Description |
This macro has been written because some operations in FreeCAD need to get a frequent access to the property editor. Its limited height in the combo view can be a problem, especially when access to the tree view is also needed at the same time. The macro solves this by allowing the user to temporarily split the property editor widget to a separated dock widget. The newly created widget is set to the right of the window at creation but can be moved (docked or floating) as any other dock widget. |
Author |
OpenBrain |
Download |
Links |
Macros recipes How to install macros How to customize toolbars |
Macro Version |
0.63 |
Date last modified |
2019-12-27 |
FreeCAD Version(s) |
0.17+ |
Default shortcut |
None |
See also |
This macro has been written because some operations in FreeCAD need to get a frequent access to the property editor. Its limited height in the combo view can be a problem, especially when access to the tree view is also needed at the same time. The macro solves this by allowing the user to temporarily split the property editor widget to a separated dock widget. The newly created widget is set to the right of the window at creation but can be moved (docked or floating) as any other dock widget. When separated property editor is no more needed, user can close the extra widget and property editor is set back to the combo view automatically. Notice that when the property editor is detached from the combo view, its height is stored and is then restored when it's back to the combo view. Moreover, when the property editor is split, it provides a font sizing mechanism so even more properties can be displayed.
To split the property editor, just run the macro. When the macro has been run once in the session, different ways to split/reset the property editor exists :
When the property editor is split in its separated widget, perform a mouse middle click on the widget title bar to get access to the font sizer.
The macro is available through Addon Manager. Code is provided on this page for convenience in case user system doesn't have git-python. Though it should be up-to-date, latest release is always available at FreeCAD-macro repository
For more detailed explanations, see the How to install macros page. Notice that macro is ready to be set as Macro at Startup
For any feedback (bug, feature request, comments, ...), please use this forum thread :
#!/usr/bin/python ##################################### # Copyright (c) openBrain 2019 # Licensed under LGPL v2 # # This FreeCAD macro will split the property editor from the combo view to a new dockable widget (panel) # * The default widget is docked to the right of the window but can be freely moved # * When the new widget is closed, the property editor is set back to its location in the combo view # * When the macro has been run once, the new widget is registered in FC UI and can (shall) be hidden/shown as original panels are # * Mouse middle click on the panel title displays a temporary slider to change font size # # Version history : # *0.63 : add comments in the code # *0.62 : property edit subpanel height is recorded and restored # *0.61 : property editor split is toggles when 'Model' tab label is double clicked in Combo View # *0.6 : improve behavior of macro so it toggles property editor split at each run # *0.52 : stop timer when no more needed # *0.51 : fix issue when separate Property View is enabled # *0.5 : beta release # ##################################### __Name__ = 'SplitPropEditor' __Comment__ = 'Splits the property editor from the combo view to a new dock widget (panel)' __Author__ = 'openBrain' __Version__ = '0.63' __Date__ = '2019-12-27' __License__ = 'LGPL v2' __Web__ = '' __Wiki__ = '' __Icon__ = '' __Help__ = 'Run macro once to create the new property editor panel' __Status__ = 'Beta' __Requires__ = 'FreeCAD >= 0.17' __Communication__ = '' ### Perform needed imports from PySide import QtCore, QtGui import FreeCAD as App import FreeCADGui as Gui ### Define a custom QDockWidget class class PropEditor(QtGui.QDockWidget): def __init__(self): mw = Gui.getMainWindow() pt = mw.findChild(QtGui.QWidget,'Combo View').findChild(QtGui.QWidget, 'propertyTab') # look for the property editor if not pt: raise Exception("Can't find property editor widget, exiting") self.ptWid = pt.parent() # find property editor widget self.oldParent = pt.parent().parent() # find property editor parent (is a QSplitter) self.oldIndex = self.oldParent.indexOf(self.ptWid) # store index of property editor in the QSplitter self.font = QtGui.QFont(pt.font()) # store current font super(PropEditor, self).__init__() # run inherited class constructor self.setParent(mw) self.setObjectName("PropEdit") self.setWindowTitle("Property Editor") ### create a custom title bar widget so font can be sized when property editor is split self.titleWid = QtGui.QWidget() lay = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() self.fs = QtGui.QSlider(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) # slider to size font oldPs = self.font.pointSize() self.fs.setSliderPosition(oldPs) # set default slider position self.fs.setMaximum(oldPs) # maximum font size is default one self.fs.setMinimum(int(oldPs/2+1)) # minimum font size is almost half the default one self.fs.setPageStep(1) # needed so mouse wheel step is 1 self.fs.valueChanged.connect(self.changeFs) self.fs.sliderReleased.connect(self.changeFs) # needed to manage font sizer hiding when slider is held by user lay.addWidget(QtGui.QLabel("Size : ")) lay.addWidget(self.fs) self.titleWid.setLayout(lay) self.timer = QtCore.QTimer(self) # set a timer so font sizer is hidden after some time self.timer.setInterval(2500) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.titleBarTo) ### connect to 'Model' tab label double-clicking to toggle split self.tb = mw.findChild(QtGui.QWidget,'Combo View').findChild(QtGui.QWidget, 'combiTab') self.tb.tabBarDoubleClicked.connect(self.toggleVisibility) def changeFs(self, fs=0): # called when font sizer slider is moved self.timer.start() # restart timeout timer if fs != 0: self.font.setPointSize(fs) # compute new font ... self.ptWid.setFont(self.font) # ... then apply def showEvent(self, event): # called when custom dock widget is shown self.ptHeight=self.oldParent.sizes() # record property editor height (handled at QSplitter to prevent opaque resizing) self.setWidget(self.ptWid) # transfer property editor widget to custom dock widget self.ptWid.setFont(self.font) # apply custom font size def hideEvent(self, event): # called when custom dock widget is hidden self.oldParent.insertWidget(self.oldIndex, self.ptWid) # reset property editor widget to combo view self.oldParent.setSizes(self.ptHeight) # restore property editor height self.ptWid.setFont(QtGui.QFont()) # restore default font of combo view def mousePressEvent(self, event): # called when mouse is pressed on the custom dock widget if event.button() == QtCore.Qt.MouseButton.MidButton: # if button is middle one self.setTitleBarWidget(self.titleWid) # show the font sizer in the title bar self.timer.start() # start timeout timer def titleBarTo(self): # called when timeout timer expires if not self.fs.isSliderDown(): # if slider is no more held by user self.resetTitleBar() # reset title bar def resetTitleBar(self): self.setTitleBarWidget(None) # set title bar to 'None' so it get back its default aspect self.timer.stop() # stop timeout timer def toggleVisibility(self, index = -2): # called to toggle property editor split ... # ... 'index' is needed when used as slot for 'Model' tab double-click ... # ... '-2' value can't be sent by signal so we know its a 'manual' call if index == -2 or self.tb.tabText(index).replace('&','') == 'Model': # if manual call or double-click on 'Model' tab label self.setVisible(self.isHidden()) # toggle custom dock widget visibility (behavior handled by show/hide events) def run() : # define main function pe = Gui.getMainWindow().findChild(QtGui.QWidget, 'PropEdit') # check if a custom property editor dock widget already exist if not pe: # if doesn't exist yet Gui.getMainWindow().addDockWidget(QtCore.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, PropEditor()) # create it else: # if already exists pe.toggleVisibility() # toggle property editor split if __name__ == '__main__': # if macro called to run run()