FEM ConstraintContact

FEM ConstraintContact

Menu location
Model → Mechanical boundary conditions and loads → Contact constraint
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
FEM Constraint fixed



Creates a contact constraint between 2 surfaces. Unlike in the case of tie constraint, the surfaces can separate and slide on each other (with or without friction) during the analysis.

The FEM contact task panel


  1. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Contact constraint button.
    • Select the Model → Mechanical boundary conditions and loads → Contact constraint option from the menu.
  2. Select the master face. Press the first Add button. To remove a face from the selection, click on it and press the first Remove button.
  3. Select the slave face. Press the second Add button. To remove a face from the selection, click on it and press the second Remove button.
  4. Optionally enter Contact Stiffness.
  5. introduced in 1.0: Optionally enter Clearance Adjustment. All nodes of the slave face whose distance from the master face is smaller or equal to this number will be moved to lie on the master face at the beginning of the analysis. This adjustment doesn't cause any strains.
  6. introduced in 1.0: Optionally check the Enable Friction box to specify the friction coefficient and stick slope value.
  7. Optionally enter Friction Coefficient. The default value of 0 means frictionless contact.
  8. introduced in 1.0: Optionally enter Stick Slope. It's an equivalent of contact stiffness for frictional behavior. It defines the slope of the linear relationship between shear stress and relative tangential displacement in the stick range (before slipping occurs).



Tips for modeling
