Toothbrush Head Stand/it

A daily-life problem

Electric toothbrushes rarely come with a head stand, while in a family you will often see multiple heads used with one body. Many people facing a common problem lead us to a variety of solutions, as you can see on Thingiverse (200-800 projects are related to that). Here is the first answer and how to design it.

This tutorial will take you through the steps needed to model the part shown in the image below using basic tools from the Part Design Workbench (many of the tools and capabilities are not covered).

First idea : a plate

Create a sketch

A dialog prompts you to choose the sketch orientation and provide an offset.

You now are facing the XY plane from above, and have access to the drawing tools.

You now have a floating rectangle of unspecified dimensions.

You now have a floating square.

You now have a totally constrained sketch, as you are told by the solver on the left and the change of color. It is a good practice to always have a totally constrained sketch.

An under-constrained sketch can leave room for unwanted change, if you modify something later on.

On the opposite, an over-constrained sketch is also not good. In that case the solver warn you of redundant constraints and you should remove some of them.

You now only see the square, and the contextual task menu on the left show you more options than before.

Create a pad

Your sketch is now in volume!

Create a sketch on it

The color of the face change and you have more options in the contextual task menu.

Now the circles share the same radius.

Theses lines will serve as reference to position the circles.

Create a pad

You have the basic shape, it just need final touches.

Rounding the corners

Don't hesitate to help you by switching the display mode (just at the left of the Axonometric View) between Wireframe and Wireframe and shadow.

Much better.

Making it more robust

We need to add material at the base of the cylinders to make them less prone to snap. Because of the printing orientation these small surfaces will be fragile at the junction with the base.

Chamfer the edges

The first layer of plastic is often being squashed a little too much, this will compensate that and save you time in cleaning the model. If the first layer is ok that will make it only nicer


Export as a .STL


The above model make a good starting point to use FreeCAD, but as a toothbrush head stand it have its flaws : due to the print orientation and small surface the sticks are prone to break.

Inspired by the variety of solutions other people came up with, we will make this second version which will be much better.

Don't worry it is often needed to go through several revision for an idea (e.g. : once the prototype on the picture was used, we added more space between the heads so that they should not touch).

In this second part you will also learn to use more tools, like the powerful Linear repetition.

Second idea : a band

Create a sketch

You now have a floating slot of unspecified dimensions.

Create a pad

Create a sketch on it

Create a hole

Linear repetition

Create a sketch on it

Create a pad

Linear repetition


We could have used a chamfer to do something similar, but the draft is more appropriate in this case.

Chamfer = left / Draft = right



Export as a .STL