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Part Design -> Draft |
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Part Design |
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None |
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Tento nástroj vytváří úhlové zkosení na vybrané ploše objektu. Ve stromu projektu je vytvořena nová samostatné položka (následovaná pořadovým číslem jestliže v dokumentu už zkosení).
See also: Property editor.
A PartDesign Draft object is derived from a Part Feature object and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:
): Cannot be negative. Default: 1.5 °
): Default: false
): Sub-link to the parent feature's list of selected edges and faces.Bool
): Include the base additive/subtractive shape when used in pattern features. If disabled, only the dressed part of the shape is used for patterning. Default: false
): Link to the parent feature.LinkHidden
): Link to the parent body.Draft
): Sub-link to the parent feature's list containing the neutral plane.LinkSub
)Part Design
): Refine shape (clean up redundant edges) after adding/subtracting. The default value is determined by the Automatically refine model after sketch-based operation preference. See PartDesign Preferences.