
FreeCAD bietet keine Fanartikel zum Bestellen an, mit denen das Projekt unterstützt werden kann. Die Kosten für Produktion, Versand und Verkaufsplatform würden den endgültigen Preis so sehr erhöhen, dass wir glauben, dass es unatraktiv wird, FreeCAD auf diesem Wege zu unterstützen; außerdem kostet es viel Zeit und Resourcen Zahlungen, Versand usw. zu verwalten und organisieren. Aber da wir alle Fanartikel lieben, haben wir hier die Lösung: "Fanartikel zum Selbermachen!"

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Official FreeCAD t-shirts are very easy to produce! Download one of the full-resolution .png images below, then head to a printing website such as https://zazzle.com (this is one of the most well-known ones, you might easily find better or cheaper t-shirt printing site in your country), then select your t-shirt, add the image, stretch it as big as the platform allows, make sure you ask for printing in full 4 colors mode, and you're done!

Version 0.11


Downloadable file:


Version 0.19


Downloadable file:



The file below can be used to print 50x50mm stickers. Most print shops will ask you for Adobe Illustrator files, sometimes two files (one for the printing and one for the contour cut). But the svg files below will import in Illustrator just fine, so you can send them instead. Some print shops will ask for both the print and the contour to be in the same file, but with special instructions for the contour, such as be in magenta color. Make sure to check the requirements before sending to print.

Downloadable files:

freecad-sticker-full.svg - full file (color + contour)

freecad-sticker-color.svg - color (print) only

freecad-sticker-contour.svg - contour only