Description |
Macro to Display a Rubik Cube and interactively do slice rotations. Macro version: 00.05 Last modified: 2018-12-15 FreeCAD version: <= 0.17 Download: ToolBar Icon Author: Aleph0 |
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Aleph0 |
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Macro Version |
00.05 |
Date last modified |
2018-12-15 |
FreeCAD Version(s) |
<= 0.17 |
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None |
See also |
Macro Megaminx |
Macro to Display a Rubik Cube and interactively do slice rotations.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ *************************************************************************** * * * This macro creates a virtual Rubik Cube and enable you to manipulate * * it. * * You can chooose the size (number of small cubes along an edge). * * It then makes the cube: large sizes can take a while. * * It then displays several views of the cube. * * The central and largest view is an axonometric projection. * * This has arrows around it which you can click on to rotate slices. * * There are some text direction labels near the arrows: clicking on one * * of those rotates the whole cube. You have to click on the actual * * letter: FreeCAD doesn't see clicks on the text background * * Another view is an axonometric projection from the other side. * * Another view combines views towards each face so as to * * look like a net of the cube's surface unfolded. * * * The macro maintains a history of the slice rotations you have done. * * It puts three buttons at the top of the window. * * One undoes the last slice rotation and removes it from the history. * * One saves the history to the clipboard as a sequence of function * * calls which can be pasted into a macro which can then be called * * to replay the same set of rotations. Thus you can save an "operator" * * (a sequence of slice rotation which does something useful). * * The third button resets the cube to its initial state * * and clears the history. * * * * There are also some functions defined which can be called from the * * python console window: * * fix_reload() modifies a restored FreeCAD save file to add the extra * * views and interactive controls that this macro and its functions use; * * ramdomise() randomises the cube; * * reverse_history(), reflectX_history(), reflectY_history(), * * reflectZ_history(), rotpX_history(), rotmX_history(), * * rotpY_history(), rotmY_history(), rotpZ_history(), and * * rotmZ_history() each replace the history by a version modified in the * * manner indicated - these are useful for creating modified operators. * * step_history() replays the history, popping a dialog box before each * * rotation - this is useful if you have developed an operator using the * * model and you want to do the same rotations on a real cube. * * * *************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2018 Richard P. Parkins, M. A. * * * * This file is a supplement to the FreeCAD CAx development system. * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * for detail see the LICENCE text file. * * * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * * License along with this macro; if not, write to the Free Software * * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * * USA * * * *************************************************************************** """ __title__ = "Rubik_cube" __author__ = "Aleph0" __version__ = "00.05" __date__ = "15/12/2018" __Comment__ = "Virtual Rubik Cube" __Wiki__ = "" __Help__ = "see first few lines of macro text" __Status__ = "stable" __Requires__ = "freecad 0.16" #OS: Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS #Word size of OS: 64-bit #Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit #Version: 0.16.6703 (Git) #Build type: None #Branch: releases/FreeCAD-0-16 #Hash: 2ce5c8d2e3020d05005ed71f710e09e9aa561f40 #Python version: 2.7.6 #Qt version: 4.8.6 #Coin version: 4.0.0a #OCC version: 6.8.0.oce-0.17 # This parameter determines the speed at which slice rotations are animated # If you have a faster computer you can increase the value # This will make the animation smoother # If you have a slow computer you can decrease the value # This will make the animation faster but more jerky for large cubes slowness = 500 import FreeCAD import Part import Draft import time import random from FreeCAD import Base from FreeCAD import Console from pivy import coin from pivy.coin import * from PySide import * # This horrible hack is needed because some versions of FreeCAD seem to have # been built with a mixture of Qt4 and Qt5. In those versions, the Qt5 version # of setOverrideCursor() doesn't work, but the Qt4 version of MainWindow # doesn't seem to have a centralWidget(), which we need. try: import PyQt4.QtGui def busyCursor(): PyQt4.QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor( PyQt4.QtGui.QCursor(PyQt4.QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor)) def restoreCursor(): PyQt4.QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() except Exception: def busyCursor(): QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor( QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor)) def restoreCursor(): QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() # If this is the first time this macro has been run in this invocation of # FreeCAD, create our dictionary of document-specific data structures if not hasattr(FreeCAD, "Rubik_Cube_executed"): FreeCAD.Rubik_Cube_executed = 1 Dictionary = {} # Create a new document and make it current App.ActiveDocument = App.newDocument("Rubik_Cube") Gui.ActiveDocument = Gui.getDocument(str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)) # for debugging def showMessage(s): diag = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.NoIcon, '', s) diag.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.NonModal) diag.exec_() # This bit of code pops up the dialog to ask for the size and whether to orient # inner faces (useful if you are simulating a cube which has non-symmetrical # patterns instead of plain colours). defaultSize = 3 class AskSizeWindow(QtGui.QDialog): # automagically called when a class instance is created def __init__(self): super(AskSizeWindow, self).__init__() self.initUI() # Lay out the interactive elements def initUI(self): self.setWindowTitle("Rubik Cube Size") geom = Gui.getMainWindow().geometry() width = 300 height = 200 margin = 10 xpos = - width / 2 ypos = - height / 2 self.setGeometry(xpos, ypos, width, height) ypos = margin self.label_1 = QtGui.QLabel(self) self.label_1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(width/2 - 100, ypos, 200, 25)) self.label_1.setObjectName("label_1") self.label_1.setText("Number of small cubes") self.label_1.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) ypos = ypos + 25 self.label_2 = QtGui.QLabel(self) self.label_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(width/2 - 100, ypos, 200, 25)) self.label_2.setObjectName("label_1") self.label_2.setText("along an edge") self.label_2.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) ypos = ypos + 25 self.spinBox = QtGui.QSpinBox(self) self.spinBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(width/2 - 50, ypos, 100, 30)) self.spinBox.setMinimum(2) self.spinBox.setMaximum(100) Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"Size"] = defaultSize self.spinBox.setValue(defaultSize) self.spinBox.setSingleStep(1) self.spinBox.setObjectName("spinBox") self.spinBox.valueChanged.connect(self.on_spinBox_valueChanged) ypos = ypos + 40 self.checkBox = QtGui.QCheckBox("Oriented inner faces", self) self.checkBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(width/2 - 100, ypos, 200, 30)) Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"Oriented"] = QtCore.Qt.Unchecked self.checkBox.setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) self.checkBox.setObjectName("checkBox") self.checkBox.stateChanged.connect(self.on_checkBox_stateChanged) ypos = ypos + 40 self.OKbutton = QtGui.QPushButton(self) self.OKbutton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(width/2 - 40, ypos, 80, 40)) self.OKbutton.setText("OK") self.OKbutton.clicked.connect(self.onOK) def on_spinBox_valueChanged(self, val): Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"Size"] = val def on_checkBox_stateChanged(self, val): Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"Oriented"] = val def onOK(self): self.close() self.destroy() # now create the class instance which shows the dialog AskSizeWindow().exec_() # Display a wait cursor while we are making the cube busyCursor() # Dialog box shown on each step by step_history() class StepWindow(QtGui.QDialog): # automagically called when a class instance is created def __init__(self): super(StepWindow, self).__init__() # Lay out the interactive elements mw = Gui.getMainWindow() cw = mw.centralWidget() ww = 220 wh = 100 margin = 10 self.setWindowTitle("Next Step") geom1 = mw.geometry() geom2 = cw.geometry() xpos = geom1.left() + - ww / 2 buttons = Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"buttons"] buttonsheight = buttons.geometry().height() # The 25 is a bit magic to get the Dialog box just below the buttons ypos = + + buttonsheight + 25 self.setGeometry(xpos, ypos, ww, wh) ypos = margin self.label_1 = QtGui.QLabel(self) self.label_1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(ww/2 - 100, ypos, 200, 25)) self.label_1.setObjectName("label_1") ypos = ypos + 40 self.OKbutton = QtGui.QPushButton(self) self.OKbutton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(margin, ypos, 80, 40)) self.OKbutton.setText("OK") self.OKbutton.clicked.connect(self.onOK) self.Quitbutton = QtGui.QPushButton(self) xpos = ww - 80 - margin self.Quitbutton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(xpos, ypos, 80, 40)) self.Quitbutton.setText("Stop") self.Quitbutton.clicked.connect(self.onQuit) def onOK(self): self.close() self.destroy() def onQuit(self): Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"Stepping"] = 0 self.close() self.destroy() # This bit of code catches clicks on the rotation arrows class ViewObserver: def __init__(self): self.view = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView self.callback = self.view.addEventCallbackPivy(SoMouseButtonEvent.getClassTypeId(),self.getpoint) def getpoint(self,event_cb): event = event_cb.getEvent() if event.getButton() == 1: pos = event.getPosition().getValue() obInfo = self.view.getObjectInfo((int(pos[0]),int(pos[1]))) if obInfo != None: obj = App.ActiveDocument.getObject(obInfo["Object"]) obname = obj.Label if obname[:5] == "arrow": if event.getState() == 1: wh = obname[5:7] i = int(obname[7:]) if wh == "mX": mrotmX(i,i+1) elif wh == "pX": mrotpX(i,i+1) elif wh == "mY": mrotmY(i,i+1) elif wh == "pY": mrotpY(i,i+1) elif wh == "mZ": mrotmZ(i,i+1) elif wh == "pZ": mrotpZ(i,i+1) event_cb.setHandled() elif obname[:5] == "label": if event.getState() == 1: wh = obname[5:7] n = Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"Size"] if wh == "mX": mrotmX(0,n) elif wh == "pX": mrotpX(0,n) elif wh == "mY": mrotmY(0,n) elif wh == "pY": mrotpY(0,n) elif wh == "mZ": mrotmZ(0,n) elif wh == "pZ": mrotpZ(0,n) event_cb.setHandled() # Create a ViewObserver and save it in the dictionary so that it does not get # garbage-collected Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"ViewObserver"] = ViewObserver() # This bit of code creates the basic cube model # It is composed of faces rather than cubes because I haven't found a way of # making a cube with different coloured faces # Each face has a name and a label # The name is persistent regardless of how the face moves about the cube # The label changes and tells where the face is now: this is needed for # fix_reload() # I don't make the interior cubies because you can never see them fcd = App.ActiveDocument n = Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"Size"] # Make array of 6 faces for each of n x n x n cubies fc = [[[[None for j in range(6)] for ix in range(n)] for iy in range(n)] for ix in range(n)] Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"cubies"] = fc oriented = Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"Oriented"] for ix in range(n): fx = ix - (n - 1) / 2.0 for iy in range(n): fy = iy - (n - 1) / 2.0 for iz in range(n): if ix != 0 and ix != n-1 and ( iy != 0 and iy != n-1 and iz != 0 and iz != n-1): continue fz = iz - (n - 1) / 2.0 fs = str(ix)+"q"+str(iy)+"q"+str(iz) x0y0z0 = Base.Vector(fx-0.5,fy-0.5,fz-0.5) x0y0z1 = Base.Vector(fx-0.5,fy-0.5,fz+0.5) x0y1z0 = Base.Vector(fx-0.5,fy+0.5,fz-0.5) x0y1z1 = Base.Vector(fx-0.5,fy+0.5,fz+0.5) x1y0z0 = Base.Vector(fx+0.5,fy-0.5,fz-0.5) x1y0z1 = Base.Vector(fx+0.5,fy-0.5,fz+0.5) x1y1z0 = Base.Vector(fx+0.5,fy+0.5,fz-0.5) x1y1z1 = Base.Vector(fx+0.5,fy+0.5,fz+0.5) if oriented != QtCore.Qt.Unchecked and ( ix == 0 and iy != 0 and iy != n-1 and iz != 0 and iz != n-1): x0y2z1 = Base.Vector(fx-0.5,fy,fz) face = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon( [x0y0z0,x0y0z1,x0y2z1,x0y1z1,x0y1z0,x0y0z0])) else: face = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon( [x0y0z0,x0y0z1,x0y1z1,x0y1z0,x0y0z0])) f1 = fcd.addObject("Part::Feature", "ff"+fs+"x0") f1.Shape = face f1.Label = "fs"+fs+"x0" if ix == 0: f1.ViewObject.DiffuseColor=[(1.0,1.0,1.0)] else: f1.ViewObject.DiffuseColor=[(0.0,0.0,0.0)] f1.ViewObject.RootNode.setName(coin.SbName("ff"+fs+"x0")) if oriented != QtCore.Qt.Unchecked and ( ix == n - 1 and iy != 0 and iy != n-1 and iz != 0 and iz != n-1): x1y2z1 = Base.Vector(fx+0.5,fy,fz) face = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon( [x1y0z0,x1y0z1,x1y2z1,x1y1z1,x1y1z0,x1y0z0])) else: face = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon( [x1y0z0,x1y0z1,x1y1z1,x1y1z0,x1y0z0])) f2 = fcd.addObject("Part::Feature", "ff"+fs+"x1") f2.Shape = face f2.Label = "fs"+fs+"x1" if ix == n - 1: f2.ViewObject.DiffuseColor=[(1.0,0.0,0.0)] else: f2.ViewObject.DiffuseColor=[(0.0,0.0,0.0)] f2.ViewObject.RootNode.setName(coin.SbName("ff"+fs+"x1")) if oriented != QtCore.Qt.Unchecked and ( ix != 0 and ix != n-1 and iy == 0 and iz != 0 and iz != n-1): x1y0z2 = Base.Vector(fx,fy-0.5,fz) face = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon( [x0y0z0,x0y0z1,x1y0z1,x1y0z2,x1y0z0,x0y0z0])) else: face = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon( [x0y0z0,x0y0z1,x1y0z1,x1y0z0,x0y0z0])) f3 = fcd.addObject("Part::Feature", "ff"+fs+"y0") f3.Shape = face f3.Label = "fs"+fs+"y0" if iy == 0: f3.ViewObject.DiffuseColor=[(0.0,1.0,0.0)] else: f3.ViewObject.DiffuseColor=[(0.0,0.0,0.0)] f3.ViewObject.RootNode.setName(coin.SbName("ff"+fs+"y0")) if oriented != QtCore.Qt.Unchecked and ( ix != 0 and ix != n-1 and iy == n - 1 and iz != 0 and iz != n-1): x1y1z2 = Base.Vector(fx,fy+0.5,fz) face = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon( [x0y1z0,x0y1z1,x1y1z1,x1y1z2,x1y1z0,x0y1z0])) else: face = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon( [x0y1z0,x0y1z1,x1y1z1,x1y1z0,x0y1z0])) f4 = fcd.addObject("Part::Feature", "ff"+fs+"y1") f4.Shape = face f4.Label = "fs"+fs+"y1" if iy == n - 1: f4.ViewObject.DiffuseColor=[(1.0,0.0,1.0)] else: f4.ViewObject.DiffuseColor=[(0.0,0.0,0.0)] f4.ViewObject.RootNode.setName(coin.SbName("ff"+fs+"y1")) if oriented != QtCore.Qt.Unchecked and ( ix != 0 and ix != n-1 and iy != 0 and iy != n-1 and iz == 0): x2y0z0 = Base.Vector(fx,fy,fz-0.5) face = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon( [x0y0z0,x0y1z0,x1y1z0,x1y0z0,x2y0z0,x0y0z0])) else: face = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon( [x0y0z0,x0y1z0,x1y1z0,x1y0z0,x0y0z0])) f5 = fcd.addObject("Part::Feature", "ff"+fs+"z0") f5.Shape = face f5.Label = "fs"+fs+"z0" if iz == 0: f5.ViewObject.DiffuseColor=[(1.0,1.0,0.0)] else: f5.ViewObject.DiffuseColor=[(0.0,0.0,0.0)] f5.ViewObject.RootNode.setName(coin.SbName("ff"+fs+"z0")) if oriented != QtCore.Qt.Unchecked and ( ix != 0 and ix != n-1 and iy != 0 and iy != n-1 and iz == n - 1): x2y0z1 = Base.Vector(fx,fy,fz+0.5) face = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon( [x0y0z1,x0y1z1,x1y1z1,x1y0z1,x2y0z1,x0y0z1])) else: face = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon( [x0y0z1,x0y1z1,x1y1z1,x1y0z1,x0y0z1])) f6 = fcd.addObject("Part::Feature", "ff"+fs+"z1") f6.Shape = face f6.Label = "fs"+fs+"z1" if iz == n - 1: f6.ViewObject.DiffuseColor=[(0.0,0.0,1.0)] else: f6.ViewObject.DiffuseColor=[(0.0,0.0,0.0)] f6.ViewObject.RootNode.setName(coin.SbName("ff"+fs+"z1")) fc[ix][iy][iz]=[f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6] # This bit of code creates the clickable arrows # Note we make them not selectable because mouse clicking on them # does a slice rotation instead of selecting the arrow. for i in range(n): fx = i - (n - 1) / 2.0 fy = -(n / 2.0) fz = -(0.2 + n / 2.0) fs = "arrowpX"+str(i) v0 = Base.Vector(fx-0.1,fy,fz) v1 = Base.Vector(fx-0.1,fy,fz-0.5) v2 = Base.Vector(fx-0.2,fy,fz-0.5) v3 = Base.Vector(fx,fy,fz-0.7) v4 = Base.Vector(fx+0.2,fy,fz-0.5) v5 = Base.Vector(fx+0.1,fy,fz-0.5) v6 = Base.Vector(fx+0.1,fy,fz) arrow = fcd.addObject("Part::Feature", fs) arrow.Shape = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v0])) arrow.ViewObject.DiffuseColor = [(0.0,0.0,0.0)] arrow.ViewObject.RootNode.setName(coin.SbName(fs)) arrow.ViewObject.Selectable = False fy = 0.2 + n / 2.0 fz = n / 2.0 fs = "arrowmX"+str(i) v0 = Base.Vector(fx-0.1,fy,fz) v1 = Base.Vector(fx-0.1,fy+0.5,fz) v2 = Base.Vector(fx-0.2,fy+0.5,fz) v3 = Base.Vector(fx,fy+0.7,fz) v4 = Base.Vector(fx+0.2,fy+0.5,fz) v5 = Base.Vector(fx+0.1,fy+0.5,fz) v6 = Base.Vector(fx+0.1,fy,fz) arrow = fcd.addObject("Part::Feature", fs) arrow.Shape = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v0])) arrow.ViewObject.DiffuseColor = [(0.0,0.0,0.0)] arrow.ViewObject.RootNode.setName(coin.SbName(fs)) arrow.ViewObject.Selectable = False fx = n / 2.0 fy = i - (n - 1) / 2.0 fz = -(0.2 + n / 2.0) fs = "arrowpY"+str(i) v0 = Base.Vector(fx,fy-0.1,fz) v1 = Base.Vector(fx,fy-0.1,fz-0.5) v2 = Base.Vector(fx,fy-0.2,fz-0.5) v3 = Base.Vector(fx,fy,fz-0.7) v4 = Base.Vector(fx,fy+0.2,fz-0.5) v5 = Base.Vector(fx,fy+0.1,fz-0.5) v6 = Base.Vector(fx,fy+0.1,fz) arrow = fcd.addObject("Part::Feature", fs) arrow.Shape = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v0])) arrow.ViewObject.DiffuseColor = [(0.0,0.0,0.0)] arrow.ViewObject.RootNode.setName(coin.SbName(fs)) arrow.ViewObject.Selectable = False fx = -(0.2 + n / 2.0) fy = i - (n - 1) / 2.0 fz = n / 2.0 fs = "arrowmY"+str(i) v0 = Base.Vector(fx,fy-0.1,fz) v1 = Base.Vector(fx-0.5,fy-0.1,fz) v2 = Base.Vector(fx-0.5,fy-0.2,fz) v3 = Base.Vector(fx-0.7,fy,fz) v4 = Base.Vector(fx-0.5,fy+0.2,fz) v5 = Base.Vector(fx-0.5,fy+0.1,fz) v6 = Base.Vector(fx,fy+0.1,fz) arrow = fcd.addObject("Part::Feature", fs) arrow.Shape = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v0])) arrow.ViewObject.DiffuseColor = [(0.0,0.0,0.0)] arrow.ViewObject.RootNode.setName(coin.SbName(fs)) arrow.ViewObject.Selectable = False fx = n / 2.0 fy = 0.2 + n / 2.0 fz = i - (n - 1) / 2.0 fs = "arrowpZ"+str(i) v0 = Base.Vector(fx,fy,fz-0.1) v1 = Base.Vector(fx,fy+0.5,fz-0.1) v2 = Base.Vector(fx,fy+0.5,fz-0.2) v3 = Base.Vector(fx,fy+0.7,fz) v4 = Base.Vector(fx,fy+0.5,fz+0.2) v5 = Base.Vector(fx,fy+0.5,fz+0.1) v6 = Base.Vector(fx,fy,fz+0.1) arrow = fcd.addObject("Part::Feature", fs) arrow.Shape = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v0])) arrow.ViewObject.DiffuseColor = [(0.0,0.0,0.0)] arrow.ViewObject.RootNode.setName(coin.SbName(fs)) arrow.ViewObject.Selectable = False fx = -(0.2 + n / 2.0) fy = -(n / 2.0) fz = i - (n - 1) / 2.0 fs = "arrowmZ"+str(i) v0 = Base.Vector(fx,fy,fz-0.1) v1 = Base.Vector(fx-0.5,fy,fz-0.1) v2 = Base.Vector(fx-0.5,fy,fz-0.2) v3 = Base.Vector(fx-0.7,fy,fz) v4 = Base.Vector(fx-0.5,fy,fz+0.2) v5 = Base.Vector(fx-0.5,fy,fz+0.1) v6 = Base.Vector(fx,fy,fz+0.1) arrow = fcd.addObject("Part::Feature", fs) arrow.Shape = Part.Face(Part.makePolygon([v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v0])) arrow.ViewObject.DiffuseColor = [(0.0,0.0,0.0)] arrow.ViewObject.RootNode.setName(coin.SbName(fs)) arrow.ViewObject.Selectable = False # Utility routine for doLabels() to make a single label def makeLabel(text, mat): n = Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"Size"] tx = Draft.makeText(text) tx.Label = "label"+text tx.ViewObject.TextColor = (0.0,0.0,0.0) tx.ViewObject.FontSize = 0.2 * n tx.ViewObject.Justification = 'Center' node = tx.ViewObject.RootNode node.setName(coin.SbName("label"+text)) if node.getNumChildren() > 0: child = node.getChild(0) if child.getTypeId().getName().__str__() == "Transform": child.setMatrix(mat) # This bit of code creates some labels for the arrows # Clicking on one rotates the whole cube def doLabels(): n = Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"Size"] m = coin.SbMatrix() m.makeIdentity() m.setTransform( coin.SbVec3f(0.0, - n / 2.0, -(1.0 + n * 0.7)), coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 3.14159 / 2.0), coin.SbVec3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) makeLabel("pX", m) m = coin.SbMatrix() m.makeIdentity() m.setTransform( coin.SbVec3f(0.0, 1.1 + n / 2.0, n / 2.0), coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), 0.0), coin.SbVec3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) makeLabel("mX", m) m = coin.SbMatrix() m.makeIdentity() m.setTransform( coin.SbVec3f(n / 2.0, 0.0, -(1.0 + n * 0.7)), coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 3.14159 / 2.0), coin.SbVec3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) m1 = coin.SbMatrix() m1.makeIdentity() m1.setTransform( coin.SbVec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 3.14159 / 2.0), coin.SbVec3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) m1.multRight(m) makeLabel("pY", m1) m = coin.SbMatrix() m.makeIdentity() m.setTransform( coin.SbVec3f(-1.1 - n / 2.0, 0.0, n / 2.0), coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 3.14159 / 2.0), coin.SbVec3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) makeLabel("mY", m) m = coin.SbMatrix() m.makeIdentity() m.setTransform( coin.SbVec3f(n / 2.0, 0.7 + n * 0.6, 0.0), coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), 3.14159 / 2.0), coin.SbVec3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) makeLabel("pZ", m) m = coin.SbMatrix() m.makeIdentity() m.setTransform( coin.SbVec3f(-1.1 - n / 2.0, - n / 2.0, 0.0), coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), 3.14159 / 2.0), coin.SbVec3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) m1 = coin.SbMatrix() m1.makeIdentity() m1.setTransform( coin.SbVec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 3.14159 / 2.0), coin.SbVec3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) m1.multRight(m) makeLabel("mZ", m1) # now call it to make them doLabels() Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.viewAxonometric() Gui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewFit") # Viewfit doesn't seem to do the right thing with MultiViews # so we adjust the camera height manually before creating them def fixCamera(lift): # This gets FreeCAD's top level SceneGraph (including camera node), # not the document's SceneGraph which hangs off of it v = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getViewer() sceneGraph = v.getSoEventManager().getSceneGraph() camera = sceneGraph.getChild(2) if camera.getTypeId().getName().__str__() == "OrthographicCamera": if lift: camera.height.setValue((2.0 + n / 20.0) * camera.height.getValue()) return camera.orientation.getValue() rotation = fixCamera(True) # This bit of code finds the widget corresponding to the View3DInventor def findView(widget): if widget.metaObject().className().__str__() == "Gui::View3DInventor": return widget else: result = None for child in widget.children(): v = findView(child) if v != None: result = v return result # This bit of code disables the default Phong shading # and avoids the face colours appearing to change during rotation def fixLightModel(): v = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getViewer() sceneGraph = v.getSoEventManager().getSceneGraph() if str(sceneGraph.getChild(0).getName()) <> "LightModel": lm=coin.SoLightModel() lm.model.setValue(0) lm.setName("LightModel") sceneGraph.insertChild(lm,0) fixLightModel() # This bit of code persuades FreeCAD'a renderer to put # several views of the cube into the same window def MultiViews(parent, child, i, rotation): n = Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"Size"] newchild=coin.SoMultipleCopy() newchild.addChild(child) views=coin.SoMFMatrix() views.setNum(8) m1=coin.SbMatrix() m1.makeIdentity() views.set1Value(0,m1) m2=coin.SbMatrix() m2.setTransform( coin.SbVec3f(n * 0.9 + 0.4, n * 0.9 + 0.4, 0.0), coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(-0.5,0.5,1),3.14159), coin.SbVec3f(0.5,0.5,0.5)) views.set1Value(1,m2) m3=coin.SbMatrix() m3.setTransform( coin.SbVec3f(- n * 1.15 - 0.7, - n * 1.15 - 0.7, 0.0), rotation, coin.SbVec3f(0.5,0.5,0.5)) views.set1Value(2,m3) m4=coin.SbMatrix() m4.setTransform( coin.SbVec3f(0,n,0), coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(1,0,0),3.14159*90/180.0), coin.SbVec3f(1,1,1)) m4.multRight(m3) views.set1Value(3,m4) m5=coin.SbMatrix() m5.setTransform( coin.SbVec3f(n,0,0), coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(0,1,0),-3.14159*90/180.0), coin.SbVec3f(1,1,1)) m5.multRight(m3) views.set1Value(4,m5) m6=coin.SbMatrix() m6.makeIdentity() m6.setTransform( coin.SbVec3f(-n,0,0), coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(0,1,0),3.14159*90/180.0), coin.SbVec3f(1,1,1)) m6.multRight(m3) views.set1Value(5,m6) m7=coin.SbMatrix() m7.setTransform( coin.SbVec3f(0,-n,0), coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(-1,0,0),3.14159*90/180.0), coin.SbVec3f(1,1,1)) m7.multRight(m3) views.set1Value(6,m7) m8=coin.SbMatrix() m8.setTransform( coin.SbVec3f(0,-n*2,0), coin.SbRotation(coin.SbVec3f(-1,0,0),3.14159), coin.SbVec3f(1,1,1)) m8.multRight(m3) views.set1Value(7,m8) newchild.matrix=views parent.replaceChild(i,newchild) def createMultiViews(rotation): sg = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getSceneGraph() if sg.getNumChildren() != 0: for i in range(sg.getNumChildren()): child = sg.getChild(i) type = child.getTypeId().getName().__str__() if child.getTypeId().getName().__str__() == 'Separator': name = child.getName().__str__()[:5] if name != "arrow" and name != "label": MultiViews(sg,child,i,rotation) if child.getTypeId().getName().__str__() == 'MultipleCopy': if child.getNumChildren() != 0: name = child.getChild(0).getName().__str__() if fcd.getObject(name) == None: child.removeAllChildren() createMultiViews(rotation) # This bit of code animates a slice rotation def rotate(dir, rs, re, steps): n = Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"Size"] fc = Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"cubies"] fd = [[[[None for j in range(6)] for ix in range(n)] for iy in range(n)] for ix in range(n)] fp = [[[[Base.Placement() for j in range(6)] for ix in range(n)] for iy in range(n)] for ix in range(n)] xyz = ["x0","x1","y0","y1","z0","z1"] if dir.x > 0: # We need an explicit matrix for the final rotation step # to prevent rounding errors accumulating over time ff = Base.Matrix(1,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1) kk =[0,1,5,4,2,3] for iy in range(n): for iz in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[j][iy][iz][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fc[j][iy][iz][k] c.Label = c.Name fd[j][iy][iz][k] = c fp[j][iy][iz][k] = c.Placement if steps > 0: fm = Base.Matrix() fm.rotateX(1.570795 / steps) for i in range(steps): for iy in range(n): for iz in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[j][iy][iz][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fc[j][iy][iz][k] p = c.Placement c.Placement = Base.Placement(fm).multiply(p) Gui.updateGui() for iy in range(n): for iz in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[j][iy][iz][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fd[j][iz][n-1-iy][kk[k]] p = fp[j][iz][n-1-iy][kk[k]] c.Label = "fs"+str(j)+"q"+str(iy)+"q"+str(iz)+xyz[k] c.Placement = Base.Placement(ff).multiply(p) fc[j][iy][iz][k] = c elif dir.x < 0: ff = Base.Matrix(1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,1) kk =[0,1,4,5,3,2] for iy in range(n): for iz in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[j][iy][iz][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fc[j][iy][iz][k] c.Label = c.Name fd[j][iy][iz][k] = c fp[j][iy][iz][k] = c.Placement if steps > 0: fm = Base.Matrix() fm.rotateX(-1.570795 / steps) for i in range(steps): for iy in range(n): for iz in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[j][iy][iz][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fc[j][iy][iz][k] p = c.Placement c.Placement = Base.Placement(fm).multiply(p) Gui.updateGui() for iy in range(n): for iz in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[j][iy][iz][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fd[j][n-1-iz][iy][kk[k]] p = fp[j][n-1-iz][iy][kk[k]] c.Label = "fs"+str(j)+"q"+str(iy)+"q"+str(iz)+xyz[k] c.Placement = Base.Placement(ff).multiply(p) fc[j][iy][iz][k] = c elif dir.y > 0: ff = Base.Matrix(0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1) kk =[4,5,2,3,1,0] for ix in range(n): for iz in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[ix][j][iz][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fc[ix][j][iz][k] c.Label = c.Name fd[ix][j][iz][k] = c fp[ix][j][iz][k] = c.Placement if steps > 0: fm = Base.Matrix() fm.rotateY(1.570795 / steps) for i in range(steps): for ix in range(n): for iz in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[ix][j][iz][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fc[ix][j][iz][k] p = c.Placement c.Placement = Base.Placement(fm).multiply(p) Gui.updateGui() for ix in range(n): for iz in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[ix][j][iz][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fd[n-1-iz][j][ix][kk[k]] p = fp[n-1-iz][j][ix][kk[k]] c.Label = "fs"+str(ix)+"q"+str(j)+"q"+str(iz)+xyz[k] c.Placement = Base.Placement(ff).multiply(p) fc[ix][j][iz][k] = c elif dir.y < 0: ff = Base.Matrix(0,0,-1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1) kk =[5,4,2,3,0,1] for ix in range(n): for iz in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[ix][j][iz][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fc[ix][j][iz][k] c.Label = c.Name fd[ix][j][iz][k] = c fp[ix][j][iz][k] = c.Placement if steps > 0: fm = Base.Matrix() fm.rotateY(-1.570795 / steps) for i in range(steps): for ix in range(n): for iz in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[ix][j][iz][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fc[ix][j][iz][k] p = c.Placement c.Placement = Base.Placement(fm).multiply(p) Gui.updateGui() for ix in range(n): for iz in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[ix][j][iz][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fd[iz][j][n-1-ix][kk[k]] p = fp[iz][j][n-1-ix][kk[k]] c.Label = "fs"+str(ix)+"q"+str(j)+"q"+str(iz)+xyz[k] c.Placement = Base.Placement(ff).multiply(p) fc[ix][j][iz][k] = c elif dir.z > 0: ff = Base.Matrix(0,-1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1) kk = [3,2,0,1,4,5] for ix in range(n): for iy in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[ix][iy][j][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fc[ix][iy][j][k] c.Label = c.Name fd[ix][iy][j][k] = c fp[ix][iy][j][k] = c.Placement if steps > 0: fm = Base.Matrix() fm.rotateZ(1.570795 / steps) for i in range(steps): for ix in range(n): for iy in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[ix][iy][j][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fc[ix][iy][j][k] p = c.Placement c.Placement = Base.Placement(fm).multiply(p) Gui.updateGui() for ix in range(n): for iy in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[ix][iy][j][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fd[iy][n-1-ix][j][kk[k]] p = fp[iy][n-1-ix][j][kk[k]] c.Label = "fs"+str(ix)+"q"+str(iy)+"q"+str(j)+xyz[k] c.Placement = Base.Placement(ff).multiply(p) fc[ix][iy][j][k] = c elif dir.z < 0: ff = Base.Matrix(0,1,0,0,-1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1) kk = [2,3,1,0,5,4] for ix in range(n): for iy in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[ix][iy][j][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fc[ix][iy][j][k] c.Label = c.Name fd[ix][iy][j][k] = c fp[ix][iy][j][k] = c.Placement if steps > 0: fm = Base.Matrix() fm.rotateZ(-1.570795 / steps) for i in range(steps): for ix in range(n): for iy in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[ix][iy][j][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fc[ix][iy][j][k] p = c.Placement c.Placement = Base.Placement(fm).multiply(p) Gui.updateGui() for ix in range(n): for iy in range(n): for j in range(rs, re): if fc[ix][iy][j][0] <> None: for k in range(6): c = fd[n-1-iy][ix][j][kk[k]] p = fp[n-1-iy][ix][j][kk[k]] c.Label = "fs"+str(ix)+"q"+str(iy)+"q"+str(j)+xyz[k] c.Placement = Base.Placement(ff).multiply(p) fc[ix][iy][j][k] = c def slowrotate(dir, rs, re): n = Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"Size"] steps = slowness / (n * n) if re > rs: rotate(dir, rs, re, steps / (re - rs)) Gui.updateGui() # Quick rotation for use when randomising or modifying history def fastrotate(dir, rs, re): rotate(dir, rs, re, 0) # These functions manage the history # Once you have created a cube, these functions will be defined and in scope # and you can call them from another macro created by saving history # or by hand from the python console window history = [] Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"history"] = history def mrotpX(i,j): slowrotate(Base.Vector(1,0,0),i,j) Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"history"].append("mrotpX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") def mrotpY(i,j): slowrotate(Base.Vector(0,1,0),i,j) Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"history"].append("mrotpY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") def mrotpZ(i,j): slowrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,1),i,j) Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"history"].append("mrotpZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") def mrotmX(i,j): slowrotate(Base.Vector(-1,0,0),i,j) Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"history"].append("mrotmX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") def mrotmY(i,j): slowrotate(Base.Vector(0,-1,0),i,j) Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"history"].append("mrotmY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") def mrotmZ(i,j): slowrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,-1),i,j) Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"history"].append("mrotmZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") def undo(): history = Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"history"] if len(history) > 0: fs = history.pop() wh = fs[:6] p = fs.index(",") i = int(fs[7:p]) j = int(fs[(p+1):(len(fs)-1)]) if wh == "mrotmX": slowrotate(Base.Vector(1,0,0),i,j) elif wh == "mrotpX": slowrotate(Base.Vector(-1,0,0),i,j) elif wh == "mrotmY": slowrotate(Base.Vector(0,1,0),i,j) elif wh == "mrotpY": slowrotate(Base.Vector(0,-1,0),i,j) elif wh == "mrotmZ": slowrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,1),i,j) elif wh == "mrotpZ": slowrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,-1),i,j) def itostring(i, n): if 2 * i == n - 1: return "n/2" elif i <= n / 2: return str(i) elif i == n - 1: return "n-1" else: return "n-" + str(n-i) def jtostring(j, n): if j <= n / 2: return str(j) elif 2 * j == n + 1: return "n/2+1" elif j == n: return "n" elif j == n - 1: return "n-1" else: return "n-" + str(n-j) def saveHistory(): fcd = App.ActiveDocument history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] n = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] if len(history) > 0: # This statement will be needed at the start of any macro # to get the size of the cube in the currently active document # in case we have several documents open at once fs = "n = Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+'Size']\n" for s in history: p = s.index(",") i = int(s[7:p]) j = int(s[(p+1):(len(s)-1)]) fs = fs + s[:7] + itostring(i, n) + "," fs = fs + jtostring(j, n) + ")\n" clip = QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().clipboard() clip.setText(fs) def reset(): busyCursor() fcd = App.ActiveDocument Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] = [] n = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] fc = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"cubies"] for obj in fcd.Objects: fs = obj.Name if fs[0:2] == "ff": obj.Label = fs for obj in fcd.Objects: fs = obj.Name if fs[0:2] == "ff": obj.Label = "fs"+fs[2:] obj.Placement = Base.Placement() l = len(fs) q1 = fs.find("q") q2 = fs.find("q",q1+1) ix = int(fs[2:q1]) iy = int(fs[q1+1:q2]) iz = int(fs[q2+1:l-2]) k = "x0x1y0y1z0z1".find(fs[l-2:])/2 fc[ix][iy][iz][k] = obj restoreCursor() # Randomise the cube def randomise(): busyCursor() fcd = App.ActiveDocument history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] n = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] random.seed() i = random.randrange(0,6) for x in range(n*24): i = (i + 2 - i % 2 + random.randrange(0,4)) % 6 j = random.randrange(0,n) if i == 0: fastrotate(Base.Vector(1,0,0),j,j+1) history.append("mrotpX("+str(j)+","+str(j+1)+")") elif i == 1: fastrotate(Base.Vector(-1,0,0),j,j+1) history.append("mrotmX("+str(j)+","+str(j+1)+")") elif i == 2: fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,1,0),j,j+1) history.append("mrotpY("+str(j)+","+str(j+1)+")") elif i == 3: fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,-1,0),j,j+1) history.append("mrotmY("+str(j)+","+str(j+1)+")") elif i == 4: fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,1),j,j+1) history.append("mrotpZ("+str(j)+","+str(j+1)+")") elif i == 5: fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,-1),j,j+1) history.append("mrotmZ("+str(j)+","+str(j+1)+")") restoreCursor() # Various macros to modify the history # They all read the history and undo it, and then perform some modified version # of the history. The modifications can be time-reversal, reflection along an # axis (as if the cube were reflected, the history replayed, # and the cube reflected back again), or rotation (as if the cube were rotated, # the history replayed, and the cube rotated back again). def slow_history(): busyCursor() fcd = App.ActiveDocument history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] n = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] nh = [] while len(history) > 0: nh.append(history.pop()) reset() Gui.updateGui() while len(nh) > 0: fs = nh.pop() wh = fs[:6] p = fs.index(",") i = int(fs[7:p]) j = int(fs[p+1:len(fs)-1]) if wh == "mrotpX": mrotpX(i,j) elif wh == "mrotmX": mrotmX(i,j) elif wh == "mrotpY": mrotpY(i,j) elif wh == "mrotmY": mrotmY(i,j) elif wh == "mrotpZ": mrotpZ(i,j) elif wh == "mrotmZ": mrotmZ(i,j) restoreCursor() def step_history(): fcd = App.ActiveDocument history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] n = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] nh = [] while len(history) > 0: nh.append(history.pop()) reset() Gui.updateGui() Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Stepping"] = 1 while len(nh) > 0: fs = nh.pop() wh = fs[:6] p = fs.index(",") i = int(fs[7:p]) j = int(fs[p+1:len(fs)-1]) w = StepWindow() w.label_1.setText("Doing "+wh+"("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") w.label_1.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) w.exec_() if Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Stepping"] == 0: break if wh == "mrotpX": mrotpX(i,j) elif wh == "mrotmX": mrotmX(i,j) elif wh == "mrotpY": mrotpY(i,j) elif wh == "mrotmY": mrotmY(i,j) elif wh == "mrotpZ": mrotpZ(i,j) elif wh == "mrotmZ": mrotmZ(i,j) def reverse_history(): busyCursor() fcd = App.ActiveDocument history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] n = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] nh = [] while len(history) > 0: nh.append(history.pop()) reset() history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] for fs in nh: wh = fs[:6] p = fs.index(",") i = int(fs[7:p]) j = int(fs[p+1:len(fs)-1]) if wh == "mrotpX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(1,0,0),i,j) history.append("mrotpX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(-1,0,0),i,j) history.append("mrotmX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotpY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,1,0),i,j) history.append("mrotpY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,-1,0),i,j) history.append("mrotmY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotpZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,1),i,j) history.append("mrotpZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,-1),i,j) history.append("mrotmZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") restoreCursor() def undo_history(): busyCursor() fcd = App.ActiveDocument history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] n = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] nh = [] while len(history) > 0: nh.append(history.pop()) reset() history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] for fs in nh: wh = fs[:6] p = fs.index(",") i = int(fs[7:p]) j = int(fs[p+1:len(fs)-1]) if wh == "mrotpX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(-1,0,0),i,j) history.append("mrotmX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(1,0,0),i,j) history.append("mrotpX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotpY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,-1,0),i,j) history.append("mrotmY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,1,0),i,j) history.append("mrotpY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotpZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,-1),i,j) history.append("mrotmZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,1),i,j) history.append("mrotpZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") restoreCursor() def reflectX_history(): busyCursor() fcd = App.ActiveDocument history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] n = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] nh = [] while len(history) > 0: nh.append(history.pop()) reset() history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] while len(nh) > 0: fs = nh.pop() wh = fs[:6] p = fs.index(",") i = int(fs[7:p]) j = int(fs[p+1:len(fs)-1]) if wh == "mrotpX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(1,0,0),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotpX("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") elif wh == "mrotmX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(-1,0,0),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotmX("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") elif wh == "mrotpY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,-1,0),i,j) history.append("mrotmY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,1,0),i,j) history.append("mrotpY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotpZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,-1),i,j) history.append("mrotmZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,1),i,j) history.append("mrotpZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") restoreCursor() def reflectY_history(): busyCursor() fcd = App.ActiveDocument history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] n = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] nh = [] while len(history) > 0: nh.append(history.pop()) reset() history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] while len(nh) > 0: fs = nh.pop() wh = fs[:6] p = fs.index(",") i = int(fs[7:p]) j = int(fs[p+1:len(fs)-1]) if wh == "mrotpX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(-1,0,0),i,j) history.append("mrotmX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(1,0,0),i,j) history.append("mrotpX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotpY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,1,0),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotpY("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") elif wh == "mrotmY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,-1,0),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotmY("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") elif wh == "mrotpZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,-1),i,j) history.append("mrotmZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,1),i,j) history.append("mrotpZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") restoreCursor() def reflectZ_history(): busyCursor() fcd = App.ActiveDocument history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] n = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] nh = [] while len(history) > 0: nh.append(history.pop()) reset() history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] while len(nh) > 0: fs = nh.pop() wh = fs[:6] p = fs.index(",") i = int(fs[7:p]) j = int(fs[p+1:len(fs)-1]) if wh == "mrotpX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(-1,0,0),i,j) history.append("mrotmX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(1,0,0),i,j) history.append("mrotpX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotpY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,-1,0),i,j) history.append("mrotmY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,1,0),i,j) history.append("mrotpY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotpZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,1),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotpZ("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") elif wh == "mrotmZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,-1),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotmZ("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") restoreCursor() def rotpX_history(): busyCursor() fcd = App.ActiveDocument history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] n = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] nh = [] while len(history) > 0: nh.append(history.pop()) reset() history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] while len(nh) > 0: fs = nh.pop() wh = fs[:6] p = fs.index(",") i = int(fs[7:p]) j = int(fs[p+1:len(fs)-1]) if wh == "mrotpX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(1,0,0),i,j) history.append("mrotpX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(-1,0,0),i,j) history.append("mrotmX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotpY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,1),i,j) history.append("mrotpZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,-1),i,j) history.append("mrotmZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotpZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,-1,0),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotmY("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") elif wh == "mrotmZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,1,0),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotpY("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") restoreCursor() def rotmX_history(): busyCursor() fcd = App.ActiveDocument history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] n = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] nh = [] while len(history) > 0: nh.append(history.pop()) reset() history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] while len(nh) > 0: fs = nh.pop() wh = fs[:6] p = fs.index(",") i = int(fs[7:p]) j = int(fs[p+1:len(fs)-1]) if wh == "mrotpX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(1,0,0),i,j) history.append("mrotpX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(-1,0,0),i,j) history.append("mrotmX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotpY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,-1),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotmZ("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") elif wh == "mrotmY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,1),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotpZ("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") elif wh == "mrotpZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,1,0),i,j) history.append("mrotpY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,-1,0),i,j) history.append("mrotmY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") restoreCursor() def rotpY_history(): busyCursor() fcd = App.ActiveDocument history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] n = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] nh = [] while len(history) > 0: nh.append(history.pop()) reset() history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] while len(nh) > 0: fs = nh.pop() wh = fs[:6] p = fs.index(",") i = int(fs[7:p]) j = int(fs[p+1:len(fs)-1]) if wh == "mrotpX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,-1),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotmZ("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") elif wh == "mrotmX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,1),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotpZ("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") elif wh == "mrotpY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,1,0),i,j) history.append("mrotpY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,-1,0),i,j) history.append("mrotmY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotpZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(1,0,0),i,j) history.append("mrotpX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(-1,0,0),i,j) history.append("mrotmX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") restoreCursor() def rotmY_history(): busyCursor() fcd = App.ActiveDocument history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] n = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] nh = [] while len(history) > 0: nh.append(history.pop()) reset() history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] while len(nh) > 0: fs = nh.pop() wh = fs[:6] p = fs.index(",") i = int(fs[7:p]) j = int(fs[p+1:len(fs)-1]) if wh == "mrotpX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,1),i,j) history.append("mrotpZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,-1),i,j) history.append("mrotmZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotpY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,1,0),i,j) history.append("mrotpY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,-1,0),i,j) history.append("mrotmY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotpZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(-1,0,0),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotmX("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") elif wh == "mrotmZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(1,0,0),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotpX("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") restoreCursor() def rotpZ_history(): busyCursor() fcd = App.ActiveDocument history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] n = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] nh = [] while len(history) > 0: nh.append(history.pop()) reset() history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] while len(nh) > 0: fs = nh.pop() wh = fs[:6] p = fs.index(",") i = int(fs[7:p]) j = int(fs[p+1:len(fs)-1]) if wh == "mrotpX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,1,0),i,j) history.append("mrotpY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,-1,0),i,j) history.append("mrotmY("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotpY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(-1,0,0),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotmX("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") elif wh == "mrotmY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(1,0,0),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotpX("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") elif wh == "mrotpZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,1),i,j) history.append("mrotpZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,-1),i,j) history.append("mrotmZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") restoreCursor() def rotmZ_history(): busyCursor() fcd = App.ActiveDocument history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] n = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] nh = [] while len(history) > 0: nh.append(history.pop()) reset() history = Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] while len(nh) > 0: fs = nh.pop() wh = fs[:6] p = fs.index(",") i = int(fs[7:p]) j = int(fs[p+1:len(fs)-1]) if wh == "mrotpX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,-1,0),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotmY("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") elif wh == "mrotmX": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,1,0),n-j,n-i) history.append("mrotpY("+str(n-j)+","+str(n-i)+")") elif wh == "mrotpY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(1,0,0),i,j) history.append("mrotpX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmY": fastrotate(Base.Vector(-1,0,0),i,j) history.append("mrotmX("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotpZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,1),i,j) history.append("mrotpZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") elif wh == "mrotmZ": fastrotate(Base.Vector(0,0,-1),i,j) history.append("mrotmZ("+str(i)+","+str(j)+")") restoreCursor() # This bit of code creates the buttons at the top of the view window # The buttons are in a frameless window to save screen space class ButtonRow(QtGui.QWidget): def __init__(self): super(ButtonRow, self).__init__() mw = Gui.getMainWindow() view3DWidget = findView(mw.centralWidget()) if view3DWidget != None: self.setParent(view3DWidget) self.setAutoFillBackground(True) self.undoButton = QtGui.QPushButton(self) self.undoButton.setText("Undo") self.undoButton.clicked.connect(self.onUndo) self.saveButton = QtGui.QPushButton(self) self.saveButton.setText("Copy history to clipboard") self.saveButton.clicked.connect(self.onSave) self.resetButton = QtGui.QPushButton(self) self.resetButton.setText("Reset") self.resetButton.clicked.connect(self.onReset) def onUndo(self): undo() def onReset(self): reset() def onSave(self): saveHistory() def paintEvent(self, event): # we position the buttons every paint # in case the window size has changed bh = 30 bw = 80 mw = Gui.getMainWindow() view3DWidget = findView(mw.centralWidget()) if view3DWidget != None: geom = view3DWidget.geometry() xpos = 0 self.setGeometry(xpos, 0, geom.width(), bh + 10) gap = (geom.width() - 5 * bw) / 4 if gap < 0: gap = 0 xpos = gap self.undoButton.setGeometry(xpos, 0, bw, bh) xpos = xpos + gap + bw self.saveButton.setGeometry(xpos, 0, 3 * bw, bh) xpos = xpos + 3 * bw + gap self.resetButton.setGeometry(xpos, 0, bw, bh) # now do the paint, which will paint the buttons as well since they # are this widget's children super(ButtonRow, self).paintEvent(event) Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"buttons"] = ButtonRow() # FreeCAD's file save only saves the state of the camera # and the shapes, positions, orientations, names, and labels # of the objects in the scene # This function recreates all the other stuff after reloading a saved file # I haven't found a way to make FreeCAD save the history, so it gets reset def fix_reload(): busyCursor() fcd = App.ActiveDocument # first we find how big a cube we have n = 0 for obj in fcd.Objects: fs = obj.Name if fs[0:2] == "ff": i = int(fs[2:fs.index("q")]) if i > n: n = i elif fs[0:4] == "Text": # get rid of this because it's incorrectly positioned # we'll create a new one later fcd.removeObject(fs) elif fs[0:5] == "arrow": obj.ViewObject.RootNode.setName(coin.SbName(fs)) n = n + 1 fc = [[[[None for j in range(6)] for ix in range(n)] for iy in range(n)] for ix in range(n)] Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"Size"] = n for obj in fcd.Objects: fs = obj.Label if fs[0:2] == "fs": l = len(fs) q1 = fs.find("q") q2 = fs.find("q",q1+1) ix = int(fs[2:q1]) iy = int(fs[q1+1:q2]) iz = int(fs[q2+1:l-2]) k = "x0x1y0y1z0z1".find(fs[l-2:])/2 fc[ix][iy][iz][k] = obj Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"cubies"] = fc Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"ViewObserver"] = ViewObserver() doLabels() # create new labels rotation = fixCamera(False) # create the buttons at the top of the window Dictionary[str(App.ActiveDocument.Name)+"buttons"] = ButtonRow() fixLightModel() createMultiViews(rotation) history = [] # according to Henry Ford Dictionary[str(fcd.Name)+"history"] = history restoreCursor() FreeCAD.Console.PrintLog("fix_reload() done\n") restoreCursor()