Part Fillet

Part Fillet

Menu location
Part → Fillet...
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Part Chamfer


Part Fillet creates fillets (rounds) on the selected edges of a shape. A dialog allows choosing which shape and which edges to work on.


Part Fillet VS. PartDesign Fillet

There is another fillet tool in the PartDesign workbench. Please note that their operation is quite different. Check out the PartDesign Fillet reference page for more details on their differences.

Notes on application of Part Fillet

Part Fillet might do nothing if the result would touch or cross the next adjacent edge. Consequently, if you do not obtain the expected result, try with a smaller Radius value. This is the same for Part Chamfer.

The fillet tool sometimes fails when trying to fillet complex shapes. A common cause of this may be that the shape being filleted is not geometrically correct. This may be the result of lines/planes etc not being removed after previous operations used to construct the shape ( e.g. Cut/Intersection/Fusion). A number of steps can be used to minimize problems:

The fillet tool is affected by the topological naming problem when making a change to a modeling step earlier in the chain that affects the number of faces or vertices. This could cause unpredictable results. Until this problem is resolved it is advised to apply chamfer and fillet operations as the last steps in the modelling chain.