

SHIFT + Q: Quit the FCInfoToMouse macro. Upon quitting the macro, the annotation remains at its current mouse pointer location. Begin using the mouse normally if you want to delete the annotation manually.

SHIFT + M: Toggle the mode between:

SHIFT + C : for "hidden / visible"

SHIFT + D : to "Open/Close" a Spreadsheet with the coordinates saved to:

Cell A Cell B Cell C Cell D
x, y, z x y z


At any time, you can change the properties of the annotation by clicking the object FCInfoToMouse in Combo View and click the View tab

If you want change the number of decimal change the line 43 (default 4)

Example for 6 decimal places:

original value

global arrondi    ; arrondi    = 4

replace to

global arrondi    ; arrondi    = 6

To make the configuration of the permanent annotation you can change the values in the configuration section lines 104 to 122


The icon FCInfoToMouse.png FCInfoToMouse for the Customize_ToolsBar


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
*   Copyright (c) 2016 <mario52>                                          *
*                                                                         *
*   This file is a supplement to the FreeCAD CAx development system.      *
*                                                                         *
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)    *
*   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of     *
*   the License, or (at your option) any later version.                   *
*   for detail see the LICENCE text file.                                 *
*                                                                         *
*   This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      *
*   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
*   GNU Library General Public License for more details.                  *
*                                                                         *
*   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public     *
*   License along with this macro; if not, write to the Free Software     *
*   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  *
*   USA                                                                   *
*           WARNING! All changes in this file will be lost and            *  
*                  may cause malfunction of the program                   *
# FCInfoToMouse

__title__   = "FCInfoToMouse"
__author__  = "Mario52"
__url__     = ""
__version__ = "00.04"
__date__    = "27/03/2018"
import Draft, Part
import math,FreeCAD
from FreeCAD import Base
import time
App = FreeCAD

global arrondi    ; arrondi    = 4

global objectAnn  ; objectAnn  = "" 
global positionX1 ; positionX1 = 0.0
global positionY1 ; positionY1 = 0.0
global positionZ1 ; positionZ1 = 0.0
global force      ; force      = 0
global hidden     ; hidden     = 0
global coorBegin  ; coorBegin  = ""
global pas        ; pas        = 0

global spreadSheet; spreadSheet= 0
global compteur   ; compteur   = 0 
global spread     ; spread     = ""

from math import sqrt, pi, sin, cos, asin, acos, atan, atan2, degrees

def angle2(vecteur_x1,vecteur_y1,vecteur_x2,vecteur_y2,mode):   #tester getAngle ( Vector )
# calcul de l'inclinaison d'une ligne a partir de deux Vecteurs
# si "mode" = 1 alors affichage en degres sinon en radian
        deltaX = vecteur_x2 - vecteur_x1
        deltaY = vecteur_y2 - vecteur_y1
        if mode ==1:
            angle = degrees(atan2(float(deltaY),float(deltaX))) # degres  (mode = 1)
            angle = atan2(float(deltaY),float(deltaX))          # radian  (mode = 0)
        return round(angle,arrondi)
    except Exception:

def sub(first, other): 
	"sub(Vector,Vector) - subtracts second vector from first one"
	if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
		return FreeCAD.Vector(first.x-other.x, first.y-other.y, first.z-other.z)

def length(first):
	"lengh(Vector) - gives vector length"
	if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector):
		return math.sqrt(first.x*first.x + first.y*first.y + first.z*first.z)

def dist(first, other):
	"dist(Vector,Vector) - returns the distance between both points/vectors"
	if isinstance(first,FreeCAD.Vector) and isinstance(other,FreeCAD.Vector):
		return length(sub(first,other))

def codeColor(color):
        rgb = float((float(color)/255.0))
    except Exception:
        rgb = 0.0
    return rgb

doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument    
if doc == None:
    doc = FreeCAD.newDocument()

# for modify the configuration : line 104 to 122
# PS: if DisplayMode = "Line" and Frame = False the annotation is transparent
##### Configuration  Modify here # Begin #######################################
#BackgroundColor :                                                             #
red_B           = 0.0                # 0.0 to 255.0                            #
green_B         = 84.0               # 0.0 to 255.0                            #
blue_B          = 255.0              # 0.0 to 255.0                            #
displayMode     = "Line"             # "Line" or "Object"                      #
fontName        = "MS Shell Dlg 2"   # "MS Shell Dlg 2" for Windows            #
fontSize        = 8.0                # Font size                               #
frame           = False              # "False" or "True"                       #
justification   = "Left"             # "Left", "Right", "Center"               #
#TextColor       :                                                             #
red_T           = 255.0              # 0.0 to 255.0                            #
green_T         = 255.0              # 0.0 to 255.0                            #
blue_T          = 255.0              # 0.0 to 255.0                            #
##### Configuration  End End ###################################################

objectAnn = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("App::AnnotationLabel","FCInfoToMouse")# create work annotation
objectAnn.LabelText=["Hello FreeCAD World"]

FreeCADGui.getDocument(doc.Name).getObject(objectAnn.Label).BackgroundColor = (codeColor(red_B),codeColor(green_B),codeColor(blue_B))   #
FreeCADGui.getDocument(doc.Name).getObject(objectAnn.Label).DisplayMode     = displayMode                                               #
FreeCADGui.getDocument(doc.Name).getObject(objectAnn.Label).FontName        = fontName                                                  #
FreeCADGui.getDocument(doc.Name).getObject(objectAnn.Label).FontSize        = fontSize                                                  #
FreeCADGui.getDocument(doc.Name).getObject(objectAnn.Label).Frame           = frame                                                     #
FreeCADGui.getDocument(doc.Name).getObject(objectAnn.Label).Justification   = justification                                             #
FreeCADGui.getDocument(doc.Name).getObject(objectAnn.Label).TextColor       = (codeColor(red_T),codeColor(green_T),codeColor(blue_T))   #

import os, sys, platform
global PolicePath;    PolicePath = ""

#if platform.system() == "Windows" :
#    PolicePath = "C:/Windows/Fonts/ARIAL.TTF"
#elif platform.system() == "Linux" :
#    PolicePath = "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ubuntu-font-family/Ubuntu-M.ttf"
#elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
#    PolicePath = "/Library/Fonts/Arial.ttf"
#    PolicePath = "C:/Windows/Fonts/ARIAL.TTF"

p=FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Mod/Draft")
PolicePath = p.GetString("FontFile")

class ViewObserver:
    def __init__(self, view):
       self.view = view

    def logPosition(self, info):
        global objectAnn
        global positionX1, positionY1, positionZ1
        global pas, arrondi
        global coorBegin
        global force
        global hidden
        global PolicePath
        global spreadSheet
        global compteur
        global spread

######## for testing key ############
#        try:                       #
#            print info["Key"]      #
#            print info["State"]    #
##            print ord(info["Key"]) #
#        except Exception:          #
#            None                   #

        Button1 = 0

            if (info["Key"] == "Q") and (info["State"] == "DOWN"):                        # SHIFT + Q for quit
                v.removeEventCallback("SoEvent",c)                                        # close event observation
                FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( "End FCInfoToMouse" + "\n")
        except Exception:

            if (info["Key"] == "M") and (info["State"] == "DOWN"):                        # SHIFT + M for force display
                if force == 0:
                    force = 1
                    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( "Forced " + "\n")
                elif force == 1:
                    force = 2
                    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( "Single " + "\n")
                elif force == 2:
                    force = 0
                    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( "Normal " + "\n")
        except Exception:

            if (info["Key"] == "C") and (info["State"] == "DOWN"):                        # SHIFT + C for hidden / visible annotation OK
                if hidden == 0:
                    hidden = 1
                    FreeCADGui.getDocument(doc.Name).getObject(objectAnn.Label).Visibility = False
                    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( "concealed " + "\n")
                    hidden = 0
                    FreeCADGui.getDocument(doc.Name).getObject(objectAnn.Label).Visibility = True
                    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( "visible " + "\n")
        except Exception:

            if (info["Key"] == "D") and (info["State"] == "DOWN"):                        # SHIFT + S for Open spreadSheet
                if spreadSheet == 0:
                    #spread = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObjectsByLabel(spread.Name)[0]    # for append in existant SpreadSheet
                    spread = App.activeDocument().addObject('Spreadsheet::Sheet','MySpreedSheett')
                    spreadSheet = 1
                    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("SpreadSheet open : " + spread.Name + "\n")
                    spreadSheet = 0
                    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("SpreadSheet closed" + "\n")
                compteur    = 0
        except Exception:

            object2 = ""
            object = v.getObjectInfo(v.getCursorPos())                                    # here for object preselected
            object2 = object["Object"] + "." + object["Component"]                        # object + component
            pnt = FreeCAD.Vector(float(object["x"]),float(object["y"]),float(object["z"]))# vector on position mouse to object
#            print "pnt ",pnt
        except Exception:
            pos = info["Position"]                                                        # if mouse in 3D view
            pnt = self.view.getPoint(pos)                                                 # vector detect on mouse position 3D view
#            print "pnt ",pnt

            if (info["Button"] == "BUTTON1") and (info["State"] == "DOWN"):               # coordinates clic to mouse
                positionX1 = round(pnt[0],arrondi)
                positionY1 = round(pnt[1],arrondi)
                positionZ1 = round(pnt[2],arrondi)
                coorBegin = ""
                coorBegin = "X1: "+str(positionX1)+"  Y1: "+str(positionY1)+"  Z1: "+str(positionZ1)
                if pas == 0:
                    pas = 1
                    pas = 0

                try:                                                   # spreadSheet
                    if spreadSheet == 1:
                        compteur += 1
                        spread.set("A"+str(compteur) ,  str(positionX1) + ", " + str(positionY1) + ", " + str(positionZ1))
                        spread.set("B"+str(compteur) ,  str(positionX1))
                        spread.set("C"+str(compteur) ,  str(positionY1))
                        spread.set("D"+str(compteur) ,  str(positionZ1))
                        FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(str(compteur) + " : " +  str(positionX1) + ", " + str(positionY1) + ", " + str(positionZ1) + "\n")
                except Exception:
        except Exception:

            objectAnn.BasePosition = (pnt[0], pnt[1], pnt[2])
            if force == 2:
                objectAnn.LabelText = ["X: " + str(round(pnt[0],arrondi)) + " Y: " + str(round(pnt[1],arrondi)) + " Z: " + str(round(pnt[2],arrondi))]
                if ((pas == 1) or (force == 1)):
                    coorEnd = longueur = angles = ""
                    coorEnd = "X2: " + str(round(pnt[0],arrondi)) + "  Y2: " + str(round(pnt[1],arrondi)) + "  Z2: " + str(round(pnt[2],arrondi))
                    longueur = "L: " + str(round(dist(FreeCAD.Vector(positionX1,positionY1,positionZ1), FreeCAD.Vector(pnt[0], pnt[1], pnt[2])),12)) # around to 12 decimales
                    alphaXY = alphaXY = alphaXZ = 0.0
                    alphaXY = str(round(angle2(positionX1,positionY1,pnt[0],pnt[1],1),arrondi))
                    alphaYZ = str(round(angle2(positionY1,positionZ1,pnt[1],pnt[2],1),arrondi))
                    alphaXZ = str(round(angle2(positionX1,positionZ1,pnt[0],pnt[2],1),arrondi))
                    angles = "XY: " + alphaXY + unichr(176) + "  YZ: " + alphaYZ + unichr(176) + "  XZ: " + alphaXZ + unichr(176)    # unichr(176) = degrees character
                    if object2 == "":
                        objectAnn.LabelText = [coorBegin, coorEnd, longueur, angles,]
                        objectAnn.LabelText = [object2, coorBegin, coorEnd, longueur, angles,]
                    if object2 == "":
                        objectAnn.LabelText = ["X: " + str(round(pnt[0],arrondi)) + " Y: " + str(round(pnt[1],arrondi)) + " Z: " + str(round(pnt[2],arrondi)),]
                        objectAnn.LabelText = [object2, "X: " + str(round(pnt[0],arrondi)) + " Y: " + str(round(pnt[1],arrondi)) + " Z: " + str(round(pnt[2],arrondi))]

        except Exception:
            FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("End FCInfoToMouse by an error" + "\n")
            v.removeEventCallback("SoEvent",c)                                            # close event observation

##### Begin ######
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("__Welcome to FCInfoToMouse__" + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("SHIFT + Q : for quit" + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("SHIFT + M : for force display, mode single, mode normal" + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("SHIFT + C : for concealed / visible" + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("SHIFT + D : for create spreadSheet / close spreadSheet" + "\n")
FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("____________________________" + "\n")

pas = 0
o = ViewObserver(v)
    c = v.addEventCallback("SoEvent",o.logPosition)
except Exception:
    FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage( "Not GUI End FCInfoToMouse" + "\n")

or to Gists Macro_FCInfoToMouse.FCMacro or the zip


It is possible that the macro does not recognize some keys


The discussion on the forum From autocad to freecad

My macros on mario52a gists


27/03/2018 ver 00.04 : add function "Save the coordinate in a spreadSheet key "D" flip/flop on,off

24/01/2016 ver 00.03 : add section configuration and replace key "C" to "M"

23/01/2016 ver 00.02 : add function "single", replace key "H" to "C" and correct bug

02/01/2016 : ver 0.1