Release notes 1.0

FreeCAD 1.0 was released on 18 November 2024, get it from the Download page. This page lists all new features and changes.

Older FreeCAD release notes can be found in the Feature list.

In memoriam: Bradley McLean (bgbsww)

As much as we're delighted to present you this new version, we are also sad to announce that our friend and prolific FreeCAD developer bgbsww has passed away a few weeks before this release came out. He was one of the main architects of the topological naming fixing effort, wrote a lot of additional code and tests, and became FreeCAD's TNP specialist. He also helped virtually all other developers out to adapt to the new algorithm. This release is dedicated to him.


The long-standing Topological naming problem has finally been addressed thanks to the joint effort and hard work of several developers. Realthunder's algorithm has been carefully implemented and improved to work in the master version of FreeCAD. The project took over a year, and the initial implementation has been finalized with the following PR enabling the improvements. The TNP problem is not completely solved and further improvements will follow in the next version.

Pull request #13705

FreeCAD has a new built-in Assembly Workbench, based on the original work done for what we used to call "the other FreeCAD", another software, also named FreeCAD, with motion simulation capabilities created at the same time as ours. The porting has been done by the other FreeCAD's author himself, Dr. Aik-Siong Koh, and with this dramatic move both FreeCADs are now finally united. Read below for more information.

Pull request #10427

FreeCAD has a new logo. It was selected from the 5 winners of the public contest. Usage guidelines and a logo kit are available on the FreeCAD brand guidelines page.

Pull request #14284

User interface

A rotation center indicator has been added. This indicator is shown when the view is rotated by dragging the mouse. It can optionally be disabled in the preferences. There are also settings for its color, transparency and size.

Pull request #9909 and Pull request #10790

Click on the image if the animation does not start.
Selection filters were added, facilitating the selection of vertices, edges and faces.

Pull request #10271

For more flexibility, the task panel is now a stand-alone widget. It can be docked on top of the Combo view to achieve the compact layout of earlier versions.

Pull request #10681 and Pull request #10848

The appearance of the Transform tool dragger has been improved. It now also has a set of planar draggers for moving objects along the 3 default planes.

Pull request #10706

Realthunder's feature allowing for the overlay of dock widgets (tree and task transparency) has been added.

Pull request #7888

The light source position can now be set in the preferences (Preferences → Display).

Pull request #11146 and Pull request #15877

The Preferences window was redesigned to replace the tabs with a tree view.

Pull request #11018

TabBar workbench selector was added. It can be enabled and configured in Preferences → Workbenches.

Pull request #12270

A new universal measurement tool was added, replacing the old Part Measure tools.

Pull request #9750 and following

Click on the image if the animation does not start.
The Align to selection tool was added, making it possible to enter views normal to faces or following edge directions.

Pull request #13906

Further user interface improvements

File format changes

Although precautions have been taken to guarantee that files created with the new 1.0 version can still be opened in older versions of FreeCAD, some new features introduced in 1.0 cannot be understood by earlier versions, and can cause models saved with 1.0 to break or present problems when opened in earlier versions of FreeCAD. Here is a summary of possible issues you might encounter and their solution. The forum community can also provide help in fixing compatibility issues.

Core system and API



New Python API

Changed Python API


The Start Workbench has been replaced by a Start page, a QtWidgets-based app. It can be displayed using the Help → Start option. Pull request #13134

The first two pull requests mentioned below belong to the Start Workbench, but have informed the design of the Start page.

A New file section that includes a number of quick-start buttons has been added to the Start Page.

Pull request #10171

The visual design of the Start Page has been overhauled. It now looks more modern and consistent.

Pull request #10391

A simple first start widget was added and will be extended in the near future.

Pull request #13650

Assembly Workbench

A built-in Assembly workbench was finally added to FreeCAD. It uses the open-source Ondsel solver. Basic functionalities (joints) are already available. Further development is in progress.

Pull request #10427, Pull request #10764, Pull request #12406 and more

Further Assembly improvements

BIM Workbench

The Arch Workbench has finally been merged with BIM, becoming the new BIM workbench. The new BIM workbench keeps all the tools from Arch, and adds a few more, and brings many refinements to the whole BIM and architectural design workflow, plus better setup and management tools, and better IFC support. Pull request #13783

Further BIM improvements

CAM Workbench

Further CAM improvements

Draft Workbench

Further Draft improvements

FEM Workbench

The position of the color legend labels was adjusted to make the top ones less likely to be covered by the navigation cube. The default font and color of the labels was changed to increase the visibility and preferences were added to allow label color and size modification.

Pull request #10552

The FEM PostFilterLinearizedStresses command can now use the stress tensor components for linearized stress computations. Previously, only Von Mises, Tresca and principal (major/intermediate/minor) stresses could be used for this.

Pull request #11724

Support for cyclic symmetry via tie constraint in CalculiX was added, making it possible to analyze models with rotational periodic symmetry using a single repetitive sector.

Pull request #12289

Support for 2D (plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetric) analyses was added for the CalculiX solver. They are configured in the same way as simulations with shell elements but there are some additional restrictions described on the aforementioned wiki page. The new Model Space option has to be set properly. Pull request #12562
As the first step towards the support for hexahedral elements, their generation using Gmsh subdivision technique is now possible thanks to the new Gmsh property Subdivision Algorithm. It can also be used to create quadrilateral elements. Pull request #12698
New View properties were added to the results pipeline objects. Mesh edge color and width can now be changed for the Surface with Edges display mode. Node size can be modified for the Nodes mode. There is also a transparency setting for all modes. Pull request #13066
FEM constraints can now be suppressed (right-click on a constraint and select Suppress) and thus ignored by the solvers. This way, it's possible to modify the analysis setup without having to delete the currently not needed constraints. Pull request #12359
Support for the CalculiX's rigid body constraint was added, finally making it possible to simulate torsion of arbitrary components and apply remote loads, among others. Pull request #13900

Further FEM improvements

Material Workbench

The material handling system, including the editor, has been completely reworked. Further improvements in this regard will follow.

Pull request #10690

Appearance preview was added to show the materials in the same way they will be shown in documents.

Pull request #11628

The new material system is now used for appearance properties.

Pull request #13294

Further Material improvements

Part Workbench

Part Scale tool was added to allow for easy scaling of shapes without having to use tools from the Draft Workbench.

Pull request #10583

Part Mirror now supports reference objects, such as a Part Plane to define an arbitrary mirror plane in addition to the standard XY, XZ, and YZ planes.

Pull request #11535

Further Part improvements

PartDesign Workbench

More modes were added to the revolution and groove features - to first/last, up to face and two dimensions.

Pull request #7193

Pad and pocket task panels were improved (reordered UI elements, Select face option hidden when unnecessary and so on).

Pull request #10392

Offset mode was added for linear and polar pattern. The previous mode was renamed Overall Length.

Pull request #10377

Experimental support for multiple solids within a Body was added. It can be enabled in the preferences (for new Bodies) or in the properties of an existing Body.

Pull request #13960

Up to shape mode was added for Pad and Pocket, making it possible to end them on multiple faces, as opposed to Up to face mode which allows the selection of only a single face.

Pull request #11392 and Pull request #14433

Further PartDesign improvements

Sketcher Workbench

Implementation of a circle overlay for arcs (to solve the issue of constraints appearing away from them) was completed with a command to switch them.

Pull request #9703

Click on the image if the animation does not start.
A contextual Dimension constraint tool was added to enable quick and intuitive dimensioning with a single versatile tool.

Pull request #9810

Click on the image if the animation does not start.
Tool parameters were added to allow dimensioning on the go (when drawing shapes). Depending on the preference setting On-View-Parameters, they can be disabled, reduced to dimensions only (no initial coordinates) or fully enabled. Moreover, modes were added for the shape tools. They can be selected using the M key or a drop-down list in the task panel. Some tools have additional settings in the form of checkboxes in the task panel and additional keyboard shortcuts. Currently, the new features are available for points, lines, arcs, ellipses, rectangles, polygons, slots and B-splines.

Pull request #11048, Pull request #11174 and following

An Offset tool was added to allow offsetting curves.

Pull request #11174

Three-point rectangle mode was added in two versions - 3 corners or center and 2 corners.

Pull request #11174

An Arc slot tool was added with two modes (arc ends and flat ends) to allow for the creation of curved slots

Pull request #11174

Click on the image if the animation does not start.
A Horizontal/Vertical constraint was added. It automatically applies horizontal constraint if a line is closer to horizontal orientation or vertical constraint if it's closer to vertical orientation.

Pull request #11538

Rendering of angle and radius constraints was improved. Angle constraints have full extension lines now.

Pull request #11507

A Polar transform tool was added to allow rotation and circular patterns of sketcher geometries.

Pull request #11264

Click on the image if the animation does not start.
It is now possible to copy/cut and paste sketch geometry (with constraints) using typical keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V. Not only within a single sketch but also between different sketches or even different instances of FreeCAD. The geometry is copied in the form of Python commands so it can be used in other ways too (e.g. shared on the forum).

Pull request #11537

A Scale transform tool was added, making it possible to scale the geometry in the sketch using a selected center point and a scale factor or two reference points.

Pull request #11265

Click on the image if the animation does not start.
Tangency to B-spline edge was added, eliminating the need to use endpoints and various workarounds instead.

Pull request #11853

The RectangularArray, Move, Copy and Clone tools were replaced with a single Array transform tool.

Pull request #11267

A Chamfer tool was added with an option to switch to the Fillet mode. Moreover, there is no longer a separate Corner-preserving fillet tool. A Preserve corner option (checked by default) has been added to the Sketcher CreateFillet tool.

Pull request #12898

Click on the image if the animation does not start.
The Symmetry tool has been reworked. Now it works by preselecting the geometry and picking a line or point about which the geometry will be mirrored. A preview is shown and the behavior of the tool can be controlled through tool settings.

Pull request #11853

Click on the image if the animation does not start.
Symmetric constraint is now applied automatically when the midpoint of a line is picked.

Pull request #13147

Distance dimension constraint can now be used for arc length constraints (circular arc has to be preselected).

Pull request #12602

The rendering color of points is now different depending on whether it's a normal point/endpoint (white, now created by default when using the CreatePoint tool), a construction point/center point (blue) or a point coincident with another one (red).

Pull request #13098

Click on the image if the animation does not start.
The Trim edge tool can now be used in hold and drag mode.

Pull request #13188

Further Sketcher improvements

Spreadsheet Workbench

Further Spreadsheet improvements

TechDraw Workbench

The CosmeticCircle tool was added to allow for the creation of cosmetic circles by selecting the center and inputting the radius.

Pull request #10763

The ArcLengthAnnotation tool was added to create dimension-like annotations of arc length of selected edges.

Pull request #11532

The AddOffsetVertex tool was added to create cosmetic vertices as offsets from selected vertices.

Pull request #11655

The BrokenView tool was added to depict long objects easily.

Pull request #13331

Click on the image if the animation does not start.
A new context dimension tool was added based on the one introduced in the Sketcher.

Pull request #13525

Further TechDraw improvements