Part CompoundFilter

Part Compound‏‎Filter

Menu location
Part → Compound → Compound Filter
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


The CompoundFilter can be used to extract the individual pieces of the result of e.g. a Part Slice operation, with which you have split an object.

It can extract children by their indexes, test children for collisions with stencil shape, and filter children based on their properties, such as length, area, volume.

If there is only one child in the result, the output is the child. If there is more than one child to output, the output is a new compound.


  1. Select the sliced object
  2. Apply Part → Compound → CompoundFilter
  3. Select the CompoundFilter Object in the tree
  4. In the properties tab set "Filter Type" to "specific items"
  5. Set items to the elements you want to extract
    1. For a single piece this is a number starting with 0, i.e. if you want to extract the first element enter 0 in this field, 1 for the next element ...
    2. If you want to extract more than one piece at a time separate the numbers with ";", e.g. a value of "0;2" will extract the first and the third element
    3. The general case - which covers the possibilities mentioned above as well - is a list of index ranges, specified in Python notation, but without brackets. Ranges can be chained with semicolon. For example:
      • 7:10 take children of indexes 7, 8 and 9 (indexes are zero-based; range-to index is excluded).
      • 1;2 take children 1 and 2 (first range is child 1, second range is child 2, ranges joined by semicolon)
      • 0;-1 take first children (index 0) and last one (index -1 means last child, -2 - one but last, and so on)
      • 1: take all but first child (missing index means "all the way to the end").
      • ::-1 take all children in reversed order
      • ::2 take all odd-indexed children, i.e. indexes, 1,3,5,..., which are the elments 2,4,6, ...
      • :;: repeat the input compound twice
  6. If you want to extract another piece select the sliced object again. It is now placed under the CompoundFilter in the tree
  7. Repeat the selection procedure from above. The slice and its subelements will be displayed under both CompoundFilters; they are, of course not repeated in the model. A very fast way to extract another piece is to copy the CompoundFilter. But watch out: You are asked if you want to copy the elements under the CompoundFilter too, which you must answer with no, you don't want to copy them, you only reference them.
