FEM ConstraintForce/ro

FEM ConstraintForce

Menu location
Model → Mechanical Constraints → Constraint force
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
FEM tutorial


Această comandă aplică o forță de valoare dată [N] la geometria țintei selectată.

Cum se folosește

1)Aplicarea unei forțe în direcția normală a unei fațete

    • In Atelierul FEM, click pe Constraint Force or select ModelMechanical ConstraintsConstraint force pentru a deschide dialogul proprietăților Force Constraint

    • If you have Mesh displayed, you need to hide it (select the mesh object and press spacebar or right click and select Hide item) and show the original model.
    • Click on a face to which a force should be applied. It will appear in the list of geometrical objects.
    • Fill in Line load with a force value in [N] (attention: Not in [N/m])

    • Direction: In a typical case, you'll click this field empty to apply a force in normal direction to the face. You can revert the direction of the force by clicking Reverse direction. In other cases, you need to pick a face or plane, which is in normal to the force direction (it could differ from the face, to which the force is being applied)
    • Click pe obiectul Close to finish the dialog and create ConstraintForce
