Description |
This macro helps managing cells inside FreeCAD's Spreadsheet-workbench. It helps managing cells inside FreeCAD's Spreadsheet-workbench. With its help one is able to:Cut/delete data and/or alias information, Copy data and/or an alias information, Paste data and/or alias information Macro version: 0.2.08 Last modified: 2017-11-03 FreeCAD version: All Download: ToolBar Icon Author: Wilfried Hortschitz |
Author |
Wilfried Hortschitz |
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ToolBar Icon |
Links |
Macros recipes How to install macros How to customize toolbars |
Macro Version |
0.2.08 |
Date last modified |
2017-11-03 |
FreeCAD Version(s) |
All |
Default shortcut |
None |
See also |
None |
This macro helps managing cells inside FreeCAD's Spreadsheet-workbench. It helps managing cells inside FreeCAD's Spreadsheet-workbench. With its help one is able to:
More information might be found on FreeCAD forums: and particular on and on Github on .
Macro SpreadsheetTools.FCMacro
# ============================================================================================================ # ============================================================================================================ # == == # == Spreadsheet tools == # == == # ============================================================================================================ # ============================================================================================================ # ABOUT # ============================================================================================================ # version v0.2.08 !!! This is beta version code so backup your data first!!! The author assumes no liability for data loss. # # Macro developed for FreeCAD ( # This macro helps managing cells inside FreeCAD Spreadsheet workbench. It is able to: # - Cut/delete data and/or alias fields in a selected area of cells # - Copy data and/or alias fields in a selected area of cells to clipboard # - Paste data and/or alias fields in a selected area of cells from cliboard # More information might be found on FreeCAD forums: # # # LICENSE # ============================================================================================================ # # This work is licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). # To view a copy of this license, visit # # ============================================================================================================ __title__ = "Spreadsheet_tools" __author__ = "HoWil" __version__ = "0.2.08" __date__ = "2017-09-02" __Comment__ = "This macro helps managing cells inside a single spreadsheet of FreeCAD Spreadsheet workbench. It is able to cut/delete, copy and paste an area of cells including format, alias and units. Merged cells are not supported." __Status__ = "stable" __Requires__ = "FreeCAD 0.17" from PySide import QtGui, QtCore import FreeCADGui #import FreeCAD import FreeCAD as App import string ''' *Working* Cut/delete the selected area *Working* Copy to clipboard *Working* Paste from clipboard *Working* Copy and paste alias TODO: * Check if something is overwritten and show a warning. * Use shortcuts like Ctrl-c. * Test if pandas is installed and offer import-export if available. * Right click menu?? * Copy and paste formating??? Known limitations: * Does work only with one opened FC-Spreadsheet. * A cell has to be selected before selecting one of the options of Spreadsheet_tools. * Does not work on merged cells. ''' try: _fromUtf8 = QtCore.QString.fromUtf8 except AttributeError: def _fromUtf8(s): return s try: _encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8 def _translate(context, text, disambig): return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig, _encoding) except AttributeError: def _translate(context, text, disambig): return QtGui.QApplication.translate(context, text, disambig) # ===== Global variables ============================================== alphabet_list = list(string.ascii_uppercase) column_list = [] # is filled with A, B, C,.... AA, AB, AC,... for i in range(0,26): column_list.append(alphabet_list[i]) for i in range(0,26): for j in range(0,26): column_list.append(alphabet_list[i] + alphabet_list[j]) class Spreadsheet_Tools(QtGui.QDialog): """""" def __init__(self, MainWindow): super(Spreadsheet_Tools, self).__init__() self.window = MainWindow #MainWindow.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("MainWindow")) #MainWindow.resize(400, 450) #MainWindow.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(400, 450)) #MainWindow.setMaximumSize(QtCore.QSize(400, 450)) #self.widget = QtGui.QWidget(MainWindow) #self.widget.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("widget")) self.init_UI() def init_UI(self): FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("init_UI") option3Button = QtGui.QPushButton("Copy to clipboard") option3Button.clicked.connect(self.copy_to_clipboard) option1Button = QtGui.QPushButton("Cut to clipboard/Delete selection") option1Button.clicked.connect(self.cut_delete_selection) option2Button = QtGui.QPushButton("Paste from clipboard") option2Button.clicked.connect(self.paste_from_clipboard) option4Button = QtGui.QPushButton("Close this dialog") option4Button.clicked.connect(self.close_dialog) buttonBox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox() buttonBox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(QtCore.Qt.Vertical) buttonBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(00, 100, 210, 200)) buttonBox.addButton(option3Button, QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) buttonBox.addButton(option1Button, QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) buttonBox.addButton(option2Button, QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) buttonBox.addButton(option4Button, QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) self.groupBox = QtGui.QGroupBox() # this is the group for associate self.groupBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(00, 220, 125, 200)) # coordinates position self.groupBox.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("groupBox")) # name of window groupBox # section checkBox 1 self.checkBox_1 = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.groupBox) # create object QRadioButton in groupBox self.checkBox_1.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 150, 20)) # coordinates position self.checkBox_1.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("Copy/paste/cut visible cell-content")) # name of object self.checkBox_1.setChecked(True) # Check by default True or False self.checkBox_1.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Copy/paste/cut visible cell-content", None)) self.checkBox_1.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Use visible content", None)) #self.checkBox_1.clicked.connect(self.on_checkBox_1_clicked) # section checkBox 2 self.checkBox_2 = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.groupBox) # create object QRadioButton in groupBox self.checkBox_2.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(160, 0, 150, 20)) # coordinates position self.checkBox_2.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("Copy/paste/cut cell-alias")) # name of object self.checkBox_2.setChecked(True) # Check by default True or False self.checkBox_2.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Use alias", None)) self.checkBox_2.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Use alias", None)) #self.checkBox_2.clicked.connect(self.on_checkBox_2_clicked) self.checkBox_3 = QtGui.QCheckBox(self.groupBox) # create object QRadioButton in groupBox self.checkBox_3.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(280, 0, 150, 20)) # coordinates position self.checkBox_3.setObjectName(_fromUtf8("Copy/paste/cut cell-alias")) # name of object self.checkBox_3.setChecked(True) # Check by default True or False self.checkBox_3.setToolTip(_translate("MainWindow", "Use formatting", None)) self.checkBox_3.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "Use formatting", None)) #self.checkBox_3.clicked.connect(self.on_checkBox_3_clicked) mainLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() mainLayout.addWidget(self.groupBox) mainLayout.addWidget(buttonBox) self.setLayout(mainLayout) # define window xLoc,yLoc,xDim,yDim self.setGeometry( 500, 500, 450, 220) self.setWindowTitle("Pick a Button") def get_selection(self): mw = FreeCADGui.getMainWindow() mdiarea = mw.findChild(QtGui.QMdiArea) subw = mdiarea.subWindowList() for i in subw: if i.widget().metaObject().className() == "SpreadsheetGui::SheetView": sheet = i.widget() table = sheet.findChild(QtGui.QTableView) ind = table.selectedIndexes() = mw # mainwindow self.sheet = sheet # spreadsheet self.table = table # table self.ind = ind l_elements = len(ind) first_element = ind.__getitem__(0) fe_col = first_element.column() fe_row = first_element.row() fe_alphanum = column_list[fe_col] + str(fe_row+1) last_element = ind.__getitem__(l_elements-1) le_col = last_element.column() le_row = last_element.row() le_alphanum = column_list[le_col] + str(le_row+1) self.fe_alphanum = fe_alphanum self.fe_col = fe_col # numeric representation of column, D=>3 self.fe_row = fe_row # numeric representation of row self.le_alphanum = le_alphanum self.le_col = le_col self.le_row = le_row def delete_selection(self): # Delete selection self.get_selection() ind = self.ind rows = range(self.fe_row, self.le_row+1) columns = range(self.fe_col, self.le_col+1) for row in rows: for column in columns: cell = column_list[column] + str(row+1) if self.checkBox_1.isChecked(): App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.set(cell, str(' ') ) if self.checkBox_2.isChecked(): try: App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.setAlias(cell, None) except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("\nCould not delete alias.") if self.checkBox_3.isChecked(): try: App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.set(cell, '') except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("\nCould not delete formatting.") App.activeDocument().recompute() def cut_delete_selection(self): # Cut selection self.copy_to_clipboard() self.delete_selection() def paste_from_clipboard(self): # Paste from clipboard self.get_selection() clipboard = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard() if clipboard.mimeData().hasText(): cbtext = clipboard.mimeData().text() cbtext_split = [s.split('\t') for s in cbtext.splitlines()] if self.checkBox_1.isChecked() and self.checkBox_2.isChecked() and self.checkBox_3.isChecked(): n_cells = len(cbtext_split)/3 index_col = self.fe_col for n_line, line in zip(range(n_cells), cbtext_split[0:n_cells]): for n_word, col in zip(range(len(line)), line): cell = column_list[index_col+n_word] + str(self.fe_row+n_line+1) App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.set(cell, str(col) ) for n_line, line in zip(range(n_cells), cbtext_split[n_cells:n_cells*2]): for n_word, col in zip(range(len(line)), line): cell = column_list[index_col+n_word] + str(self.fe_row+n_line+1) try: App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.setAlias(cell, str(col)) except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("\nCould not set/paste alias.") for n_line, line in zip(range(n_cells), cbtext_split[n_cells*2:]): for n_word, col in zip(range(len(line)), line): cell = column_list[index_col+n_word] + str(self.fe_row+n_line+1) import ast col = ast.literal_eval(col) try: if not(col['style'] == 'None'): eval("App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.setStyle('"+cell+"', "+col['style']+")") if not(col['alignment'] == 'None'): eval("App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.setAlignment('"+cell+"', "+col['alignment']+")") except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("\nCould not set formatting (style, alignment).") try: if not(col['foreground'] == 'None'): App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.setForeground(cell, ast.literal_eval(col['foreground'])) if not(col['background'] == 'None'): eval("App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.setBackground('"+cell+"', "+col['background']+")") except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("\nCould not set formatting ( background, foreground).") try: if not(col['contents'] == ''): App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.set(cell, col['contents']) if not(col['displayunit'] == 'None'): App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.setDisplayUnit(cell, col['displayunit']) except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("\nCould not set formatting (displayunit and contents).") if self.checkBox_1.isChecked() and (not self.checkBox_2.isChecked()): n_cells = len(cbtext_split) index_col = self.fe_col for n_line, line in zip(range(n_cells), cbtext_split[0:n_cells]): for n_word, col in zip(range(len(line)), line): cell = column_list[index_col+n_word] + str(self.fe_row+n_line+1) App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.set(cell, str(col) ) if (not self.checkBox_1.isChecked()) and self.checkBox_2.isChecked(): n_cells = len(cbtext_split) index_col = self.fe_col for n_line, line in zip(range(n_cells), cbtext_split[0:n_cells]): for n_word, col in zip(range(len(line)), line): cell = column_list[index_col+n_word] + str(self.fe_row+n_line+1) try: App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.setAlias(cell, str(col)) except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("\nCould not set/paste alias.") App.activeDocument().recompute() else: clipboard.setText(tr("Cannot display data! No proper information stored in clipboard.")) def copy_to_clipboard(self): # Copy to clipboard self.get_selection() if len(self.ind) > 0: # sort select indexes into rows and columns previous = self.ind[0] columns = [] rows = [] clipboard = "" if self.checkBox_1.isChecked(): for index in self.ind: if previous.column() != index.column(): columns.append(rows) rows = [] rows.append( idx_col = index.column() idx_row = index.row() idx_alphanum = column_list[idx_col] + str(idx_row+1) previous = index columns.append(rows) cell_content = columns self.cell_content = cell_content # add rows and columns to clipboard nrows = len(cell_content[0]) ncols = len(cell_content) for r in xrange(nrows): for c in xrange(ncols): if cell_content[c][r] is not None: clipboard += cell_content[c][r] else: clipboard += '' if c != (ncols-1): clipboard += '\t' clipboard += '\n' previous_alias = self.ind[0] columns_alias = [] rows_alias = [] clipboard_alias = "" if self.checkBox_2.isChecked(): for index in self.ind: if previous_alias.column() != index.column(): columns_alias.append(rows_alias) rows_alias = [] idx_col = index.column() idx_row = index.row() idx_alphanum = column_list[idx_col] + str(idx_row+1) rows_alias.append(App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.getAlias(idx_alphanum)) previous_alias = index columns_alias.append(rows_alias) cell_content_alias = columns_alias self.cell_content_alias = cell_content_alias # add rows and columns to clipboard nrows = len(cell_content_alias[0]) ncols = len(cell_content_alias) for r in xrange(nrows): for c in xrange(ncols): if cell_content_alias[c][r] is not None: clipboard_alias += cell_content_alias[c][r] else: clipboard_alias += '' if c != (ncols-1): clipboard_alias += '\t' clipboard_alias += '\n' previous_formatting = self.ind[0] columns_formatting = [] rows_formatting = [] clipboard_formatting = "" if self.checkBox_3.isChecked(): for index in self.ind: if previous_formatting.column() != index.column(): columns_formatting.append(rows_formatting) rows_formatting = [] idx_col = index.column() idx_row = index.row() idx_alphanum = column_list[idx_col] + str(idx_row+1) formatting_dict = {'style':str(App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.getStyle(idx_alphanum)), 'foreground':str(App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.getForeground(idx_alphanum)), 'background':str(App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.getBackground(idx_alphanum)), 'contents':str(App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.getContents(idx_alphanum)), 'displayunit':str(App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.getDisplayUnit(idx_alphanum)), 'alignment':str(App.ActiveDocument.Spreadsheet.getAlignment(idx_alphanum))} rows_formatting.append(formatting_dict) previous_formatting = index columns_formatting.append(rows_formatting) cell_content_formatting = columns_formatting self.cell_content_formatting = cell_content_formatting FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(cell_content_formatting) # add rows and columns to clipboard nrows = len(cell_content_formatting[0]) ncols = len(cell_content_formatting) for r in xrange(nrows): for c in xrange(ncols): if cell_content_formatting[c][r] is not None: clipboard_formatting += str( cell_content_formatting[c][r] ) else: clipboard_formatting += '' if c != (ncols-1): clipboard_formatting += '\t' clipboard_formatting += '\n' # copy to the system clipboard sys_clip = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard() sys_clip.setText(clipboard + clipboard_alias + clipboard_formatting) def close_dialog(self): self.close() MainWindow = QtGui.QMainWindow() form = Spreadsheet_Tools(MainWindow)