Std LinkSelectLinkedFinal/pt-br

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Translations:Std LinkSelectLinkedFinal/1/pt-br

Std LinkSelectLinkedFinal

Menu location
View → Link navigation → Go to the deepest linked object
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Std LinkSelectLinked, Std LinkSelectAllLinks


The Std LinkSelectLinkedFinal command selects the DadosLinked Object, the source object, of an App Link object, a link. But if that source object is also a link its linked object is selected instead. This is repeated until the linked object is not a link. This final source object is the deepest linked object.


  1. Select a link.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Select the View → Link navigation → Go to the deepest linked object option from the menu.
    • Select the Link actions → Go to the deepest linked object option from the Tree view context menu.
    • Use the keyboard shortcut: S then D.
  3. The deepest linked object is selected. If this object belongs to an external document that document is activated.
  4. Optionally use Std SelBack to reselect the link.

Translations:Std LinkSelectLinkedFinal/1/pt-br