Macro Sheet Metal Unfolder

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Sheet Metal Unfolder

The macro can unfold simple sheet-metal-parts. The parts must have everywhere the same material thickness as typical for sheet-metal-parts.

Macro version: 17.0
Last modified: 2018-08-14
FreeCAD version: 17.0
Download: ToolBar Icon
Author: ulrich1a
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Date last modified
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See also


The macro can unfold simple sheet-metal-parts. The parts must have everywhere the same material thickness as typical for sheet-metal-parts. See example:

Temporary code for external macro link. Do not use this code. This code is used exclusively by Addon Manager. Link for optional manual installation: Macro

# This code is copied instead of the original macro code
# to guide the user to the online download page.
# Use it if the code of the macro is larger than 64 KB and cannot be included in the wiki
# or if the RAW code URL is somewhere else in the wiki.

from PySide import QtGui, QtCore

diag = QtGui.QMessageBox(QtGui.QMessageBox.Information,
    "This macro must be downloaded from this link\n"
    "" + "\n"
    "Quit this window to access the download page")


import webbrowser"")
<class="rawcodeurl"><a href="">raw code</a>


Select a flat face from your part in the 3D-view. Start the macro.


The macro creates a lot of text in the report-view. This is still a remains of the debugging process of this macro. The edges of the sheet-metal-part may be round or slanting. But if you "walk" from the upper side to the lower side of the sheet-metal-part you should not cross more than one face. In best case the macro generates a new flat solid from your part. If the macro has problems, you may get only a flat shell or a bunch of flattened faces or only an error message.

The macro can be thought of as a companion to the AddWall tool from JMG published here: FreeCAD: Sheet metal tool "Add Wall"


The forum discussion Sheet metal: add wall tool

An updated version is available at:


ToolBar Icon

Sheet Metal

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  Copyright 2014 Ulrich Brammer <ulrich@Pauline>
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
#  MA 02110-1301, USA.

# Refactored version December 2015
# Clear division of tasks between analysis and folding

# To do:
# change code to handle face indexes in the node instead of faces

# Die Weiterreichung eines schon geschnittenen Seitenfaces macht Probleme.
# Die Seitenfaces passen hinterher nicht mehr mit den Hauptflächen zusammen.

# Geänderter Ansatz: lasse die Seitenflächen in der Suchliste und 
# schneide jeweils nur den benötigten Teil raus.
# Ich brauche jetzt eine Suchliste und eine Unfoldliste für die 
# Face-Indices.

# To do: 
# - handle a selected seam
# - handle not-circle-curves in bends
# - detect features like welded screws
# - make a view-provider for bends
# - make the k-factor selectable
# - upfold or unfold single bends


def main():
	return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':


import Part, FreeCADGui
from PySide import QtGui
from FreeCAD import Base
import DraftVecUtils, DraftGeomUtils, math, time

# to do: 
# - Put error numbers into the text
# - Put user help into more texts
unfold_error = {
  # error codes for the tree-object
  1: ('starting: volume unusable, needs a real 3D-sheet-metal with thickness'), 
  2: ('Starting: invalid point for thickness measurement'), 
  3: ('Starting: invalid thickness'), 
  4: ('Starting: invalid shape'), 
  # error codes for the bend-analysis 
  10: ('Analysis: zero wires in sheet edge analysis'), 
  11: ('Analysis: double bends not implemented'), 
  12: ('Analysis: more than one bend-child actually not supported'), 
  13: ('Analysis: counter face not found'), 
  14: ('Analysis: the code can not handle edges without neighbor faces'), 
  15: ('Analysis: the code needs a face at all sheet edges'), 
  16: ('Analysis: did not find startangle of bend, please post failing sample for analysis'), 
  # error codes for the unfolding
  20: ('Unfold: section wire with less than 4 edges'),
  21: ('Unfold: Unfold: section wire not closed'),
  22: ('Unfold: section failed'),
  23: ('Unfold: CutToolWire not closed'),
  24: ('Unfold: bend-face without child not implemented'),
  25: ('Unfold: '),
  -1: ('unknown error')} 

def equal_vertex(vert1, vert2, p=5):
  # compares two vertices 
  return (round(vert1.X - vert2.X,p)==0 and round(vert1.Y - vert2.Y,p)==0 and round(vert1.Z - vert2.Z,p)==0)

def equal_vector(vec1, vec2, p=5):
  # compares two vectors 
  return (round(vec1.x - vec2.x,p)==0 and round(vec1.y - vec2.y,p)==0 and round(vec1.z - vec2.z,p)==0)

def radial_vector(point, axis_pnt, axis):
  chord = axis_pnt.sub(point)
  norm = axis.cross(chord)
  perp = axis.cross(norm)
  # print chord, norm, perp
  dist_rv = DraftVecUtils.project(chord,perp)
  #test_line = Part.makeLine(axis_pnt.add(dist_rv),axis_pnt)
  # test_line = Part.makeLine(axis_pnt.add(perp),axis_pnt)
  # test_line = Part.makeLine(point, axis_pnt)
  return perp.normalize()

class Simple_node(object):
  ''' This class defines the nodes of a tree, that is the result of
  the analysis of a sheet-metal-part.
  Each flat or bend part of the metal-sheet gets a node in the tree.
  The indexes are the number of the face in the original part.
  def __init__(self, f_idx=None, Parent_node= None, Parent_edge = None):
    self.idx = f_idx  # index of the "top-face"
    self.c_face_idx = None # face index to the opposite face of the sheet (counter-face)
    self.node_type = None  # 'Flat' or 'Bend'
    self.p_node = Parent_node   # Parent node
    self.p_edge = Parent_edge # the connecting edge to the parent node
    self.child_list = [] # List of child-nodes = link to tree structure
    self.child_idx_lists = [] # List of lists with child_idx and child_edge
    # need also a list of indices of child faces
    self.sheet_edges = [] # List of edges without child-face 
    self.axis = None
    self.facePosi = None
    self.bendCenter = None
    self.distCenter = None
    # self.axis for 'Flat'-face: vector pointing from the surface into the metal
    self.bend_dir = None # bend direction values: "up" or "down"
    self.bend_angle = None # angle in radians
    self.tan_vec = None # direction of translation for Bend nodes
    self._trans_length = None # length of translation for Bend nodes, k-factor used according to DIN 6935
    self.analysis_ok = True # indicator if something went wrong with the analysis of the face
    self.error_code = None # index to unfold_error dictionary
    # here the new features of the nodes:
    self.nfIndexes = [] # list of all face-indexes of a node (flat and bend: folded state)
    self.seam_edges = [] # list with edges to seams
    # bend faces are needed for movement simulation at single other bends.
    # otherwise unfolded faces are recreated from self.b_edges
    self.node_flattened_faces = [] # faces of a flattened bend node.
    self.actual_angle = None # state of angle in refolded sheet metal part
    self.p_wire = None # wire common with parent node, used for bend node
    self.c_wire = None # wire common with child node, used for bend node
    self.b_edges = [] # list of edges in a bend node, that needs to be recalculated, at unfolding

  def get_Face_idx(self):
    # get the face index from the tree-element
    return self.idx

class SheetTree(object):
  def __init__(self, TheShape, f_idx):
    self.cFaceTol = 0.002 # tolerance to detect counter-face vertices
    # this high tolerance was needed for more real parts
    self.root = None # make_new_face_node adds the root node if parent_node == None
    self.__Shape = TheShape.copy()
    self.error_code = None
    self.failed_face_idx = None
    if not self.__Shape.isValid():
      print "The shape is not valid!"
      self.error_code = 4  # Starting: invalid shape
      self.failed_face_idx = f_idx
    # List of indices to the shape.Faces. The list is used a lot for face searches.
    # Some faces will be cut and the new ones added to the list.
    # So a list of faces independent of the shape is needed.
    self.f_list = []  #self.__Shape.Faces.copy() does not work
    self.index_list =[]
    self.index_unfold_list = [] # indexes needed for unfolding
    for i in range(len (self.__Shape.Faces)):
    #for i in range(len (self.f_list)):
      # if i<>(f_idx):
    #print self.index_list
    self.max_f_idx = len(self.f_list) # need this value to make correct indices to new faces

    theVol = self.__Shape.Volume
    if theVol < 0.0001:
      print "Shape is not a real 3D-object or to small for a metal-sheet!"
      self.error_code = 1
      self.failed_face_idx = f_idx

      # Make a first estimate of the thickness
      estimated_thickness = theVol/(self.__Shape.Area / 2.0)
      print "approximate Thickness: ", estimated_thickness
      # Measure the real thickness of the initial face: Use Orientation and
      # Axis to make an measurement vector
      if hasattr(self.__Shape.Faces[f_idx],'Surface'):
        # print 'the object is a face! vertices: ', len(self.__Shape.Faces[f_idx].Vertexes)
        F_type = self.__Shape.Faces[f_idx].Surface
        # fixme: through an error, if not Plane Object
        print 'It is a: ', str(F_type)
        print 'Orientation: ', str(self.__Shape.Faces[f_idx].Orientation)
        # Need a point on the surface to measure the thickness.
        # Sheet edges could be sloping, so there is a danger to measure
        # right at the edge. 
        # Try with Arithmetic mean of plane vertices
        m_vec = Base.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0) # calculating a mean vector
        for Vvec in self.__Shape.Faces[f_idx].Vertexes:
            #m_vec = m_vec.add(Base.Vector(Vvec.X, Vvec.Y, Vvec.Z))
            m_vec = m_vec.add(Vvec.Point)
        mvec = m_vec.multiply(1.0/len(self.__Shape.Faces[f_idx].Vertexes))
        print "mvec: ", mvec
        if hasattr(self.__Shape.Faces[f_idx].Surface,'Position'):
          s_Posi = self.__Shape.Faces[f_idx].Surface.Position
          k = 0
          # while k < len(self.__Shape.Faces[f_idx].Vertexes):
          # fixme: what if measurepoint is outside?
          pvert = self.__Shape.Faces[f_idx].Vertexes[k]
          pvec = Base.Vector(pvert.X, pvert.Y, pvert.Z)
          shiftvec =  mvec.sub(pvec)
          shiftvec = shiftvec.normalize()*2.0*estimated_thickness
          measure_pos = pvec.add(shiftvec)
          # Description: Checks if a point is inside a solid with a certain tolerance.
          # If the 3rd parameter is True a point on a face is considered as inside

          if not self.__Shape.isInside(measure_pos, 0.00001, True):
            print "Starting measure_pos for thickness measurement is outside!"
            self.error_code = 2
            self.failed_face_idx = f_idx

        if hasattr(self.__Shape.Faces[f_idx].Surface,'Axis'):
          s_Axis =  self.__Shape.Faces[f_idx].Surface.Axis
          # print 'We have an axis: ', s_Axis
          if hasattr(self.__Shape.Faces[f_idx].Surface,'Position'):
            s_Posi = self.__Shape.Faces[f_idx].Surface.Position
            # print 'We have a position: ', s_Posi
            s_Ori = self.__Shape.Faces[f_idx].Orientation
            s_Axismp = Base.Vector(s_Axis.x, s_Axis.y, s_Axis.z).multiply(2.0*estimated_thickness)
            if s_Ori == 'Forward':
              Meassure_axis = Part.makeLine(measure_pos,measure_pos.sub(s_Axismp))
              ext_Vec = Base.Vector(-s_Axis.x, -s_Axis.y, -s_Axis.z)
              # Meassure_axis = Part.makeLine(measure_pos,measure_pos.sub(s_Axis.multiply(2.0*estimated_thickness)))
              # Meassure_axis = Part.makeLine(measure_pos,measure_pos.add(s_Axis.multiply(2.0*estimated_thickness)))
              Meassure_axis = Part.makeLine(measure_pos,measure_pos.add(s_Axismp))
              ext_Vec = Base.Vector(s_Axis.x, s_Axis.y, s_Axis.z)
        lostShape = self.__Shape.copy()
        lLine = Meassure_axis.common(lostShape)
        lLine = Meassure_axis.common(self.__Shape)
        print "lLine number edges: ", len(lLine.Edges)
        measVert = Part.Vertex(measure_pos)
        for mEdge in lLine.Edges:
          if equal_vertex(mEdge.Vertexes[0], measVert) or equal_vertex(mEdge.Vertexes[1], measVert):
            self.__thickness = mEdge.Length
        # self.__thickness = lLine.Length
        if (self.__thickness < estimated_thickness) or (self.__thickness > 1.9 * estimated_thickness):
          self.error_code = 3
          self.failed_face_idx = f_idx
          print "estimated thickness: ", estimated_thickness, " measured thickness: ", self.__thickness

  def get_node_faces(self, theNode, wires_e_lists):
    ''' This function searches for all faces making up the node, except
    of the top and bottom face, which are already there.
    wires_e_list is the list of wires lists of the top face without the parent-edge
    theNode: the actual node to be filled with data.
    # How to begin?
    # searching for all faces, that have two vertices in common with 
    # an edge from the list should give the sheet edge.
    # But we also need to look at the sheet edge, in order to not claim
    # faces from the next node!
    # Then we have to treat thoses faces, that belongs to more than one
    # node. Those faces needs to be cut and the face list needs to be updated.
    # look also at the number of wires of the top face. More wires will
    # indicate a hole or a feature.
    print " When will this be called"
    found_indices = []
    # A search strategy for faces based on the wires_e_lists is needed.

    for theWire in wires_e_lists:
      for theEdge in theWire:
        analyVert = theEdge.Vertexes[0]
        search_list = []
        for x in self.index_list:
        for i in search_list:
          for lookVert in self.f_list[i].Vertexes:
            if equal_vertex(lookVert, analyVert):
              if len(theEdge.Vertexes) == 1: # Edge is a circle
                if not self.is_sheet_edge_face(theEdge, theNode):
                  found_indices.append(i) # found a node face
                  #self.index_list.remove(i) # remove this face from the index_list
                nextVert = theEdge.Vertexes[1]
                for looknextVert in self.f_list[i].Vertexes:
                  if equal_vertex(looknextVert, nextVert):
                    if not self.is_sheet_edge_face(theEdge, theNode):
                      found_indices.append(i) # found a node face
                      #self.index_list.remove(i) # remove this face from the index_list
    print "found_indices: ", found_indices

  def is_sheet_edge_face(self, ise_edge, tree_node): # ise_edge: IsSheetEdge_edge
    # idea: look at properties of neighbor face
    # look at edges with distance of sheet-thickness.
    #    if found and surface == cylinder, check if it could be a bend-node.  
    # look at number of edges:
    # A face with 3 edges is at the sheet edge Cylinder-face or triangle (oh no!)
    # need to look also at surface!
    # A sheet edge face with more as 4 edges, is common to more than 1 node.
    # get the face which has a common edge with ise_edge
    the_index = None
    has_sheet_distance_vertex = False
    for i in self.index_list:
      for sf_edge in self.f_list[i].Edges:
        if sf_edge.isSame(ise_edge):
          the_index = i
      if the_index <> None:
    # Simple strategy applied: look if the connecting face has vertexes
    # with sheet-thickness distance to the top face.
    # fix me: this will fail with sharpened sheet edges with two faces
    # between top and bottom.
    if the_index <> None:
      distVerts = 0
      vertList = []
      F_type = str(self.f_list[tree_node.idx].Surface)
      # now we need to search for vertexes with sheet_thickness_distance
      #if F_type == "<Plane object>":
      for F_vert in self.f_list[i].Vertexes:
        if self.isVertOpposite(F_vert, tree_node):
          has_sheet_distance_vertex = True
          if len(self.f_list[i].Edges)<5:
            # need to cut the face at the ends of ise_edge
            self.divideEdgeFace(i, ise_edge, F_vert, tree_node)

      tree_node.analysis_ok = False 
      tree_node.error_code = 15  # Analysis: the code needs a face at all sheet edges
      self.error_code = 15
      self.failed_face_idx = tree_node.idx[tree_node.idx])
    return has_sheet_distance_vertex

  def isVertOpposite(self, theVert, theNode):
    F_type = str(self.f_list[theNode.idx].Surface)
    vF_vert = Base.Vector(theVert.X, theVert.Y, theVert.Z)
    if F_type == "<Plane object>":
      distFailure = vF_vert.distanceToPlane (theNode.facePosi, theNode.axis) - self.__thickness
    if F_type == "<Cylinder object>":
      distFailure = vF_vert.distanceToLine (theNode.bendCenter, theNode.axis) - theNode.distCenter
    # print "counter face distance: ", dist_v + self.__thickness
    if (distFailure < self.cFaceTol) and (distFailure > -self.cFaceTol):
      return True
      return False

  def divideEdgeFace(self, fIdx, ise_edge, F_vert, tree_node):
    print "Sheet edge face has more than 4 edges!"
    # first find out where the Sheet edge face has no edge to the opposite side of the sheet
    # There is a need to cut the face.
    # make a cut-tool perpendicular to the ise_edge
    # cut the face and select the good one to add to the node
    # make another cut, in order to add the residual face(s) to the face list.
    # Search edges in the face with a vertex common with ise_edge
    F_type = str(self.f_list[tree_node.idx].Surface)
    needCut0 = True
    firstCutFaceIdx = None
    for sEdge in self.f_list[fIdx].Edges:
      if equal_vertex(ise_edge.Vertexes[0], sEdge.Vertexes[0]) and \
        self.isVertOpposite(sEdge.Vertexes[1], tree_node):
        needCut0 = False
        theEdge = sEdge
      if equal_vertex(ise_edge.Vertexes[0], sEdge.Vertexes[1]) and \
        self.isVertOpposite(sEdge.Vertexes[0], tree_node):
        needCut0 = False
        theEdge = sEdge
    if needCut0:
      #print "need Cut at 0 with fIdx: ", fIdx
      nFace = self.cutEdgeFace(0, fIdx, ise_edge, tree_node)
      firstCutFaceIdx = self.max_f_idx
      self.max_f_idx += 1
      #self.max_f_idx += 1
    needCut1 = True        
    for sEdge in self.f_list[fIdx].Edges:
      if equal_vertex(ise_edge.Vertexes[1], sEdge.Vertexes[0]):
        if self.isVertOpposite(sEdge.Vertexes[1], tree_node):
          needCut1 = False
          theEdge = sEdge
      if equal_vertex(ise_edge.Vertexes[1], sEdge.Vertexes[1]):
        if self.isVertOpposite(sEdge.Vertexes[0], tree_node):
          needCut1 = False
          theEdge = sEdge
    if needCut1:
      if needCut0:
        fIdx = firstCutFaceIdx
      #print "need Cut at 1 with fIdx: ", fIdx
      nFace = self.cutEdgeFace(1, fIdx, ise_edge, tree_node)
      firstCutFaceIdx = self.max_f_idx
      self.max_f_idx += 1
      #self.max_f_idx += 1
      #if not needCut0:
      #  self.index_list.remove(fIdx)

  def cutEdgeFace(self, eIdx, fIdx, theEdge, theNode):
    ''' This function cuts a face in two pieces.
    one piece is connected to the node. The residual pieces is given
    for assignment to other nodes.
    The function returns both pieces of the original face.
    # print "now the face cutter" 
    if eIdx == 0:
      otherIdx = 1
      otherIdx = 0
    origin = theEdge.Vertexes[eIdx].Point
    F_type = str(self.f_list[theNode.idx].Surface)
    if F_type == "<Plane object>":
      tan_vec = theEdge.Vertexes[eIdx].Point - theEdge.Vertexes[otherIdx].Point
      #o_thick = Base.Vector(o_vec.x, o_vec.y, o_vec.z) 
      vec1 = Base.Vector(theNode.axis.x, theNode.axis.y, theNode.axis.z) # make a copy

      crossVec = tan_vec.cross(vec1)

      # defining the points of the cutting plane:
      Spnt1 = origin - theNode.axis - crossVec
      Spnt2 = origin - theNode.axis + crossVec
      Spnt3 = origin + theNode.axis +  vec1 + crossVec
      Spnt4 = origin + theNode.axis +  vec1 - crossVec
    if F_type == "<Cylinder object>":
      ePar = theEdge.parameterAt(theEdge.Vertexes[eIdx])
      print "Idx: ", eIdx, " ePar: ", ePar
      otherPar = theEdge.parameterAt(theEdge.Vertexes[otherIdx])
      tan_vec = theEdge.tangentAt(ePar)
      if ePar < otherPar:
      #tan_line = Part.makeLine(theEdge.Vertexes[eIdx].Point.add(tan_vec), theEdge.Vertexes[eIdx].Point)
      edge_vec = theEdge.Vertexes[eIdx].copy().Point
      radVector = radial_vector(edge_vec, theNode.bendCenter, theNode.axis)
      if theNode.bend_dir == "down":
      #rad_line = Part.makeLine(theEdge.Vertexes[eIdx].Point.add(radVector), theEdge.Vertexes[eIdx].Point)

      crossVec = tan_vec.cross(radVector)
      vec1 = Base.Vector(radVector.x, radVector.y, radVector.z) # make a copy

      # defining the points of the cutting plane:
      Spnt1 = origin - radVector - crossVec
      Spnt2 = origin - radVector + crossVec
      Spnt3 = origin + radVector +  vec1 + crossVec
      Spnt4 = origin + radVector +  vec1 - crossVec
    Sedge1 = Part.makeLine(Spnt1,Spnt2)
    Sedge2 = Part.makeLine(Spnt2,Spnt3)
    Sedge3 = Part.makeLine(Spnt3,Spnt4)
    Sedge4 = Part.makeLine(Spnt4,Spnt1)
    Sw1 = Part.Wire([Sedge1, Sedge2, Sedge3, Sedge4])
    Sf1=Part.Face(Sw1) #
    cut_solid = Sf1.extrude(tan_vec.multiply(5.0))
    #cut_opposite = Sf1.extrude(tan_vec.multiply(-5.0))
    cutFaces_node = self.f_list[fIdx].cut(cut_solid)
    for cFace in cutFaces_node.Faces:
      for myVert in cFace.Vertexes:
        if equal_vertex(theEdge.Vertexes[eIdx], myVert):
          nodeFace = cFace
          #print "The nodeFace"


    cutFaces_residue = self.f_list[fIdx].cut(cut_opposite)
    for cFace in cutFaces_residue.Faces:
      for myVert in cFace.Vertexes:
        if equal_vertex(theEdge.Vertexes[eIdx], myVert):
          residueFace = cFace
          #print "the residueFace"


    return nodeFace #, residueFace

  def is_sheet_edge3(self, ise_edge, tree_node): # ise_edge: IsSheetEdge_edge
    # idea: look at properties of neighbor face
    # look at edges with distance of sheet-thickness.
    #    if found and surface == cylinder, check if it could be a bend-node.  
    # look at number of edges:
    # A face with 3 edges is at the sheet edge Cylinder-face or triangle (oh no!)
    # need to look also at surface!
    # A sheet edge face with more as 4 edges, is common to more than 1 node.
    # get the face which has a common edge with ise_edge
    the_index = None
    has_sheet_distance_vertex = False
    for i in self.index_list:
      for sf_edge in self.f_list[i].Edges:
        if sf_edge.isSame(ise_edge):
          the_index = i
      if the_index <> None:
    if the_index <> None:
      distVerts = 0
      vertList = []
      F_type = str(self.f_list[tree_node.idx].Surface)
      # now we need to search for vertexes with sheet_thickness_distance
      #if F_type == "<Plane object>":
      for F_vert in self.f_list[i].Vertexes:
        vF_vert = Base.Vector(F_vert.X, F_vert.Y, F_vert.Z)
        if F_type == "<Plane object>":
          distFailure = vF_vert.distanceToPlane (tree_node.facePosi, tree_node.axis) - self.__thickness
        if F_type == "<Cylinder object>":
          distFailure = vF_vert.distanceToLine (tree_node.bendCenter, tree_node.axis) - tree_node.distCenter
        # print "counter face distance: ", dist_v + self.__thickness
        if (distFailure < self.cFaceTol) and (distFailure > -self.cFaceTol):
          has_sheet_distance_vertex = True

      tree_node.analysis_ok = False 
      tree_node.error_code = 15  # Analysis: the code needs a face at all sheet edges
      self.error_code = 15
      self.failed_face_idx = tree_node.idx[tree_node.idx])
    return has_sheet_distance_vertex

  def make_new_face_node(self, face_idx, P_node, P_edge, wires_e_lists):
    # e_list: list of edges of the top face of a node without the parent-edge (P_edge)
    # analyze the face and get type of face ("Flat" or "Bend")
    # search the counter face, get axis of Face
    # In case of "Bend" get angle, k_factor and trans_length
    # put the node into the tree
    newNode = Simple_node(face_idx, P_node, P_edge)
    F_type = str(self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].Surface)
    # This face should be a node in the tree, and is therefore known!
    # removed from the list of all unknown faces
    # This means, it could also not be found as neighbor face anymore.
    such_list = [] 
    for k in self.index_list:
    if F_type == "<Plane object>":
      newNode.node_type = 'Flat' # fixme
      print "Face", face_idx+1, " Type: ", newNode.node_type

      s_Posi = self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].Surface.Position
      newNode.facePosi = s_Posi
      s_Ori = self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].Orientation
      s_Axis = self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].Surface.Axis
      if s_Ori == 'Forward':
        ext_Vec = Base.Vector(-s_Axis.x, -s_Axis.y, -s_Axis.z)
        ext_Vec = Base.Vector(s_Axis.x, s_Axis.y, s_Axis.z)

      newNode.axis = ext_Vec
      axis_line = Part.makeLine(s_Posi.add(ext_Vec), s_Posi)
      # nead a mean point of the face to avoid false counter faces
      faceMiddle = Base.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0) # calculating a mean vector
      for Vvec in self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].OuterWire.Vertexes:
          faceMiddle = faceMiddle.add(Vvec.Point)
      faceMiddle = faceMiddle.multiply(1.0/len(self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].OuterWire.Vertexes))
      # search for the counter face
      for i in such_list:
        counter_found = True
        for F_vert in self.f_list[i].Vertexes:
          vF_vert = Base.Vector(F_vert.X, F_vert.Y, F_vert.Z)
          dist_v = vF_vert.distanceToPlane (s_Posi, ext_Vec) - self.__thickness
          # print "counter face distance: ", dist_v + self.__thickness
          if (dist_v > self.cFaceTol) or (dist_v < -self.cFaceTol):
              counter_found = False
        if counter_found:
          # nead a mean point of the face to avoid false counter faces
          counterMiddle = Base.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0) # calculating a mean vector
          for Vvec in self.__Shape.Faces[i].OuterWire.Vertexes:
              counterMiddle = counterMiddle.add(Vvec.Point)
          counterMiddle = counterMiddle.multiply(1.0/len(self.__Shape.Faces[i].OuterWire.Vertexes))
          distVector = counterMiddle.sub(faceMiddle)
          counterDistance = distVector.Length
          if counterDistance < 3*self.__thickness:
            print "found counter-face", i + 1
            newNode.c_face_idx = i
            counter_found = False
            print "faceMiddle: ", str(faceMiddle), "counterMiddle: ", str(counterMiddle)
      #if newNode.c_face_idx == None:

    if F_type == "<Cylinder object>":
      newNode.node_type = 'Bend' # fixme
      s_Center = self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].Surface.Center
      s_Axis = self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].Surface.Axis
      newNode.axis = s_Axis
      newNode.bendCenter = s_Center
      edge_vec = P_edge.Vertexes[0].copy().Point
      print "edge_vec: ", str(edge_vec)
      if P_node.node_type == 'Flat':
        dist_c = edge_vec.distanceToPlane (s_Center, P_node.axis) # distance to center
        P_face = self.__Shape.Faces[P_node.idx]
        radVector = radial_vector(edge_vec, P_face.Surface.Center, P_face.Surface.Axis)
        if P_node.bend_dir == "down":
          dist_c = edge_vec.distanceToPlane (s_Center, radVector.multiply(-1.0))
          dist_c = edge_vec.distanceToPlane (s_Center, radVector)
      if dist_c < 0.0:
        newNode.bend_dir = "down"
        thick_test = self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].Surface.Radius - self.__thickness
        newNode.bend_dir = "up"
        thick_test = self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].Surface.Radius + self.__thickness
      newNode.distCenter = thick_test
      # print "Face idx: ", face_idx, " bend_dir: ", newNode.bend_dir
      print "Face", face_idx+1, " Type: ", newNode.node_type, " bend_dir: ", newNode.bend_dir
      # need to define the bending angle relative to the Center and the
      # Axis of the bend surface:
      # search for line-edges with no common point with edge_vec and fixme: not in the same line
      # fixme: there could be more than one edge meeting the criteria!
      number_c_edges = 0
      for s_edge in self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].Edges:
        c_edg_found = True
        type_str = str(s_edge.Curve)
        if type_str.find('Line') == -1:
          c_edg_found = False
          # print "found circle in c_edge search"
          # print "found line in c_edge search"
          for E_vert in s_edge.Vertexes:
            if equal_vertex(E_vert, P_edge.Vertexes[0]):
              c_edg_found = False
        if c_edg_found:
          c_edge = s_edge
          number_c_edges = number_c_edges + 1
          # print " found the second Line edge of the bend face"
      if number_c_edges > 1:
        newNode.analysis_ok = False # the code can not handle bend faces with more than one child!
        newNode.error_code = 12 # ('more than one bend-childs')
        self.error_code = 12
        self.failed_face_idx = face_idx

      #Start to investigate the angles at self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].ParameterRange[0]
      angle_0 = self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].ParameterRange[0]
      angle_1 = self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].ParameterRange[1]
      length_0 = self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].ParameterRange[2]
      length_1 = self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].ParameterRange[3]
      # idea: identify the angle at edge_vec = P_edge.Vertexes[0].copy().Point
      # This will be = angle_start
      # identify rotSign from angle_end minus angle_start
      # The tangentvector will be in direction of position at angle_sta + rotSign*90°
      # calculate the tan_vec from valueAt
      parPos00 = self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].valueAt(angle_0,length_0)
      parPos01 = self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].valueAt(angle_0,length_1)
      parPos10 = self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].valueAt(angle_1,length_0)
      parPos11 = self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].valueAt(angle_1,length_1)
      if equal_vector(edge_vec, parPos00):
        print "got case 00"
        angle_start = angle_0
        angle_end = angle_1
        len_start = length_0
        if equal_vector(edge_vec, parPos01):
          print "got case 01"
          angle_start = angle_0
          angle_end = angle_1
          len_start = length_1
          if equal_vector(edge_vec, parPos10):
            print "got case 10"
            angle_start = angle_1
            angle_end = angle_0
            len_start = length_0
            if equal_vector(edge_vec, parPos11):
              print "got case 11" 
              angle_start = angle_1
              angle_end = angle_0
              len_start = length_1
              newNode.analysis_ok = False
              newNode.error_code = 16 # Analysis: did not find startangle of bend
              self.error_code = 16
              self.failed_face_idx = face_idx
              print "did not found start angle, to do to fix"
      newNode.bend_angle = angle_end - angle_start
      if newNode.bend_angle < 0.0:
        angle_tan = angle_start - math.pi/2.0
        # newNode.bend_angle = -newNode.bend_angle
        angle_tan = angle_start + math.pi/2.0
      tanPos = self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].valueAt(angle_tan,len_start)
      tan_vec = radial_vector(tanPos, s_Center, s_Axis)
      newNode.tan_vec = tan_vec
      first_vec = radial_vector(edge_vec, s_Center, s_Axis)
      cross_vec = first_vec.cross(tan_vec)
      triple_prod =
      print " the new bend_angle: ", math.degrees(newNode.bend_angle), "triple_prod: ", triple_prod
      # testing showed, that the bend_angle has to be changed in sign
      # at the following conditions.
      if ((triple_prod > 0.0) and (newNode.bend_angle > 0.0)) or \
        ((triple_prod < 0.0) and (newNode.bend_angle < 0.0)):
        newNode.bend_angle = -newNode.bend_angle
        print "minus bend_angle"

      if newNode.bend_dir == 'up':
        k_Factor = 0.65 + 0.5*math.log10(self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].Surface.Radius/self.__thickness)
        print "Face", newNode.idx+1, " k-factor: ", k_Factor
        newNode._trans_length = (self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].Surface.Radius + k_Factor * self.__thickness/2.0) * newNode.bend_angle
        k_Factor = 0.65 + 0.5*math.log10((self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].Surface.Radius - self.__thickness)/self.__thickness)
        newNode._trans_length = (self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].Surface.Radius - self.__thickness \
                                  + k_Factor * self.__thickness/2.0) * newNode.bend_angle
      if newNode._trans_length < 0.0:
        newNode._trans_length = -newNode._trans_length
        # the _trans_length is always positive, due to correct tan_vec

      # calculate mean point of face:
      # fixme implement also for cylindric faces

      # Search the face at the opposite site of the sheet:
      #for i in range(len(such_list)):
      for i in such_list:
        counter_found = True
        for F_vert in self.f_list[i].Vertexes:
          vF_vert = Base.Vector(F_vert.X, F_vert.Y, F_vert.Z)
          dist_c = vF_vert.distanceToLine (s_Center, s_Axis) - thick_test
          if (dist_c > self.cFaceTol) or (dist_c < -self.cFaceTol):
            counter_found = False
        if counter_found:
          # to do calculate mean point of counter face

          #print "found counter Face", such_list[i]+1
          newNode.c_face_idx = i

    if newNode.c_face_idx == None:
      newNode.analysis_ok = False
      newNode.error_code = 13 # Analysis: counter face not found
      self.error_code = 13
      self.failed_face_idx = face_idx
      print "No counter-face Debugging Thickness: ", self.__thickness[face_idx])

    # now we call the new code
    self.get_node_faces(newNode, wires_e_lists)
    #for nFace in newNode.nfIndexes:

    if P_node == None:
      self.root = newNode
    return newNode

  def search_face(self, sf_edge, the_node):
    # search for the connecting face to sf_edge in the faces of a node
    search_List = the_node.nfIndexes[:]
    the_index = None
    for i in search_List:     #self.index_list:
      for n_edge in self.f_list[i].Edges:
        if sf_edge.isSame(n_edge):
          the_index = i
    #if the_index == None:
    #  the_node.analysis_ok = False # the code can not handle? edges without neighbor faces
    #  the_node.error_code = 14 # Analysis: the code can not handle? edges without neighbor faces
    #  self.error_code = 14
    #  self.failed_face_idx = the_node.idx
    return the_index

  def Bend_analysis(self, face_idx, parent_node = None, parent_edge = None):
    # This functions traverses the shape in order to build the bend-tree
    # For each relevant face a t_node is created and linked into the tree
    # the linking is done in the call of self.make_new_face_node
    #print "Bend_analysis Face", face_idx +1 ,
    # analysis_ok = True # not used anymore? 
    # edge_list = []
    wires_edge_lists = []
    wire_idx = -1
    for n_wire in self.f_list[face_idx].Wires:
      wire_idx += 1
      #for n_edge in self.__Shape.Faces[face_idx].Edges:
      for n_edge in n_wire.Edges:
        if parent_edge:
          if not parent_edge.isSame(n_edge):
    if parent_node:
      print " Parent Face", parent_node.idx + 1
    print "Die Liste: ", self.index_list
    t_node = self.make_new_face_node(face_idx, parent_node, parent_edge, wires_edge_lists)
    # Need also the edge_list in the node!
    print "Die Liste nach make_new_face_node: ", self.index_list
    # in the new code, only the list of child faces will be analyzed.
    removalList = []
    for child_info in t_node.child_idx_lists:
      if child_info[0] in self.index_list:
        print "child in List: ", child_info[0]
        self.Bend_analysis(child_info[0], t_node, child_info[1])
        print "remove child from List: ", child_info[0]
        t_node.seam_edges.append(child_info[1]) # give Information to the node, that it has a seam.
        print "node faces before: ", t_node.nfIndexes
        self.makeSeamFace(child_info[1], t_node)
        print "node faces with seam: ", t_node.nfIndexes
        otherSeamNode = self.searchNode(child_info[0], self.root)
        print "counterface on otherSeamNode: Face", otherSeamNode.c_face_idx+1
        self.makeSeamFace(child_info[1], otherSeamNode)
        #t_node.analysis_ok = False # the code can not handle? edges without neighbor faces
        #t_node.error_code = 14 # Analysis: the code can not handle? edges without neighbor faces
        #self.error_code = 14
        #self.failed_face_idx = t_node.idx
    for seams in removalList:
  def searchNode(self, theIdx, sNode):
    # search for a Node with theIdx in sNode.idx
    print "my Idx: ", sNode.idx

    if sNode.idx == theIdx:
      return sNode
      result = None
      childFaces = []
      for n_node in sNode.child_list:
      print "my children: ", childFaces
      for n_node in sNode.child_list:
        nextSearch = self.searchNode(theIdx, n_node)
        if nextSearch <> None:
          result = nextSearch
    if result<>None:
      print "this is the result: ", result.idx
      print "this is the result: ", None
    return result
    # suche bei mir. wenn ja liefere ab
    # sonst sind Kinder da?
    # Wenn Kinder vorhanden, frag solange Kinder bis gefunden
    # oder kein Kind mehr da.


  def makeSectionWire(self, theEdge, W_node, Dir = 'up'):
    #print "mSW Face", W_node.idx +1
    # makes a Section wire through the shape
    # The section wire is used to generate a new flat shell
    # for the bend faces. 
    origin = theEdge.Vertexes[0].Point
    o_vec = theEdge.Vertexes[1].Point - theEdge.Vertexes[0].Point
    o_thick = Base.Vector(o_vec.x, o_vec.y, o_vec.z) 
    o_thick.normalize().multiply(2.0 * self.__thickness)

    s_Center = self.f_list[W_node.idx].Surface.Center
    s_Axis = self.f_list[W_node.idx].Surface.Axis
    vec1 = radial_vector(origin, s_Center, s_Axis)
    # defining the points of the section plane:
    if W_node.bend_dir == 'up':
      Spnt1 = origin - vec1 - o_thick
      Spnt2 = origin - vec1 + o_vec + o_thick
      Spnt3 = origin +  vec1 +  vec1 + o_vec + o_thick
      Spnt4 = origin +  vec1 +  vec1 - o_thick
      Spnt4 = origin - vec1 - vec1 - o_thick
      Spnt3 = origin - vec1 - vec1 + o_vec + o_thick
      Spnt2 = origin +  vec1  + o_vec + o_thick
      Spnt1 = origin +  vec1 - o_thick

    Sedge1 = Part.makeLine(Spnt1,Spnt2)
    Sedge2 = Part.makeLine(Spnt2,Spnt3)
    Sedge3 = Part.makeLine(Spnt3,Spnt4)
    Sedge4 = Part.makeLine(Spnt4,Spnt1)
    Sw1 = Part.Wire([Sedge1, Sedge2, Sedge3, Sedge4])
    Sf1=Part.Face(Sw1) # 
    # find the nearest vertex of theEdge to a plane through s_Center
    # The section-wire should start at this vertex
    if (theEdge.Vertexes[0].Point.distanceToPlane(s_Center, s_Axis) <
        theEdge.Vertexes[1].Point.distanceToPlane(s_Center, s_Axis)):
      next_pnt = theEdge.Vertexes[1]
      start_pnt = theEdge.Vertexes[0]
      start_idx = 0
      end_idx = 1
      next_pnt = theEdge.Vertexes[0]
      start_pnt = theEdge.Vertexes[1]
      start_idx = 1
      end_idx = 0

    # for i in self.index_list:    
    for i in W_node.nfIndexes:
      singleEdge = Sf1.section(self.f_list[i])
      #print "section edges: ", len(singleEdge.Edges)
      for j in range(len(singleEdge.Edges)):
        if (equal_vertex(singleEdge.Edges[j].Vertexes[0], start_pnt)):
          lastEdge = singleEdge.Edges[j].copy()
          lastConnect = 1
        if (equal_vertex(singleEdge.Edges[j].Vertexes[1], start_pnt)):
          lastEdge = singleEdge.Edges[j].copy()
          lastConnect = 0
        if (equal_vertex(singleEdge.Edges[j].Vertexes[0], next_pnt)):
          nextEdge = singleEdge.Edges[j].copy()
          nextConnect = 1
        if (equal_vertex(singleEdge.Edges[j].Vertexes[1], next_pnt)):
          nextEdge = singleEdge.Edges[j].copy()
          nextConnect = 0
    startEdge = Part.makeLine(start_pnt.Point, next_pnt.Point)
    middleEdge = Part.makeLine(nextEdge.Vertexes[nextConnect].Point, lastEdge.Vertexes[lastConnect].Point)
    Swire1 = Part.Wire([startEdge, nextEdge, middleEdge, lastEdge ])
    print "finisch mSW Face", W_node.idx +1
    return Swire1

  def generateBendShell(self, bend_node):
    #print "genBendShell Face", bend_node.idx +1
    # make new flat faces for the bend_node and return them
    # the k-Factor is already included in bend_node._trans_length
    flat_shell = []
    trans_vec = bend_node.tan_vec * bend_node._trans_length

    # o_edge: originating edge of the bend = parent edge
    o_edge = bend_node.p_edge.copy()
    # We want a section wire at the start of the bend_node, in order
    # to regenerate a flat body with this section wire.
    # 3 vectors are needed to generate a section plane: vec1 and 
    # a vector from o_edge and a vector with same direction of o_edge,
    # but with a length of two times the thickness
    o_wire = self.makeSectionWire(o_edge, bend_node, bend_node.bend_dir)

    # The same vectors are needed for the other side of the bend face
    if len(bend_node.child_list)>=1:
      child_node = bend_node.child_list[0] # fixme: there could be more than one child node for a bend face.
      # bend_edge = bend_node.edge_pool[child_node.idx][0] 
      bend_edge = child_node.p_edge.copy()

      b_wire = self.makeSectionWire(bend_edge, bend_node, bend_node.bend_dir).copy()
      number_c_edges = 0
      for s_edge in self.f_list[bend_node.idx].Edges:
        c_edg_found = True
        type_str = str(s_edge.Curve)
        if type_str.find('Line') == -1:
          c_edg_found = False
          print "found circle in c_edge search in bend Face", bend_node.idx+1
          print "found line in c_edge search in bend Face", bend_node.idx+1
          for E_vert in s_edge.Vertexes:
            if equal_vertex(E_vert, bend_node.p_edge.Vertexes[0]):
              c_edg_found = False
        if c_edg_found:
          bend_edge = s_edge
          number_c_edges = number_c_edges + 1
          print " found the second Line edge of the bend Face", bend_node.idx+1

      t_idx = self.search_face(bend_edge, bend_node)
      if t_idx <> None:
        topFace = self.f_list[t_idx].copy()

        s_Center = self.f_list[bend_node.idx].Surface.Center
        s_Axis = self.f_list[bend_node.idx].Surface.Axis

        # find the nearest vertex of bend_edge to a plane through s_Center
        # The section-wire should start at this vertex
        if (bend_edge.Vertexes[0].Point.distanceToPlane(s_Center, s_Axis) <
            bend_edge.Vertexes[1].Point.distanceToPlane(s_Center, s_Axis)):
          next_pnt = bend_edge.Vertexes[1].Point
          start_pnt = bend_edge.Vertexes[0].Point
          start_idx = 0
          end_idx = 1
          next_pnt = bend_edge.Vertexes[0].Point
          start_pnt = bend_edge.Vertexes[1].Point
          start_idx = 1
          end_idx = 0
        b_wireList = self.f_list[t_idx].Edges[:]
        #for remEdge in b_wireList:
        #  print "in b_wireList"

        for remEdge in b_wireList:
          if remEdge.isSame(bend_edge):
        for singleEdge in b_wireList:

          # print "section edges: ", len(singleEdge.Edges)
          if len(singleEdge.Edges) == 1:
            if (DraftVecUtils.equals(singleEdge.Edges[0].Vertexes[0].Point, start_pnt)):
              lastEdge = singleEdge.Edges[0].copy()
              lastConnect = 1
            if (DraftVecUtils.equals(singleEdge.Edges[0].Vertexes[1].Point, start_pnt)):
              lastEdge = singleEdge.Edges[0].copy()
              lastConnect = 0
            if (DraftVecUtils.equals(singleEdge.Edges[0].Vertexes[0].Point, next_pnt)):
              nextEdge = singleEdge.Edges[0].copy()
              nextConnect = 1
            if (DraftVecUtils.equals(singleEdge.Edges[0].Vertexes[1].Point, next_pnt)):
              nextEdge = singleEdge.Edges[0].copy()
              nextConnect = 0
        startEdge = Part.makeLine(start_pnt, next_pnt)
        middleEdge = Part.makeLine(nextEdge.Vertexes[nextConnect].Point, lastEdge.Vertexes[lastConnect].Point)
        b_wire = Part.Wire([startEdge, nextEdge, middleEdge, lastEdge ])
        print "Found no Face?!"
        # there is a seam in the metal sheet. 
        # Generate a new face for the seam.
        b_wire = self.makeSectionWire(bend_edge, bend_node, bend_node.bend_dir).copy()
        topFace = Part.Face(b_wire)
        # find the nearest vertex of bend_edge to a plane through s_Center
        # The section-wire should start at this vertex
        if (bend_edge.Vertexes[0].Point.distanceToPlane(s_Center, s_Axis) <
            bend_edge.Vertexes[1].Point.distanceToPlane(s_Center, s_Axis)):
          next_pnt = bend_edge.Vertexes[1].Point
          start_pnt = bend_edge.Vertexes[0].Point
          start_idx = 0
          end_idx = 1
          next_pnt = bend_edge.Vertexes[0].Point
          start_pnt = bend_edge.Vertexes[1].Point
          start_idx = 1
          end_idx = 0
        # find the nextEdge in the node faces
        search_List = bend_node.nfIndexes[:]
        the_index = None
        next_idx = None
        for i in search_List:
          for theEdge in self.f_list[i].Edges:
            if len(theEdge.Vertexes)>1:
              if equal_vector(theEdge.Vertexes[0].Point, next_pnt):
                next_idx = 1
              if equal_vector(theEdge.Vertexes[1].Point, next_pnt):
                next_idx = 0
              if next_idx <> None:
                if self.isVertOpposite(theEdge.Vertexes[next_idx], bend_node):
                  nextEdge = theEdge.copy()
                  the_index = i
                  next_idx = None
          if the_index <> None:

        #find the lastEdge
        last_idx = None
        for i in search_List:
          for theEdge in self.f_list[i].Edges:
            if len(theEdge.Vertexes)>1:
              if equal_vector(theEdge.Vertexes[0].Point, start_pnt):
                last_idx = 1
              if equal_vector(theEdge.Vertexes[1].Point, start_pnt):
                last_idx = 0
              if last_idx <> None:
                if self.isVertOpposite(theEdge.Vertexes[last_idx], bend_node):
                  lastEdge = theEdge.copy()
                  the_index = i
                  last_idx = None
          if the_index <> None:
        # find the middleEdge
        for theEdge in self.f_list[bend_node.c_face_idx].Edges:
          if len(theEdge.Vertexes)>1:
            if equal_vector(theEdge.Vertexes[0].Point, start_pnt):
              last_idx = 1
            if equal_vector(theEdge.Vertexes[1].Point, start_pnt):
              last_idx = 0
            if last_idx <> None:
              if self.isVertOpposite(theEdge.Vertexes[last_idx], bend_node):
                lastEdge = theEdge.copy()
                the_index = i
                last_idx = None

    #for vert in b_wire.Vertexes:
    #  print "b_wire1 tol: ", vert.Tolerance
    #for ed in b_wire.Edges:
    #  print "b_wire1 tol: ", ed.Vertexes[0].Tolerance, " ", ed.Vertexes[1].Tolerance
    sweep_path = Part.makeLine(o_wire.Vertexes[0].Point, b_wire.Vertexes[0].Point)

    Bend_shell = Part.makeRuledSurface (o_wire, b_wire)
    for shell_face in Bend_shell.Faces:
      flat_shell.append(shell_face )
    #print "finish genBendShell Face", bend_node.idx +1

    return flat_shell

  def makeSeamFace(self, sEdge, theNode):
    ''' This function creates a face at a seam of the sheet metal.
    It works currently only at a flat node.
    print "now make a seam Face"
    nextVert = sEdge.Vertexes[1]
    startVert = sEdge.Vertexes[0]
    start_idx = 0
    end_idx = 1
    search_List = theNode.nfIndexes[:]
    print "This is the search_List: ", search_List
    the_index = None
    next_idx = None
    for i in search_List:
      for theEdge in self.f_list[i].Edges:
        if len(theEdge.Vertexes)>1:
          if equal_vertex(theEdge.Vertexes[0], nextVert):
            next_idx = 1
          if equal_vertex(theEdge.Vertexes[1], nextVert):
            next_idx = 0
          if next_idx <> None:
            if self.isVertOpposite(theEdge.Vertexes[next_idx], theNode):
              nextEdge = theEdge.copy()
              the_index = i
              next_idx = None
      if the_index <> None:

    #find the lastEdge
    last_idx = None
    print "This is the search_List: ", search_List
    for i in search_List:[i])
      for theEdge in self.f_list[i].Edges:
        print "find last Edge in Face: ", i, " at Edge: ", theEdge
        if len(theEdge.Vertexes)>1:
          if equal_vertex(theEdge.Vertexes[0], startVert):
            last_idx = 1
          if equal_vertex(theEdge.Vertexes[1], startVert):
            last_idx = 0
          if last_idx <> None:
            print "test for the last Edge"
            if self.isVertOpposite(theEdge.Vertexes[last_idx], theNode):
              lastEdge = theEdge.copy()
              the_index = i
              last_idx = None
      if last_idx <> None:
    # find the middleEdge
    mid_idx = None
    midEdge = None
    for theEdge in self.f_list[theNode.c_face_idx].Edges:
      if len(theEdge.Vertexes)>1:
        if equal_vertex(theEdge.Vertexes[0], nextEdge.Vertexes[next_idx]):
          mid_idx = 1
        if equal_vertex(theEdge.Vertexes[1], nextEdge.Vertexes[next_idx]):
          mid_idx = 0
        if mid_idx <> None:
          if equal_vertex(theEdge.Vertexes[mid_idx], lastEdge.Vertexes[last_idx]):
            midEdge = theEdge.copy()
            mid_idx = None
      if midEdge:

    seam_wire = Part.Wire([sEdge, nextEdge, midEdge, lastEdge ])
    seamFace = Part.Face(seam_wire)
    self.max_f_idx += 1

  def showFaces(self):
    for i in self.index_list:[i])

  def unfold_tree2(self, node):
    # This function traverses the tree and unfolds the faces 
    # beginning at the outermost nodes.
    #print "unfold_tree face", node.idx + 1
    theShell = []
    nodeShell = []
    for n_node in node.child_list:
      if self.error_code == None:
        theShell = theShell + self.unfold_tree2(n_node)
    if node.node_type == 'Bend':
      trans_vec = node.tan_vec * node._trans_length
      for bFaces in theShell:
      if self.error_code == None:
        nodeShell = self.generateBendShell(node)
      if self.error_code == None:
        # nodeShell = self.generateShell(node)
        for idx in node.nfIndexes:
        #if len(node.seam_edges)>0:
        #  for seamEdge in node.seam_edges:
        #    self.makeSeamFace(seamEdge, node)
    print "ufo finish face",node.idx +1
    return (theShell + nodeShell)

mylist = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()
# print 'Die Selektion: ',mylist
# print 'Zahl der Selektionen: ', mylist.__len__()

if mylist.__len__() == 0:
  QtGui.QMessageBox.information(mw,"Error","""One flat face needs to be selected!""")
  if mylist.__len__() > 1:
    QtGui.QMessageBox.information(mw,"Error","""Only one flat face has to be selected!""")
    o = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0]
    print o.ObjectName
    if len(o.SubObjects)>1:
      QtGui.QMessageBox.information(mw,"SubelementError","""Only one flat face has to be selected!""")
      subelement = o.SubObjects[0]
      if hasattr(subelement,'Surface'):
        s_type = str(subelement.Surface)
        if s_type == "<Plane object>":
          #QtGui.QMessageBox.information(mw,"Hurra","""Lets try unfolding!""")
          print "name: ",subelement
          f_number = int(o.SubElementNames[0].lstrip('Face'))-1
          #print f_number
          startzeit = time.clock()
          TheTree = SheetTree(o.Object.Shape, f_number) # initializes the tree-structure
          if TheTree.error_code == None:
            TheTree.Bend_analysis(f_number, None) # traverses the shape builds the tree-structure
            endzeit = time.clock()
            print "Analytical time: ",endzeit-startzeit
            if TheTree.error_code == None:
              # TheTree.showFaces()
              theFaceList = TheTree.unfold_tree2(TheTree.root) # traverses the tree-structure
              if TheTree.error_code == None:
                unfoldTime = time.clock()
                print "time to run the unfold: ", unfoldTime - endzeit

                    newShell = Part.Shell(theFaceList)
                    print("couldn't join some faces, show only single faces")
                    for newFace in theFaceList:
                      TheSolid = Part.Solid(newShell)
                      solidTime = time.clock()
                      print "time to make the solid: ", solidTime - unfoldTime
                      print ("couldn't make a solid, show only a shell, Faces in List: ", len(theFaceList)) 
                      showTime = time.clock()
                      print "Show time: ", showTime - unfoldTime
                    showTime = time.clock()
                    print "Show time: ", showTime - solidTime, " total time: ", showTime - startzeit
          if TheTree.error_code <> None:
            print "Error ", unfold_error[TheTree.error_code],
            print " at Face", TheTree.failed_face_idx+1
            print "unfold successful"

          QtGui.QMessageBox.information(mw,"Selection Error","""Sheet UFO works only with a flat face as starter!\n Select a flat face.""")
        QtGui.QMessageBox.information(mw,"Selection Error","""Sheet UFO works only with a flat face as starter!\n Select a flat face.""")