Release notes 1.1

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FreeCAD 1.1 is under development, there is no expected released date yet.

Are features missing? Mention them in the Release notes for v1.1 forum thread.

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All images on this page must use the _relnotes_1.1 suffix

FreeCAD 1.1 was released on D Month Year, get it from the Download page. This page lists all new features and changes.

Older FreeCAD release notes can be found in the Feature list.

Placeholder for an eye-catching image selected by the admins from the user showcases forum.


User interface

Further user interface improvements

Core system and API


Core Datum tools were implemented to create coordinate systems, datum planes, datum lines and datum points which can be attached and also used in Assembly.

Pull request #18332

Click on the image if the animation does not start.
The Transform tool was overhauled and now allows for precise inputs besides dragging in the 3D view. It is possible to align the interactive dragger to any element in the document and to transform the object in that local (U, V, W) coordinate system of the dragger, or in the global document coordinate system. The dragger can be aligned to the object's origin as before, and also to the center of mass of the object. It has a new feature to move the object (at the location of the dragger) to a target location in the document and flip the orientation. See all new options.

Pull request #17564


Removed Python API

Changed Python API

New Python API


Addon Manager

Assembly Workbench

Further Assembly improvements

BIM Workbench

Further BIM improvements

CAM Workbench

Further CAM improvements

Draft Workbench

Further Draft improvements

FEM Workbench

Further FEM improvements

Material Workbench

Further Material improvements

Mesh Workbench

Further Mesh improvements

OpenSCAD Workbench

Further OpenSCAD improvements

Part Workbench

Further Part improvements

PartDesign Workbench

Further PartDesign improvements

Points Workbench

Further Points improvements

Sketcher Workbench

Click on the image if the animation does not start.
Projection tool was added making it possible to create defining external geometry and toggle between defining and construction modes for external geometry.

Pull request #17736

Intersection tool was added making it possible to create external geometry based on the selected reference geometry and the intersection of the sketch plane.

Pull request #17736

Click on the image if the animation does not start.
External geometry (both projection and intersection) can now be created by selecting a face.

Pull request #17736

Further Sketcher improvements

Spreadsheet Workbench

Further Spreadsheet improvements

Surface Workbench

Further Surface improvements

TechDraw Workbench

Further TechDraw improvements


Known limitations

Other resources