FEM EquationFlux

FEM EquationFlux

Menu location
Solve → Flux equation
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


This equation is used to calculate the fluxes resulting usually from Poisson kind of equations. These include the Heat equation and the Electrostatic equation.

For info about the math of the equation, see the Elmer models manual, section Flux Computation.


  1. After adding an Elmer solver as described here, select it in the tree view.
  2. Either use the toolbar button or the menu Solve → Flux equation.
  3. Now either add a heat equation (toolbar button or menu Solve → Heat equation) or an electrostatic equation (toolbar button or menu Solve → Electrostatic equation). This is important because the flux equation needs the boundary conditions set for these equations.
  4. When using the electrostatic equation, change the property DataFlux Coefficient to None. and the property DataFlux Variable to Potential.
  5. Change the equation's solver settings or the general solver settings if necessary.

Solver Settings

For the general solver settings, see the Elmer solver settings.

The flux equation provides these special settings:

Analysis Feature Information

The flux equation does not have its own boundary conditions. It takes the boundary conditions from the Heat equation or the Electrostatic equation.


The available results depend on the solver settings. If none of the DataCalculate * settings was set to true, nothing is calculated. Otherwise the corresponding results will also be available.

The resulting flux is either the heat flux in (misleadingly named "temperature flux") or the potential flux in ().