Part Workbench

Part workbench icon


The Part Workbench provides a traditional constructive solid geometry (CSG) workflow. In this workflow each object is an independent solid. The Part Workbench can create them from parametrically defined sketches using tools like Extrude, Revolve, Loft, etc. In addition, basic primitive solids like Cube, Cylinder, etc. can be created as well. These objects can be combined, through Boolean operations, to create more complex solids.

The Part Workbench can also create objects that are not solids, such as faces, shells, and objects with only edges or vertices. It also provides a variety of general purpose tools for geometry manipulation, geometry validation, and making copies.

The PartDesign Workbench uses an alternative workflow for creating solids. For a detailed discussion of the Part Workbench versus the Part Design Workbench see Part and Part Design.


Solids toolbar

  • Box: Creates a box. This object can also be created with the Box tool.
  • Cylinder: Creates a cylinder. This object can also be created with the Cylinder tool.
  • Cone: Creates a cone. This object can also be created with the Cone tool.
  • Sphere: Creates a sphere. This object can also be created with the Sphere tool.
  • Torus: Creates a torus. This object can also be created with the Torus tool.
  • Circle: Creates a circular arc.
  • Ellipse: Creates an elliptical arc.
  • Line: Creates a line.

Part tools toolbar

  • 3D Offset: Constructs a parallel shape at a certain distance from an original.
  • 2D Offset: Constructs a parallel wire at certain distance from an original, or enlarges/shrinks a planar face.

Boolean toolbar

  • Embed object: Embeds a walled object into another walled object.
  • Cutout for object: Creates a cutout in a wall of an object for another walled object.
  • Slice apart: Slices and splits an object by intersecting it with other objects.
  • Boolean XOR: Removes space shared by an even number of objects.

Other tools

  • Create transformed copy: Creates non-parametric copies of objects. It is intended for objects nested in containers.
  • Refine shape: Creates parametric copies with a refined shape from selected objects. It removes unnecessary edges from planar and cylindrical faces.

Obsolete tools


The Std Measure tool replaces the tools listed below. introduced in version 1.0



See Part scripting.
