FEM SolverCalculixCxxtools/ru

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FEM Solver

Расположение в меню
Solve → Solver CalculiX Standard
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См. также
FEM tutorial


CalculiXccxTools enables usage of the CalculiX solver. It may be used for:

  1. Setting analysis parameters
  2. Selecting working directory
  3. Running the CalculiX solver


  1. A CalculiXcxxTools solver object is created automatically with the creation of an Analysis container.
    To create it manually, use one of the following alternatives:
    • Press the Solver CalculiX Standard button.
    • Select Solve → Solver CalculiX Standard from the menu.
    • Press the S then X shortcut keys.
  2. Optionally change the properties of the CalculiXcxxTools solver object in the Property editor.
  3. Double click the CalculiXcxxTools solver object.
  4. Select the Analysis type.
  5. Click the Write .inp file button.
  6. Click the Run CalculiX button.


Click the Edit .inp file button to display and edit the CalculiX input file manually before running the analysis. In that case it can be useful to set the ДанныеSplit Input Writer property to true.


Default values can be set in the menu Edit → Preferences → FEM → CalculiX


When running a CalculiX, you might end up with error 4294977295. This means you don't have enough RAM space. You have then 2 options:

  1. reduce the number of mesh nodes, preferably by omitting geometry that is not absolutely necessary for your analysis
  2. buy more RAM for your PC


Original CalculiX documentation can be found at http://dhondt.de/ in the "ccx" paragraph.
