Description |
Importe un fichier 3DXML-ascii dans FreeCAD. Version macro : 0.1 Date dernière modification : 2021-10-03 Version FreeCAD : - Auteur: heda |
Auteur |
heda |
Téléchargement |
None |
Liens |
Page des macros Comment installer une macro Comment créer une barre d'outils |
Version Macro |
0.1 |
Dernière modification |
2021-10-03 |
Version(s) FreeCAD |
- |
Raccourci clavier |
None |
Voir aussi |
None |
Cette macro importe un fichier 3DXML-ascii, avec l'option d'inclure les arêtes et/ou les mailles. Il existe d'autres types de fichiers 3DXML que le type ascii, les autres types ne peuvent pas être importés avec cette macro.
La macro n'a été testée que sur un seul fichier, les fonctionnalités implémentées sont limitées à ce qui était disponible dans ce fichier. Si d'autres fichiers de test sont mis à disposition, la macro pourrait éventuellement être étendue pour couvrir des fonctionnalités supplémentaires. Chacun est libre de modifier et d'améliorer la macro, le mieux étant de la modifier ici sur le Wiki. Plus d'informations dans la docstring
de la macro.
Exécutez la macro et sélectionnez un fichier.
Avec le gestionnaire des extensions.
Forum : Pas de fil de discussion dédié, mais issu du forum post.
v0.1 2021-10-03 : première version
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # *************************************************************************** # * Copyright (c) 2021 heda <heda @ freecad forum> * # * * # * This file is part of the FreeCAD CAx development system. * # * * # * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * # * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * # * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * # * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * # * for detail see the LICENCE text file. * # * * # * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * # * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * # * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * # * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * # * * # * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * # * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * # * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * # * USA * # * * # *************************************************************************** __Name__ = '3DXML_import' __Comment__ = 'Imports a 3DXML-ascii file to FreeCAD' __Author__ = 'heda @ fc-forum' __Version__ = '0.1' __Date__ = '2021-10-03' __License__ = 'LGPL-2.0-or-later' __Web__ = '' __Wiki__ = '' __Icon__ = '' __Help__ = 'Launch macro and select file.' __Status__ = 'Stable' __Requires__ = 'tested on FreeCAD v0.19' __Communication__ = 'forum' __Files__ = '' __doc__ = """ The 3DXML file format allows for multiple types of representations. This macro is limited to human readable content in the files, i.e. the ascii tesselated type of geometry definition. This type of geometry definition includes polylines as edges of geometry, and meshes (like stl files). The macro in current state requires a readable xml-file of type ".3DRep". Import of edges is by default off, since that is the operation taking the longest time. It is recommended to run a mesh analysis after import to for example remove duplicate points or correct flipped normals. This macro is created using only one reference file (with only "strips" as facets), thus it's applicability on other .3DRep files is currently unknown. If other test files are made available, the macro can be updated. """ import FreeCAD as App import Part, Mesh from PySide import QtGui import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET IMPORT_EDGES, MERGE_EDGES = False, False IMPORT_MESHES, MERGE_MESHES = True, True filename, filt = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(filter='*.3DRep') if not filename: raise UserWarning('Need to select a 3DRep file.') print('Importing: {}'.format(filename)) doc = App.ActiveDocument tree = ET.parse(filename) root = tree.getroot() # get namespaces from xml ns = dict([node for _, node in ET.iterparse(filename, events=['start-ns'])]) if ns.get('') != '': raise UserWarning('did not find expected namespace, file malformed?') ns.update({'3dx':ns.get('')}) def parse_verts(vertbuffer): def floatify(xyz): return tuple((float(i) for i in xyz.split())) return [floatify(v) for v in vertbuffer.split(',')] def parse_strips(strips): return (tuple(int(i) for i in strip.split()) for strip in strips.split(',')) def make_mesh(element): Faces, VertexBuffer, SurfaceAttributes = list(element) Color = Faces.find('.//3dx:Color', ns) RGBA = tuple((float(i) for i in tuple(Color.attrib.values())[1:])) Face = Faces.find('.//3dx:Face', ns) strips = Face.get('strips') facets = list() if strips: Positions, Normals = list(VertexBuffer) facetverts = fv = parse_verts(Positions.text) for strip in parse_strips(strips): facetidx = zip(strip, strip[1:], strip[2:]) facets += [tuple(fv[i] for i in pidx) for pidx in facetidx] else: print('face type undefined') return Mesh.Mesh(facets), RGBA for BagRepType in root.findall('3dx:Root/3dx:Rep', ns): edges, meshes = list(), list() for PolygonalRepType in BagRepType: if PolygonalRepType.find('./3dx:Edges', ns): if not IMPORT_EDGES: continue Edges = PolygonalRepType.find('./3dx:Edges', ns) for polyline in Edges.findall('./3dx:Polyline', ns): verts = parse_verts(polyline.get('vertices')) edges.append(Part.makePolygon(verts)) elif PolygonalRepType.find('./3dx:Faces', ns): print(' found face element') if not IMPORT_MESHES: continue mesh = make_mesh(PolygonalRepType) meshes.append(mesh) if edges: print(' creating edges') edgegroup = doc.addObject('App::DocumentObjectGroup','Edges') wires = list() if MERGE_EDGES: _edges = list() for _edge in edges: _edges += _edge.Edges for swire in Part.sortEdges(_edges): wire = Part.Wire(swire) obj = doc.addObject('Part::Feature', 'Edge') obj.Shape = wire wires.append(obj) else: for edge in edges: obj = doc.addObject('Part::Feature', 'Edge') obj.Shape = edge wires.append(obj) edgegroup.addObjects(wires) if meshes: print(' creating meshes') meshgroup = doc.addObject('App::DocumentObjectGroup','Meshes') meshobjs = list() if MERGE_MESHES: mesh_assembled = Mesh.Mesh() for mesh, RGBA in meshes: mesh_assembled.addMesh(mesh) obj = doc.addObject('Mesh::Feature', 'Mesh') obj.Mesh = mesh_assembled obj.ViewObject.ShapeColor = RGBA meshobjs.append(obj) else: for mesh, RGBA in meshes: obj = doc.addObject('Mesh::Feature', 'Mesh') obj.Mesh = mesh obj.ViewObject.ShapeColor = RGBA meshobjs.append(obj) meshgroup.addObjects(meshobjs) doc.recompute() print('... completed import') # end