Opis |
Alternativna provedba Part Section alat (parametarski) Makronaredba verzije : 1.1 Datum zadnje izmjene : 2018-04-28 Verzija FreeCAD : All Preuzimanje datoteka : ToolBar Icon Autor : DeepSOIC |
Autor |
DeepSOIC |
Preuzimanje datoteka |
ToolBar Icon |
Linkovi |
Makro recepti Kako instalirati makronaredbe Kako prilagoditi alatne trake |
Verzija |
1.1 |
Datum zadnje izmjene |
2018-04-28 |
Verzije FreeCAD-a |
All |
Zadani prečac |
None |
Vidi također |
None |
Part Section alat proizvodi rubove s kontinuitetom C0 i velikim brojem segmenata (čvorova), što nije baš prikladno kaoSweep staza.
Ovaj makronaredba čini isto izdvajanjem rubova odjeljka iz rezultata općeglasa (GFA). Rezultat je C1-kontinuiran i ima manje čvorova. To još uvijek nije sjajno za čišćenje, ali puno bolje od običnog dijela.
Zahtijeva FreeCAD v0.17 + izgrađen protiv OCC ne manje od 6.9.0 (testirano na 7.0.0).
preuzmite datoteku i spremite je u makro direktorij:
Nakon pokretanja makronaredbe, možete dodati gumb alatne trake. Idite na Alati → Prilagodi, Alatne trake, odaberite MacroSection na lijevom padajućem popisu i dodajte naredbu bilo kojoj od vaših prilagođenih alatnih traka.
#*************************************************************************** #* * #* Copyright (c) 2016 - Victor Titov (DeepSOIC) * #* <vv.titov@gmail.com> * #* * #* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * #* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) * #* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * #* the License, or (at your option) any later version. * #* for detail see the LICENCE text file. * #* * #* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * #* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * #* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * #* GNU Library General Public License for more details. * #* * #* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * #* License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * #* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * #* USA * #* * #*************************************************************************** __title__="Macro Section" __author__ = "DeepSOIC" __doc__ = ''' Macro Section. Alternative implementation of Part Section tool. Requires FreeCAD v0.17+ and OCC 6.9.0+ Instructions: First of all, save this macro as MacroSection.py, into a location from where it can be imported. FC's standard macro location is the best place to do that. Select two shapes to compute section between. Then, in Py console: import MacroSection MacroSection.run() OR just run this file as a macro. Parametric Section object is created. ''' if __name__ == "__main__": #being run as a macro import MacroSection MacroSection.run() import FreeCAD as App if App.GuiUp: import FreeCADGui as Gui import Part def makeSectionFeature(): '''makeSectionFeature(): makes a Section parametric feature object. Returns the new object.''' selfobj = App.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython","Section") Section(selfobj) ViewProviderSection(selfobj.ViewObject) return selfobj class Section: "The Section feature object" def __init__(self,selfobj): selfobj.addProperty("App::PropertyLink","Base","Section","Input shape") selfobj.addProperty("App::PropertyLink","Tool","Section","Input shape") selfobj.Proxy = self def execute(self,selfobj): import BOPTools import BOPTools.ShapeMerge from BOPTools.Utils import HashableShape if len(selfobj.Base.Shape.Faces) == 0 or len(selfobj.Tool.Shape.Faces) == 0: raise ValueError("Shapes must have at least one face each.") sh1 = Part.Compound(selfobj.Base.Shape.Faces) sh2 = Part.Compound(selfobj.Tool.Shape.Faces) pieces, map = sh1.generalFuse([sh2]) pieces = pieces.childShapes() assert(len(pieces) == 2) edges1 = set([HashableShape(edge) for edge in pieces[0].Edges]) edges2 = set([HashableShape(edge) for edge in pieces[1].Edges]) edges_to_return = list(set.intersection(edges1, edges2)) edges_to_return = [edge.Shape for edge in edges_to_return] #convert hashable shapes back to plain shapes print("returning {num} edges of total {tot}".format(num= len(edges_to_return), tot= len(edges1)+len(edges2))) selfobj.Shape = BOPTools.ShapeMerge.mergeWires(edges_to_return) class ViewProviderSection: def __init__(self,vobj): vobj.Proxy = self def getIcon(self): return ":/icons/Part_Section.svg" def attach(self, vobj): self.ViewObject = vobj self.Object = vobj.Object def __getstate__(self): return None def __setstate__(self,state): return None def claimChildren(self): return [self.Object.Base, self.Object.Tool] def onDelete(self, feature, subelements): # subelements is a tuple of strings try: self.Object.Base.ViewObject.show() self.Object.Tool.ViewObject.show() except Exception as err: App.Console.PrintError("Error in onDelete: " + err.message) return True class CommandMacroSection: "Command to create Section feature" def GetResources(self): return {'Pixmap' : ":/icons/Part_Section.svg", 'MenuText': "Section", 'Accel': "", 'ToolTip': "Macro_Section: alternative implementation of Part Section tool"} def Activated(self): run() def IsActive(self): if App.ActiveDocument: return True else: return False if App.GuiUp: Gui.addCommand("Macro_Section", CommandMacroSection()) def run(): sel = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx() try: if len(sel) != 2: raise Exception("Select two shapes to compute section between, first! Then run this macro.") try: App.ActiveDocument.openTransaction("Macro Section") selfobj = makeSectionFeature() selfobj.Base = sel[0].Object selfobj.Tool = sel[1].Object selfobj.Base.ViewObject.hide() selfobj.Tool.ViewObject.hide() selfobj.Proxy.execute(selfobj) finally: App.ActiveDocument.commitTransaction() except Exception as err: from PySide import QtGui mb = QtGui.QMessageBox() mb.setIcon(mb.Icon.Warning) mb.setText(err.message) mb.setWindowTitle("Macro Section") mb.exec_()