Printed Circuit Board Workbench for FreeCAD (PCB)
Flexible Printed Circuit Board Workbench for FreeCAD (FPCB)
Module allows you to import/create PCB boards in FreeCAD. Scope of module:
For detailed workbench use description see index.pdf in the source code or manual
Drop down menu
This workbench can be installed from the Addon Manager.
FreeCAD-PCB requires FreeCAD in version 0.18 or higher and Python version 2.7 or higher.
Linux Installation Instructions (From GitHub)
Unpack downloaded zip file and copy extracted folder to directory where FreeCAD is installed (subfolder Mod).
~/.FreeCAD/Mod .
chmod 777 -R PCB
Windows Installation Instructions (From GitHub)
Unpack downloaded zip file and copy extracted folder to direction where FreeCAD is installed (subfolder Mod).
C:/Program Files/FreeCAD-0.18
C:/Program Files/FreeCAD-0.18/Mod
Security → Edit → Users and mark all checkboxes under 'Allow' option.
MacOS Installation Instructions (From GitHub)