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Menu location |
CAM → Supplemental Commands → From Shape |
Workbenches |
Default shortcut |
None |
Introduced in version |
- |
See also |
None |
The tool Shape doesn't match the current CAM workflow. For that reason it's moved to the experimental features.
This tool generates tool-paths from CAM Object edges.
Tool-paths are uncompensated for tool radius. There is no Tool controller associated with the generated tool-paths .
All edges associated with the 3D Model selection will be included.
The output tool-path is added outside the CAM Job.
All Options provided are available only from the FromShape.Property.Data view, and include:
See also: FreeCAD Scripting Basics.
Returns a Path object from a list of shapes.
shapes = [Box.Shape]
Path.fromShapes(shapes, start=Vector(), return_end=False, arc_plane=1, sort_mode=1, min_dist=0.0, abscissa=3.0, nearest_k=3, orientation=0, direction=0, threshold=0.0, retract_axis=2, retraction=0.0, resume_height=0.0, segmentation=0.0, feedrate=0.0, feedrate_v=0.0, verbose=True, abs_center=False, preamble=True, deflection=0.01)