FEM PostPipelineFromResult

FEM PostPipelineFromResult

Menu location
Results → Post pipeline from result
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
FEM Result object, FEM tutorial


Pipeline is a result object, which creates a new graphical representation of FEM analysis results on the analyzed part. It adds a color scale and display options.


  1. Select a result object.
  2. Click the Post pipeline from result button, or select the Results → Post pipeline from result option from the menu.
  3. A new object called "Pipeline" is added to your analysis.
  4. Double-click the new Pipeline object in the Tree view and select a display mode and the result field. For example for the mode Surface and the field Von Mises stress the pipeline will look like this:

If you see no model in the graphical area, go to and enable Edit → Preferences → Display → 3D View → Rendering → Backlight color.

If you use a SI-derived FreeCAD unit system, the values in the output scale are based on SI units as well. This means the displacement is in meter, the stress is in Pascal and the temperature is in Kelvin.


Dialog box

This pipeline dialog box has the following settings:


If you double-click on the scale, you get this settings dialog box:

and you can modify these properties:

Property Editor

In the property editor you can set in the View tab the settings from the dialog box. In the Data tab you can additionally set this: