Description |
This macro converts selected parts to VRML meshes. Macro version: 1.9.2 Last modified: 2016-02-22 Download: ToolBar Icon Author: Easyw-fc |
Author |
Easyw-fc |
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Macro Version |
1.9.2 |
Date last modified |
2016-02-22 |
FreeCAD Version(s) |
None |
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None |
See also |
None |
This macro converts selected parts to VRML meshes for small size and faster loading (VRML models Kicad and Blender compatible)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # PartToVRML.FCMacro # creates VRML model of selected object(s), with colors (for Kicad and Blender compatibility) # useful messages on Report view # __title__ = "PartToVRML" __author__ = "easyw-fc, hyOzd" __url__ = "" __version__ = "1.9.2" __date__ = "22/02/2016" __Comment__ = "This macro creates VRML model of selected object(s), with colors (for Kicad and Blender compatibility)" __Web__ = "" __Wiki__ = "" __Icon__ = "" __IconW__ = "C:/Users/User Name/AppData/Roaming/FreeCAD/Macro_PartToVRML.png" __Help__ = "start the macro and follow the instructions" __Status__ = "stable" __Requires__ = "Freecad" # FreeCAD VRML python exporter is free software: you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This sw is distributed in the hope that it will be # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty # of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with expVrmlColor.FCMacro. If not, see # <>. ## export VRML from FreeCAD is a python macro that will export simplified VRML of ## a (multi)selected Part or fused Part to VRML optimized to Kicad and compatible with Blender ## the size of VRML is much smaller compared to the one exported from FC Gui ## and the loading/rendering time is smaller too ## change mesh deviation to increase quality of VRML ## to do # export material properties to vrml import FreeCAD,FreeCADGui,Part,Mesh import PySide from PySide import QtGui, QtCore from collections import namedtuple import sys, os from os.path import expanduser #clearing previous messages mw=Gui.getMainWindow() c=mw.findChild(QtGui.QPlainTextEdit, "Python console") c.clear() r=mw.findChild(QtGui.QTextEdit, "Report view") r.clear() def say(msg): FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(msg) FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage('\n') # points: [Vector, Vector, ...] # faces: [(pi, pi, pi), ], pi: point index # color: (Red, Green, Blue), values range from 0 to 1.0 Mesh = namedtuple('Mesh', ['points', 'faces', 'color', 'transp']) def shapeToMesh(shape, color, transp, scale=None): mesh_deviation=0.03 #the smaller the best quality, 1 coarse; 0.03 good compromise :) mesh_data = shape.tessellate(mesh_deviation) points = mesh_data[0] if scale != None: points = map(lambda p: p*scale, points) newMesh= Mesh(points = points, faces = mesh_data[1], color = color, transp=transp) return newMesh def exportVRML(objects, filepath): """Export given list of Mesh objects to a VRML file. `Mesh` structure is defined at root.""" with open(filepath, 'w') as f: # write the standard VRML header f.write("#VRML V2.0 utf8\n\n") for obj in objects: f.write("Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet \n{ coordIndex [") # write coordinate indexes for each face f.write(','.join("%d,%d,%d,-1" % f for f in obj.faces)) f.write("]\n") # closes coordIndex f.write("coord Coordinate { point [") # write coordinate points for each vertex #f.write(','.join('%.3f %.3f %.3f' % (p.x, p.y, p.z) for p in obj.points)) f.write(','.join('%.3f %.3f %.3f' % (p.x, p.y, p.z) for p in obj.points)) f.write("]\n}") # closes Coordinate #shape_col=(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)#, 0.0) f.write("}\n") # closes points #say(obj.color) shape_col=obj.color[:-1] #remove last item #say(shape_col) shape_transparency=obj.transp f.write("appearance Appearance{material Material{diffuseColor %f %f %f\n" % shape_col) f.write("transparency %f}}" % shape_transparency) f.write("}\n") # closes Shape say(filepath+' written') ### def export(componentObjs, fullfilePathName, scale=None): """ Exports given ComponentModel object using FreeCAD. `componentObjs` : a ComponentObjs list `fullfilePathName` : name of the FC file, extension is important """ exp_name=componentObjs[0].Label path, fname = os.path.split(fullfilePathName) fname=os.path.splitext(fname)[0] if scale != None: filename=path+os.sep+exp_name+'.wrl' else: filename=path+os.sep+exp_name+'_1_1.wrl' say(filename) color=[] Diffuse_color=[] transparency=[] for obj in componentObjs: say(obj.Label) color.append(Gui.ActiveDocument.getObject(obj.Name).ShapeColor) transparency.append(Gui.ActiveDocument.getObject(obj.Name).Transparency/100.0) #say("color") #say(Gui.ActiveDocument.getObject(obj.Name).DiffuseColor) Diffuse_color.append(Gui.ActiveDocument.getObject(obj.Name).DiffuseColor) i=0 meshes=[] #say("diffuse color") #say(Diffuse_color) indexColor=0; color_vector=[] applyDiffuse=0 for obj in componentObjs: shape1=obj.Shape single_color=Diffuse_color[i]; #check lenght color #say("len color") #say(len(single_color)) #colors less then faces if(len(single_color)!=len(shape1.Faces)): applyDiffuse=0; #copy color to all faces #else copy singolar colors for faces else: applyDiffuse=1; for color in single_color: color_vector.append(color) #say("color_vector") #say(color_vector) for index in range(len(shape1.Faces)): #say("color x") #say(color_vector[indexColor]) singleFace=shape1.Faces[index] if(applyDiffuse): #say(color_vector[indexColor]) meshes.append(shapeToMesh(singleFace, color_vector[indexColor], transparency[i], scale)) else: #say(single_color[0]) meshes.append(shapeToMesh(singleFace, single_color[0], transparency[i], scale)) indexColor=indexColor+1 #meshes.append(shapeToMesh(face, Diffuse_color[i], transparency[i], scale)) color_vector=[] indexColor=0; i=i+1 exportVRML(meshes, filename) return ### def go_export(): sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection() if not sel: FreeCAD.Console.PrintWarning("Select something first!\n\n") msg="export VRML from FreeCAD is a python macro that will export simplified VRML of " msg+="a (multi)selected Part or fused Part to VRML optimized to Kicad and compatible with Blender " msg+="the size of VRML is much smaller compared to the one exported from FC Gui " msg+="and the loading/rendering time is also smaller\n" msg+="change mesh deviation to increase quality of VRML" say(msg) else: objs = [] for obj in sel: objs.append(obj) #say(obj.Label) #say(obj.Name) say(fullFilePathName) #say(objs) export(objs, fullFilePathName, scale=None) export(objs, fullFilePathName, 0.3937) doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument if doc!=None: fullFilePathName=doc.FileName if fullFilePathName=="": home = expanduser("~") fullFilePathName=home+os.sep+doc.Label+'.FCStd' say('path not found, saving to '+fullFilePathName) #say(fullFilePathName) else: fullFilePathName = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(fullFilePathName)) fullFilePathName=fullFilePathName+os.sep+doc.Label+'.FCStd' say(fullFilePathName) go_export()
The forum discussion export VRML from FreeCAD with python for smaller size, kicad and Blender compatible
The macro reverse, Macro_MeshToPart