Descrizione |
Questa Macro, una volta eseguita, fornirà all'utente un browser per individuare e selezionare un file di testo con profilo alare .dat. Una volta selezionato, viene inserita una lunghezza della corda e premendo il pulsante OK viene prodotto un profilo aerodinamico adeguatamente scalato. Ci sono due versioni fornite qui. La versione 1.5 dovrebbe funzionare su versioni di FreeCAD, 0.13 stabile e tutte le versioni 0.14. La versione 2 dovrebbe essere utilizzata solo con versioni di FreeCAD uguali o superiori a 0.14 3077 e funzionerà al meglio con le versioni create con OCE/OCC versioni 6.7 o successive (consulta la pagina Wiki per tutte le versioni disponibili). Versione macro: 2.1.2 Ultima modifica: 2019-07-16 Versione FreeCAD: All Download: ToolBar Icon Autore: quick61 |
Autore |
quick61 |
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Raccolta di macro Come installare le macro Personalizzare la toolbar |
Versione macro |
2.1.2 |
Data ultima modifica |
2019-07-16 |
Versioni di FreeCAD |
All |
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Nessuna |
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Quando viene eseguita, questa macro apre una cartella di file per individuare e selezionare un file testo di profili alari .dat. Selezionare il file, immettere la lunghezza di corda e poi premere il pulsante OK. Viene prodotto un profilo alare correttamente
Sono fornite due versioni. La versione 1.5 dovrebbe funzionare con FreeCAD v. 0,13 stabile e con tutte le versioni 0,14. La versione 2 deve essere utilizzata solo con la versione 0,14 3077 o successive e funzionerà meglio con le versioni costruite con versioni OCE/OCC 6.7 o superiore.
Vedere anche la pagina Importare Dati Airfoil
Dopo aver selezionato il file di profilo alare, si apre la finestra per inserire la lunghezza di corda. Può essere inserita qualsiasi lunghezza, in millimetri. Alla conferma del valore, la Macro produce il contorno (DWire) seguendo i punti descritti nel file .dat del profilo alare precedentemente selezionato, secondo la scala che è stata immessa per la lunghezza della corda.
After configuration user with a file browser that will allow you to select the desired airfoil .dat file. Browse to where you have saved the airfoil file, select it and press Open.
If the airfoil has been selected in the 3D view, run the macro and the Save is available in the dialog.
If the Save is checked the file window appear
Specify the name of file.
The file is saved with 150 points of definition and not verify if the length of the airfoil follow the NACA rulles (length 1 mm)
For change the definition value go to:
Tools → Edit parameter... "BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/Airfoil_Import_and_Scale" then modify the numberCut value
The file is saved in the format "Title and coordinates X Y separate by coma".
# This Macro, when run, will first provide the user with a file browser to # locate and select a .dat airfoil text file. Once selected, a chord length is # entered and upon pressing the OK button, a properly scaled airfoil is # produced. There are two versions provided here. Version 1.5 should work on # FreeCAD versions, 0.13 stable as well as all 0.14 versions. Version 2 should # only be used with FreeCAD versions equal to or greater than 0.14 3077 and # will work best with versions built with OCE/OCC versions 6.7 or greater (See # the Wiki page for all available version). # # (c) quick61 __Name__ = 'Airfoil Import and Scale' __Comment__ = 'Imports and scales an Airfoil in the form of a Draft Wire (DWire) or Basic Spline (BSpline)' __Author__ = "quick61" __Version__ = '3.0.0' __Date__ = '2024-11-27' __License__ = '' __Web__ = "" __Wiki__ = "" __Icon__ = '' __Help__ = '' __Naca__ = "" __Status__ = 'stable' __Requires__ = 'Freecad >= 0.14.3706' __Communication__ = '' __Files__ = '' import FreeCAD as app import FreeCADGui as Gui import PySide from PySide import QtCore, QtGui from PySide.QtGui import QLineEdit, QRadioButton import Draft import importAirfoilDAT import os # Select .dat airfoil data file to be imported # PySide returns a tuple (filename, filter) instead of just a string like in PyQt global filename global nameFile class AirfoilImporterAndScaler(): def __init__(self): self.dialog = None self.s1 = None # Make dialog box and get the scale size self.dialog = QtGui.QDialog() self.dialog.resize(350,100) self.dialog.setWindowTitle("Airfoil Import & Scale") la = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.dialog) t1 = QtGui.QLabel("Chord Length") la.addWidget(t1) self.s1 = QtGui.QDoubleSpinBox() self.s1.setDecimals(5) self.s1.setMinimum(-9999999.9999999) self.s1.setMaximum(9999999.9999999) self.s1.setSuffix(" mm (Length)") self.s1.setValue(1.0) la.addWidget(self.s1) #### self.FreeCAD_ParamGetSet = FreeCAD.ParamGet(u"User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/Airfoil_Import_and_Scale") self.FreeCAD_ParamGetSet.SetString(u"Version", __Version__ + " (" + __Date__ + ")") self.numberCut = self.FreeCAD_ParamGetSet.GetInt("numberCut", 150) # number of coordinates self.FreeCAD_ParamGetSet.SetInt("numberCut", self.numberCut) #### # Add radio buttons to select between DWire and BSpline self.radio1 = QtGui.QRadioButton("Make DWire") self.radio2 = QtGui.QRadioButton("Make BSpline") self.radio3 = QtGui.QRadioButton("Save") # set default to DWire & make radio buttons - Change self.radio1.setChecked(True) to # self.radio2.setChecked(True) to set BSpline as default self.radio1.setChecked(True) la.addWidget(self.radio1) self.radio1.setToolTip("Create DWire Airfoil") la.addWidget(self.radio2) self.radio2.setToolTip("Create BSplinee Airfoil") #### save button la.addWidget(self.radio3) self.numberCut = self.FreeCAD_ParamGetSet.GetInt("numberCut") # number of coordinates self.radio3.setToolTip(u"Only available if one Airfoil to save is selected" + "\n" u"The actual value of definition is " + str(self.numberCut) + " points" + "\n" u"For change this value, go to" + "\n" u"User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macros/Airfoil_Import_and_Scale" + "\n" u"Change the 'numberCut' value") self.radio3.setEnabled(False) selected = "" selected = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection() if len(selected) != 0: self.radio3.setEnabled(True) #### # Add OK / Cancel buttons okbox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(self.dialog) okbox.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) okbox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel|QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok) la.addWidget(okbox) QtCore.QObject.connect(okbox, QtCore.SIGNAL("accepted()"), self.proceed) QtCore.QObject.connect(okbox, QtCore.SIGNAL("rejected()"), self.close) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(self.dialog) self.dialog.exec_() def proceed(self): global filename global nameFile param = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macro")# macro path macroPath = param.GetString("MacroPath","") + "/" # macro path filePath = "" filePath = self.FreeCAD_ParamGetSet.GetString(u"filePath", filePath) filePath = filePath.replace(u"\\","/") # convert the "\" to "/" if filePath == "": filePath = self.FreeCAD_ParamGetSet.GetString(u"filePath", macroPath) if self.radio1.isChecked() or self.radio2.isChecked(): OpenName, filefilter = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "Open An Airfoil File", filePath, "*.dat") if OpenName != "": ####new2 pathFile = os.path.dirname(OpenName) + "/" #1# = C:/Provisoire400/ racineDrive = os.path.splitdrive(OpenName)[0] #2# = C: formatFichier = os.path.splitext(OpenName)[1] #3# = .png OpenName = os.path.splitext(OpenName)[0] #4# = /home/kubuntu/.FreeCAD/Macro/Texture_007_H #= C:/Provisoire400/image3D nameFile = os.path.basename(OpenName) #5# = image3D SaveNameformatFichier = OpenName + formatFichier #6# = C:/Provisoire400/image3D.png pathFileSaveNameformatFichier = pathFile + nameFile + formatFichier #7# = C:/Provisoire400/image3D.png ####new2 self.FreeCAD_ParamGetSet.SetString("filePath", pathFile) if self.radio1.isChecked(): try: # This produces a scaled Airfoil with a DWire scalefactor=self.s1.value() f1=SaveNameformatFichier importAirfoilDAT.insert(f1,"Unnamed") points = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Wire nacaDWire = Draft.scale([points], scale=FreeCAD.Vector(scalefactor,scalefactor,scalefactor), center=FreeCAD.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), copy=True) nacaDWire.MakeFace = False nacaDWire.Label = nameFile + "_(DWire)(" + str(scalefactor) + ")" except Exception: app.Console.PrintError("Error, not a valid .dat file\n") if self.radio2.isChecked(): try: # This produces a scaled Airfoil with a BSpline scalefactor=self.s1.value() f1=SaveNameformatFichier importAirfoilDAT.insert(f1,"Unnamed") points = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Wire.Points bspline = Draft.make_bspline(points, closed=True) App.getDocument('Unnamed').recompute() nacaBSpline = Draft.scale(bspline, scale=FreeCAD.Vector(scalefactor,scalefactor,scalefactor), center=FreeCAD.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), copy=True) nacaBSpline.MakeFace = False nacaBSpline.Label = nameFile + "_(BSpline)(" + str(scalefactor) + ")" App.activeDocument().removeObject(bspline.Name) except Exception: app.Console.PrintError("Error, not a valid .dat file\n") try: App.getDocument("Unnamed").getObject(nameFile).removeObjectsFromDocument() App.getDocument('Unnamed').removeObject(nameFile) App.getDocument('Unnamed').recompute() except Exception: None Gui.SendMsgToActiveView("ViewFit") self.close() # close the window if self.radio3.isChecked(): SaveName, Filter = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None, "Save An Airfoil File", filePath, "*.dat") if SaveName != "": ####new2 pathFile = os.path.dirname(SaveName) + "/" #1# = C:/Provisoire400/ racineDrive = os.path.splitdrive(SaveName)[0] #2# = C: formatFichier = os.path.splitext(SaveName)[1] #3# = .png SaveName = os.path.splitext(SaveName)[0] #4# = /home/kubuntu/.FreeCAD/Macro/Texture_007_H #= C:/Provisoire400/image3D nameFile = os.path.basename(SaveName) #5# = image3D SaveNameformatFichier = SaveName + formatFichier #6# = C:/Provisoire400/image3D.png pathFileSaveNameformatFichier = pathFile + nameFile + formatFichier #7# = C:/Provisoire400/image3D.png ####new2 self.FreeCAD_ParamGetSet.SetString("filePath", pathFile) if "." in SaveNameformatFichier: None else: SaveNameformatFichier += ".dat" # Mint try: selected = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()[0] pointsDirection = [] pointsDirection = selected.Shape.discretize(Number=self.numberCut) # discretize pour calculer la direction (avec un deuxieme point) f = open(SaveNameformatFichier, 'w') # path to write f.write("NACA" + nameFile + "\n") # title for coor in pointsDirection: f.write(" " + str(round(coor.x, 5)) + " " + str(round(coor.y, 5)) + "\n") f.close() # close the file except Exception: app.Console.PrintError("Error, to Save .dat file\n") self.close() # close the window def close(self): self.dialog.hide() AirfoilImporterAndScaler()
La Macro apre un eploratore di file che permette di selezionare il file di profilo .dat desiderato. Individuare il file di profilo alare, selezionarlo e premere Open.
Once the airfoil file has been selected, a new dialog will appear asking for a chord length. Any length may be entered, in millimeters. Once your desired length is entered, the Macro will produce a Draft Wire (DWire) following the points described in the previously selected .dat airfoil file at the scale you entered for the chord length.
Ora il profilo alare, in scala corretta, dovrebbe essere pronto per essere utilizzato.
La selezione del file avviene come per la versione 1.5. Con la versione 2 si può scegliere se il contorno del profilo alare risultante deve essere una linea DWire o una BSpline. Come per la versione 1.5, inserire la lunghezza della corda desiderata e in più selezionare il tipo di contorno.
# # # # # # AIRFOIL IMPORT & SCALE v1.5 # # Imports and scales an Airfoil in the form of a Draft Wire (DWire) # # # # # from PySide import QtCore, QtGui from PySide.QtGui import QLineEdit import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui, Draft import importAirfoilDAT # Select .dat airfoil data file to be imported filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(QtGui.qApp.activeWindow(),'Open An Airfoil File','*.dat') class p(): def proceed(self): try: # This produces a scaled Airfoil with a DWire scalefactor=float(self.s1.text()) f1=str(filename) importAirfoilDAT.insert(f1,"Unnamed") Draft.scale(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject,delta=App.Vector(scalefactor,scalefactor,scalefactor),center=App.Vector(0,0,0),legacy=True) except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Error, not a valid .dat file\n") self.close() def close(self): self.dialog.hide() def __init__(self): self.dialog = None self.s1 = None # Make dialog box and get the scale size self.dialog = QtGui.QDialog() self.dialog.resize(350,100) self.dialog.setWindowTitle("Airfoil Import & Scale") la = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.dialog) t1 = QtGui.QLabel("Chord Length") la.addWidget(t1) self.s1 = QtGui.QLineEdit() la.addWidget(self.s1) # Add OK / Cancel buttons #ori okbox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(self.dialog) #ori okbox.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) #ori okbox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel -PIPE- QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok) # modify original code for install with addon-install cause -PIPE- 05-12-2016 FC 0.16 okbox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(self.dialog) okbox.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) okbox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok) cancelbox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(self.dialog) cancelbox.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) cancelbox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) cancelbox.move(0,62) la.addWidget(okbox) QtCore.QObject.connect(okbox, QtCore.SIGNAL("accepted()"), self.proceed) QtCore.QObject.connect(cancelbox, QtCore.SIGNAL("rejected()"), self.close) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(self.dialog) self.dialog.exec_() p()
# # # # # # AIRFOIL IMPORT & SCALE v2. # # Imports and scales an Airfoil in the form of a Draft Wire (DWire) or Basic Spline (BSpline) # # For FreeCAD Versions = or > 0.14 Revision 3077 # # Works best with OCC/OCE = or > 6.7 # # # # # from PySide import QtCore, QtGui from PySide.QtGui import QLineEdit, QRadioButton import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui, Draft import importAirfoilDAT # Select .dat airfoil data file to be imported filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(QtGui.qApp.activeWindow(),'Open An Airfoil File','*.dat') class p(): def proceed(self): if self.radio1.isChecked(): try: # This produces a scaled Airfoil with a DWire scalefactor=float(self.s1.text()) f1=str(filename) importAirfoilDAT.insert(f1,"Unnamed") Draft.scale(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject,delta=App.Vector(scalefactor,scalefactor,scalefactor),center=App.Vector(0,0,0),legacy=True) except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Error, not a valid .dat file\n") self.close() if self.radio2.isChecked(): try: # This produces a scaled Airfoil with a BSpline scalefactor=float(self.s1.text()) f1=str(filename) importAirfoilDAT.insert(f1,"Unnamed") points = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.Points Draft.makeBSpline(points, closed=True) Draft.scale(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject,delta=App.Vector(scalefactor,scalefactor,scalefactor),center=App.Vector(0,0,0),legacy=True) App.getDocument("Unnamed").removeObject("DWire") except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Error, not a valid .dat file\n") self.close() def close(self): self.dialog.hide() def __init__(self): self.dialog = None self.s1 = None # Make dialog box and get the scale size self.dialog = QtGui.QDialog() self.dialog.resize(350,100) self.dialog.setWindowTitle("Airfoil Import & Scale") la = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.dialog) t1 = QtGui.QLabel("Chord Length") la.addWidget(t1) self.s1 = QtGui.QLineEdit() la.addWidget(self.s1) # Add radio buttons to select between DWire and BSpline self.radio1 = QRadioButton("Make DWire") self.radio2 = QRadioButton("Make BSpline") # set default to DWire & make radio buttons - Change self.radio1.setChecked(True) to # self.radio2.setChecked(True) to set BSpline as default self.radio1.setChecked(True) la.addWidget(self.radio1) la.addWidget(self.radio2) # Add OK / Cancel buttons okbox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(self.dialog) okbox.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) okbox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel|QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok) la.addWidget(okbox) QtCore.QObject.connect(okbox, QtCore.SIGNAL("accepted()"), self.proceed) QtCore.QObject.connect(okbox, QtCore.SIGNAL("rejected()"), self.close) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(self.dialog) self.dialog.exec_() p()
Updated by mangtronix to use PySide instead of PyQt (used in older versions of FreeCAD).
# # # # # # AIRFOIL IMPORT & SCALE v2.1 # # Imports and scales an Airfoil in the form of a Draft Wire (DWire) or Basic Spline (BSpline) # # For FreeCAD Versions = or > 0.14 Revision 3703 # # Works best with OCC/OCE = or > 6.7 # # # # # from PySide import QtCore, QtGui from PySide.QtGui import QLineEdit, QRadioButton import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui, Draft import importAirfoilDAT # Select .dat airfoil data file to be imported # PySide returns a tuple (filename, filter) instead of just a string like in PyQt filename, filefilter = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(QtGui.qApp.activeWindow(),'Open An Airfoil File','*.dat') class p(): def proceed(self): global filename if self.radio1.isChecked(): #if True: try: # This produces a scaled Airfoil with a DWire scalefactor=float(self.s1.text()) f1=str(filename) importAirfoilDAT.insert(f1,"Unnamed") Draft.scale(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject,delta=App.Vector(scalefactor,scalefactor,scalefactor),center=App.Vector(0,0,0),legacy=True) except Exception, e: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Error, not a valid .dat file\n") self.close() if self.radio2.isChecked(): try: # This produces a scaled Airfoil with a BSpline scalefactor=float(self.s1.text()) f1=str(filename) importAirfoilDAT.insert(f1,"Unnamed") points = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.Points Draft.makeBSpline(points, closed=True) Draft.scale(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject,delta=App.Vector(scalefactor,scalefactor,scalefactor),center=App.Vector(0,0,0),legacy=True) App.getDocument("Unnamed").removeObject("DWire") except: FreeCAD.Console.PrintError("Error, not a valid .dat file\n") self.close() def close(self): self.dialog.hide() def __init__(self): self.dialog = None self.s1 = None # Make dialog box and get the scale size self.dialog = QtGui.QDialog() self.dialog.resize(350,100) self.dialog.setWindowTitle("Airfoil Import & Scale") la = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.dialog) t1 = QtGui.QLabel("Chord Length") la.addWidget(t1) self.s1 = QtGui.QLineEdit() la.addWidget(self.s1) # Add radio buttons to select between DWire and BSpline self.radio1 = QRadioButton("Make DWire") self.radio2 = QRadioButton("Make BSpline") # set default to DWire & make radio buttons - Change self.radio1.setChecked(True) to # self.radio2.setChecked(True) to set BSpline as default self.radio1.setChecked(True) la.addWidget(self.radio1) la.addWidget(self.radio2) # Add OK / Cancel buttons okbox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(self.dialog) okbox.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) okbox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel|QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok) la.addWidget(okbox) QtCore.QObject.connect(okbox, QtCore.SIGNAL("accepted()"), self.proceed) QtCore.QObject.connect(okbox, QtCore.SIGNAL("rejected()"), self.close) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(self.dialog) self.dialog.exec_() p()
# This Macro, when run, will first provide the user with a file browser to # locate and select a .dat airfoil text file. Once selected, a chord length is # entered and upon pressing the OK button, a properly scaled airfoil is # produced. There are two versions provided here. Version 1.5 should work on # FreeCAD versions, 0.13 stable as well as all 0.14 versions. Version 2 should # only be used with FreeCAD versions equal to or greater than 0.14 3077 and # will work best with versions built with OCE/OCC versions 6.7 or greater (See # the Wiki page for all available version). # # (c) quick61 __Name__ = 'Airfoil Import and Scale' __Comment__ = 'Imports and scales an Airfoil in the form of a Draft Wire (DWire) or Basic Spline (BSpline)' __Author__ = "quick61" __Version__ = '2.1.2' __Date__ = '2019-07-16' __License__ = '' __Web__ = "" __Wiki__ = "" __Icon__ = '' __Help__ = '' __Status__ = 'stable' __Requires__ = 'Freecad >= 0.14.3706' __Communication__ = '' __Files__ = '' import FreeCAD as app import PySide from PySide import QtCore, QtGui from PySide.QtGui import QLineEdit, QRadioButton import Draft import importAirfoilDAT # Select .dat airfoil data file to be imported # PySide returns a tuple (filename, filter) instead of just a string like in PyQt global filename global nameFile try: filename, filefilter = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(QtGui.qApp.activeWindow(), 'Open An Airfoil File', '*.dat') except Exception: param = FreeCAD.ParamGet("User parameter:BaseApp/Preferences/Macro")# macro path path = param.GetString("MacroPath","") + "/" # macro path filename, filefilter = PySide.QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "Open An Airfoil File", path, "*.dat") nameFile = filename.split("/")[-1][:-4] class AirfoilImporterAndScaler(): def __init__(self): self.dialog = None self.s1 = None # Make dialog box and get the scale size self.dialog = QtGui.QDialog() self.dialog.resize(350,100) self.dialog.setWindowTitle("Airfoil Import & Scale") la = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.dialog) t1 = QtGui.QLabel("Chord Length") la.addWidget(t1) self.s1 = QtGui.QLineEdit() la.addWidget(self.s1) # Add radio buttons to select between DWire and BSpline self.radio1 = QtGui.QRadioButton("Make DWire") self.radio2 = QtGui.QRadioButton("Make BSpline") # set default to DWire & make radio buttons - Change self.radio1.setChecked(True) to # self.radio2.setChecked(True) to set BSpline as default self.radio1.setChecked(True) la.addWidget(self.radio1) la.addWidget(self.radio2) # Add OK / Cancel buttons okbox = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(self.dialog) okbox.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) okbox.setStandardButtons(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel|QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok) la.addWidget(okbox) QtCore.QObject.connect(okbox, QtCore.SIGNAL("accepted()"), self.proceed) QtCore.QObject.connect(okbox, QtCore.SIGNAL("rejected()"), self.close) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(self.dialog) self.dialog.exec_() def proceed(self): global filename global nameFile if self.radio1.isChecked(): try: # This produces a scaled Airfoil with a DWire scalefactor=float(self.s1.text()) f1=str(filename) importAirfoilDAT.insert(f1,"Unnamed") try: Draft.scale(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject,delta=App.Vector(scalefactor,scalefactor,scalefactor),center=App.Vector(0,0,0),legacy=True) except Exception: Draft.scale(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject,scale=App.Vector(scalefactor,scalefactor,scalefactor),center=App.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0),copy=False) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.Label = nameFile + "_(DWire)" except Exception as e: app.Console.PrintError("Error, not a valid .dat file\n") if self.radio2.isChecked(): try: # This produces a scaled Airfoil with a BSpline scalefactor=float(self.s1.text()) f1=str(filename) importAirfoilDAT.insert(f1,"Unnamed") points = app.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.Points App.getDocument("Unnamed").removeObject(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.Name) Draft.makeBSpline(points, closed=True) try: Draft.scale(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject,delta=App.Vector(scalefactor,scalefactor,scalefactor),center=App.Vector(0,0,0),legacy=True) except Exception: for i in range(len(points)): Draft.scaleVertex(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject, i, App.Vector(scalefactor,scalefactor,scalefactor), App.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0)) App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject.Label = nameFile + "_(BSpline)" except: app.Console.PrintError("Error, not a valid .dat file\n") try: # delete the directory created by importAirfoilDAT for obj in App.ActiveDocument.Objects: if (obj.TypeId == "App::DocumentObjectGroup") and (obj.Name == nameFile): App.getDocument("Unnamed").removeObject(nameFile) except Exception: None self.close() # close the window def close(self): self.dialog.hide() AirfoilImporterAndScaler()
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UIUC Applied Aerodynamics Group Departement of Aerospace Engineering