Popis |
This macro red trace (editable) the center face (mass) with 1 point and print the coordinates. Version macro : 0.1 Date last modification : 2014-04-29 Autor: Mario52 |
Autor |
Mario52 |
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None |
Odkazy |
Makro recepty| Jak nainstalovat makra Jak přizpůsobit panely nástrojů |
Verze |
0.1 |
Datum poslední úpravy |
2014-04-29 |
Verze FreeCAD |
None |
Výchozí zástupce |
None |
Viz též |
None |
Toto makro červené stopy (lze upravovat) středovou plochu (hmotnost) s 1 bodem a vytisknout souřadnice.
Vyberte jednu tvář a spusťte makro. 1 bod na obličej je barevně červený (lze jej změnit).
Chcete-li změnit barvu bodu, změňte řádky 36, 37, 38
red = 1.0 # 1 = 255
green = 0.0 #
blue = 0.0 #
Střed plochy obličeje (hmotnost) a souřadnice XYZ obličeje jsou zobrazeny v zobrazení sestavy.
Stáhněte obrázek obrázku a zkopírujte do repertoáru maker.
Klikněte na obrázek, v novém okně umístěte myš nad obrázek, klikněte pravým tlačítkem myši a proveďte "Uložit cíl jako ..."
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #OS: Windows Vista #OS: Windows 10 #Platform: 32-bit #Word size of OS: 64-bit #Version: 0.14.3389 #Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit #Python version: 2.6.2 #Version: 0.17.13528 (Git) #Qt version: 4.5.2 #Build type: Release #Coin version: 3.1.0 #Branch: releases/FreeCAD-0-17 #SoQt version: 1.4.1 #Hash: 5c3f7bf8ec51e2c7187789f7edba71a7aa82a88b #OCC version: 6.5.1 #Python version: 2.7.14 #Qt version: 4.8.7 #Coin version: 4.0.0a #OCC version: 7.2.0 # 29/04/2014, 07/10/2018 __title__ = "Macro_CenterFace" __author__ = "Mario52" __url__ = "http://www.freecadweb.org/index-fr.html" __Wiki__ = "https://www.freecadweb.org/wiki/Macro_CenterFace" __version__ = "00.02" __date__ = "07/10/2018" __Comment__ = "select a face launch and list the center coordinate XYZ of face" import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui, Draft, Part def objectRealPlacement3D(obj): # search the real Placement try: objectPlacement = obj.Shape.Placement objectPlacementBase = FreeCAD.Vector(objectPlacement.Base) #### objectWorkCenter = objectPlacementBase #### if hasattr(obj, "getGlobalPlacement"): globalPlacement = obj.getGlobalPlacement() globalPlacementBase = FreeCAD.Vector(globalPlacement.Base) #### objectRealPlacement3D = globalPlacementBase.sub(objectWorkCenter)#mode=0 adapte pour BBox + Centerpoints #### else: objectRealPlacement3D = objectWorkCenter return objectRealPlacement3D except Exception: return FreeCAD.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) try: sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection() # get the selection sh = sel[0] # seletion of the first element App.Console.PrintMessage( "__Begin__________"+"\n") import unicodedata nameLabel = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', sh.Label).encode('ascii','ignore') App.Console.PrintMessage("Label : "+ str(nameLabel)+"\n") # extract the Label App.Console.PrintMessage("Name : "+ str(sel[0].Name) +"\n") # extract the Name except: App.Console.PrintError( "Select a face"+"\n") try: SubElement = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()# "getSelectionEx" Used for selecting subobjects element_ = SubElement[0].SubElementNames[0] # seletion of the first element #print element_ #print sh.Faces # LineColor red = 1.0 # 1 = 255 green = 0.0 # blue = 0.0 # for i in range(len(sh.Shape.Faces)): # list and extract the data oripl_X = sh.Shape.Faces[i].CenterOfMass.x oripl_Y = sh.Shape.Faces[i].CenterOfMass.y oripl_Z = sh.Shape.Faces[i].CenterOfMass.z placementOrigine = objectRealPlacement3D( sh ) oripl_X += placementOrigine[0] oripl_Y += placementOrigine[1] oripl_Z += placementOrigine[2] App.Console.PrintMessage( "Center Face "+str(i)+" : "+str(sh.Shape.Faces[i].CenterOfMass)+"\n") # Vector center mass to face App.Console.PrintMessage( "GlobalPlacement : "+str(placementOrigine)+"\n") # Vector center mass to face Draft.makePoint(oripl_X, oripl_Y, oripl_Z) # create a point FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeObject().PointColor = (red, green, blue) App.Console.PrintMessage( " Surface : "+str(sel[0].Shape.Faces[i-1].Area)+"\n") fco = 0 for f0 in sel[0].Shape.Faces[i].Vertexes: # Vertexes faces fco += 1 App.Console.PrintMessage(" Vertexe X"+str(fco)+": "+str(f0.Point.x)+" Y"+str(fco)+": "+str(f0.Point.y)+" Z"+str(fco)+": "+str(f0.Point.z)+"\n") except: App.Console.PrintError( "Select a face *"+"\n") App.Console.PrintMessage( "__End____________"+"\n")
ver 0.2 07/10/2018 : upgrade for FC 017 "getGlobalPlacement"
ver 0.1 29/04/2014