Warning: The NativeIFC functionality is still a work-in-progress and is not finished. Please bear that in mind when using and not rely on it until you are confident it can do what you intend. See the development roadmap to read more about the development, what's working and what's planned.
Starting from version 1.0, FreeCAD uses the Native IFC concept. It allows FreeCAD users to open, manipulate and create IFC files natively in FreeCAD.
Although FreeCAD already supported opening and saving IFC files through the Arch workbench for a long time, it did so, like most other BIM applications, by translating back and forth between the IFC file format and FreeCAD's internal data model. This means two translations, one when opening and another one when saving, which cause data loss, and a complete rewrite of the file each time. This turns it unsuitable for version control systems like Git, and very hard to locate changes.
Native IFC means that the IFC file is itself the data structure in FreeCAD. When opening an IFC file in FreeCAD, what you see on the screen is a direct rendering of the contents of the IFC file. Anything you modify will directly modify the IFC file. If you open a file, modify one element and save the file, the only thing that will have changed in the file is the line concerning that element. The rest of the file will be 100% identical to how it was before you saved. No data loss, and very identifiable changes.
The Native IFC idea itself comes from this paper by Bruno Postle. It is heavily inspired by BlenderBIM and tries as much as possible to use the same concepts and reuse the code. The final goal is to offer in FreeCAD the same level of functionality and performance found in BlenderBIM, and to upstream as much as possible to IfcOpenShell, the common IFC engine used by both applications. It started as a separate project by Yorik
Working with native IFC files in FreeCAD is simple: Open an existing IFC file or create a new project using the Project tool from the BIM Workbench. Create new objects with any of the FreeCAD workbenches or tools. Add these objects to your IFC project by dragging them into the project structure. Save the file, and you are done.
Leia abaixo para mais detalhes.
The BIM Workbench offers two modes to work with IFC files. Switching between the two modes is done by clicking the lock button on the FreeCAD status bar:
No modo bloqueado, todos os objetos que você cria são imediatamente convertidos para IFC e podem, portanto, perder algumas de suas propriedades originais e algum de seu comportamento paramétrico quando não são suportados pelo formato IFC. Este modo é mais restritivo, o que é uma desvantagem em alguns momentos do desenvolvimento do projeto, mas torna-se uma vantagem quando a integridade e a confiabilidade dos dados se tornam essenciais.
Também é possível criar projetos IFC nativos dentro de um documento desbloqueado. Nesse caso, elementos IFC estritos coexistem com elementos não-IFC no seu documento FreeCAD. Os objetos dentro de um projeto IFC estão vinculados ao arquivo IFC anexado. Trabalhar com projetos IFC muitas vezes não é necessário nos estágios iniciais de um projeto, mas se você trabalha com outras pessoas e usa arquivos IFC como principal meio de comunicação, usar projetos IFC nativos pode se tornar uma vantagem, pois as alterações em cada versão do arquivo são Muito pequeno.
Você sempre pode exportar seu modelo para IFC sempre que necessário, usando projetos IFC ou não. A diferença é que quando você está usando um projeto IFC, alterações mínimas são gravadas no arquivo IFC. Caso contrário, todo o arquivo é reescrito a cada exportação. Isso pode ou não ser um problema para você
A ideia geral é trabalhar no modo desbloqueado ao trabalhar em seus próprios projetos, para que você possa ter elementos IFC e não-IFC em seus documentos, e usar o modo bloqueado ao trabalhar em arquivos IFC de outras pessoas, para que você possa manter um controle rigoroso sobre o que você está alterando nesses arquivos.
Ao trabalhar com arquivos IFC nativos no FreeCAD, um projeto IFC (sendo bloqueado ou desbloqueado) sempre terá um arquivo IFC anexado a ele. Esse arquivo IFC contém todos os dados do seu projeto IFC dentro do FreeCAD e também é responsável por fornecer a geometria de seus objetos ao FreeCAD.
Ao criar um novo projeto IFC, ainda não existe um arquivo IFC, na primeira vez que você salvar o arquivo, o FreeCAD perguntará onde salvar o arquivo IFC.
No modo bloqueado, você trabalha diretamente em um arquivo IFC. Não há mais arquivo FreeCAD.
In unlocked mode, you have IFC project objects attached to IFC files, and the FreeCAD document is dependent on these IFC files. If you wish to transmit your FreeCAD file to someone else, you need to given them the IFC files too. Alternatively, you can also set the Shape mode of all the objects to "Shape" (see below). This will make the FreeCAD file retain the shape of all the IFC objects, and render them correctly even without the attached IFC file. However, the IFC objects inside will no longer be editable.
When a BIM object or any other FreeCAD object is bound to a Native IFC project, it becomes an IFC object. Binding an object to a Native IFC project is done simply by dragging, in the tree view, the object onto the project or onto any object that is already part of that project, for example a building or a storey.
Once an object has become an IFC object, it is entirely controlled by the IFC data. It looses its former FreeCAD parametric object, and might loose any parametric properties and features that are not supported by the IFC format. The aim here is in the future to render all this seamless and keep the same editing possibilities for both IFC and non-IFC objects.
Você tem duas opções: abrir ou importar.
To open an IFC file, use menu File → Open and select an IFC file. To import an IFC file, use menu File → Import and select an IFC file.
To maximize initial import speed, opening or importing IFC files will by default render only the top-level object (usually a Site) in FreeCAD. To expand the contents of this object, you need to double-click it in the tree view (see below).
Importing or opening an IFC file does not require the setting of any option. However, some defaults can be tweaked under menu Edit → Preferences → BIM → NativeIFC.
You can choose to work in locked or unlocked mode, depending mostly if you need to have non-IFC objects in your FreeCAD document (unlocked) or wish that everything you do in the document happens in the IFC file (locked).
Ao criar um novo projeto IFC, ainda não há nenhum arquivo IFC anexado. Ao salvar pela primeira vez, o FreeCAD solicitará um local para salvar um arquivo IFC.
No modo bloqueado:
No modo desbloqueado:
You can always export any FreeCAD model to IFC, even if it was not built with BIM tools or contains non-BIM elements. The non-BIM objects will simply be exported as generic IfcBuildingElementProxy entities, while BIM objects can have their class (IfcWall, IfcDoor,...) defined.
Projetos IFCNativos, sejam em modo bloqueado ou desbloqueado, sempre possuem um arquivo IFC anexado. Não há mais necessidade de exportar nada, você só precisa salvar o arquivo IFC. A maneira como você salva o conteúdo IFC difere dependendo do modo:
No modo desbloqueado, você também pode salvar arquivos anexados manualmente clicando com o botão direito no projeto e escolhendo IFC -> Salvar
Ao abrir um arquivo IFC, apenas os objetos de nível superior (geralmente o Terreno e o Edifício) são renderizados no FreeCAD por padrão (isso pode ser alterado no menu Editar -> Preferências -> BIM -> IFCNativo), e dados adicionais, como materiais , propriedades geométricas, formas, camadas e objetos filho não são renderizados.
Para carregar todos os dados adicionais e mostrar os filhos diretos de um objeto, clique duas vezes nele na visualização em árvore.
You can also collapse expanded objects by right-clicking them in the tree and selecting IFC -> collapse children.
By default, to gain speed, IFC objects don't load their full shape. Only a lightweight 3D representation is shown in the 3D view. This warrants fast import and expand operations. However complex geometric operations such as boolean operations or sections performed by section planes require the full shape to be present. In these cases, you might need to load the shape of the objects you need to perform these operations on.
To load the shape of selected objects, simply set their Shape Mode property to Shape.
Para descarregar a forma e reverter para o modo de representação 3D leve, defina a propriedade Shape Mode como Coin. (Coin é o nome da biblioteca de renderização 3D usada no FreeCAD).
Existe um terceiro modo de forma, None, que desliga completamente a representação visual dos objetos IFC. Estes são então controlados exclusivamente através da visualização em árvore.
All IFC objects always have at least two properties: Class and Step ID. The class is the IFC class (IfcWall, IfcWindow, etc...) and the Step ID is the ID of the element in the IFC file. The Step ID is actually the sole data needed to locate the object in the IFC file. You can change the class of an object anytime, it won't have any impact over the geometry or property sets but might change available attributes (see below). You can only change to a sibling class, a parent class or a descendant class. If you want to change to a class that is very distant from the current class, you will need to know the IFC class structure and repeat the operation several times.
Atributos são propriedades adicionais codificadas de objetos IFC, como Nome, Descrição ou ID. Os atributos dependem da classe. Por exemplo, IfcWindows também possui Comprimento e Largura, IfcSites possui Longitude e Latitude, etc. Os atributos são sempre agrupados no grupo IFC e são sempre carregados junto com um objeto.
Ao alterar a classe de um objeto, os atributos podem mudar. Você pode editar o valor dos atributos, mas não pode adicionar ou remover atributos, pois são obrigatórios e definidos pelo padrão IFC.
Propriedades IFC, que são agrupadas em conjuntos de propriedades, são propriedades personalizadas que podem ser atribuídas a qualquer objeto IFC. Eles não são carregados por padrão, mas são carregados quando você clica duas vezes em um objeto. Os conjuntos de propriedades, que são pacotes de propriedades anexados aos objetos, são renderizados como grupos de propriedades dentro da árvore de propriedades do FreeCAD.
Layers get loaded when double-clicking an object. Layers get represented as normal FreeCAD layers, but they are hosted inside the IFC project. When using the BIM Layers tool, an additional icon indicates if the layer is part of an IFC project or not.
Materials follow the same logic. They are only loaded when double-clicking the object, they are represented as normal materials, but get hosted inside the IFC project.
By the IFC standards, all IFC files must contain one and only one IfcProject (or IfcProjectLibrary) object, which constitutes the root of your IFC model. All other IFC objects can be freely aggregated under this root object (an idea we call a "flat file"), but the IFC standards require to have at least one building container object (IfcSite, IfcBuilding or IfcBuildingStorey) under the root IfcProject. In FreeCAD, with the default options set, exported IFC files will always contain the IfcProject and at least one building container (default ones will be created if you don't have one).
Although it is not mandatory, it is common practice in IFC files to always have a same basic structure:
-> IfcSite -> IfcBuilding -> IfcBuildingStorey
You can also use groups inside your IFC projects. However, the IFC standard does not allow to nest groups inside a building structure. So these groups will be converted to IfcAssemblies. However, since most BIM applications will happily work with nested groups, you can turn off this conversion in IFC export preferences.
One of the main advantages of the native IFC system, is that only the things you change in FreeCAD get reflected in the IFC file attached to a project. As a result, that IFC file contains only very few changes, as opposed to traditional BIM applications where the IFC file is completely rewritten at each export.
This allows to precisely locate the changes inside the file. Moving a wall, for example, changes only one line: The placement of that wall. This in turn allows version control systems like Git to precisely identify those changes, and only save the increments of each new version.
You can get a visual representation (diff) of the changes in a selected IFC project by using menu Utils -> IFC Diff or, in unlocked mode, right-clicking an IFC project and selecting IFC -> Diff.
In locked mode, any new object added (BIM or not) gets immediately converted to IFC. There is nothing more to do.
In unlocked mode, any new object (BIM or not) added to the document needs to added to an IFC project. This is done by dragging the object in the tree view and dropping anywhere inside the structure of an IFC project.
Deleting objects that are inside an IFC project will delete them from the IFC file as well.
Once an object becomes an IFC object, it looses its former FreeCAD parametric abilities and inherits all its behaviour from the IFC file. As of FreeCAD 1.0, the editing possibilities of IFC objects are still limited, and are done entirely via properties (no graphical edit available yet). To edit an object, you must have loaded its geometry properties. This is done either by double-clicking it or right-clicking and choosing IFC -> add geometric properties in the tree view.
Editable geometric properties such as "Height" or "Width" are then added to the object. This is a work in progress, not all properties are supported yet. Changing the value of these properties will change the shape of the object.