The Mesh objects can be manipulated by adding new facets, deleting facets, importing from an STL file, transforming the mesh and much more. For a complete overview of what can be done see also the Mesh Workbench documentation. A mesh object cannot be added to an existing document directly. Therefore the document must create an object with a property class that supports meshes. Example:
m = Mesh.Mesh()
... # Manipulate the mesh
d = FreeCAD.activeDocument() # Get a reference to the actie document
f = d.addObject("Mesh::Feature", "Mesh") # Create a mesh feature
f.Mesh = m # Assign the mesh object to the internal property
Description: Get the number of wrong oriented facets
Returns: an integer
Description: Get all planes of the mesh as segment. In the worst case each triangle can be regarded as single plane if none of its neighbors is coplanar.
Description: Returns a list containing the different components (separated areas) of the mesh as separate meshes
Returns: a list
Description: Checks if the mesh has facets with inconsistent orientation
Description: Get the index and intersection point of the nearest facet to a ray. The first parameter is a tuple of three floats the base point of the ray, the second parameter is ut uple of three floats for the direction. The result is a dictionary with an index and the intersection point or an empty dictionary if there is no intersection.
Returns: a dictionary
Description: Remove components with less or equal to number of given facets
Returns: A collection of facets; With this attribute it is possible to get access to the facets of the mesh: for f in mesh.Facets: print f. Facet.Points is a list of coordinate-tupels for the vertices. Facet.PointIndices is a list of indice for the vertices of the facet. WARNING! store Facets in a local variable as it is generated on the fly, each time it is accessed.
Returns: A collection of the mesh points; With this attribute it is possible to get access to the points of the mesh: for p in mesh.Points: print p.x, p.y, p.z,p.Index.WARNING! store Points in a local variable as it is generated on the fly, each time it is accessed.
Returns: the points and face indices as tuple. Topology[0] is a list of all vertices. Each being a tuple of 3 coordinates. Topology[1] is a list of all polygons. Each being a list of vertex indice into Topology[0] WARNING! store Topology in a local variable as it is generated on the fly, each time it is accessed.