Draft PointArray

Draft PointArray

Menu location
Modification → Array tools → Point array
Modify → Point array
Draft, BIM
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Draft OrthoArray, Draft PolarArray, Draft CircularArray, Draft PathArray, Draft PathLinkArray, Draft PointLinkArray


The Draft PointArray command creates a regular array from a selected base object by placing copies at the points from a point object. Use the Draft PointLinkArray command to create a more efficient Link array instead. Except for the type of array that is created, Link array or regular array, the Draft PointLinkArray command is identical to this command.

The base object can be a 2D object created with the Draft Workbench or Sketcher Workbench, but also a 3D object such as those created with the Part Workbench, PartDesign Workbench or BIM Workbench.

The point object can be any object with a shape and vertices (including a Std Part containing one or more of such objects), as well as a mesh and a point cloud. Duplicate points in the point object are filtered out.

Draft PointArray


  1. Select the object you wish to array.
  2. Add the point object to the selection.
  3. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Point array button.
    • Draft: Select the Modification → Array tools → Point array option from the menu.
    • BIM: Select the Modify → Point array option from the menu.
  4. The array is created.
  5. Optionally change the properties of the array in the Property editor.


See also: Property editor.

A Draft PointArray object is derived from a Part Feature object and inherits all its properties (with the exception of some View properties that are not inherited by Link arrays). The following properties are additional unless otherwise stated:



The properties in this group are only available for Link arrays. See Std LinkMake for more information.




The properties in this group, with the exception of the inherited property, are only available for Link arrays. See Std LinkMake for more information.


The properties in this group, with the exception of the inherited property, are only available for Link arrays. See Std LinkMake for more information.

Display Options

The properties in this group are inherited properties. See Part Feature for more information.


Object style

The properties in this group are not inherited by Link arrays.


See also: Autogenerated API documentation and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

To create a point array use the make_point_array method (introduced in version 0.19) of the Draft module. This method replaces the deprecated makePointArray method.

point_array = make_point_array(base_object, point_object, extra=None, use_link=True)


import FreeCAD as App
import Draft

doc = App.newDocument()

polygon = Draft.make_polygon(3, radius=500.0)

p1 = Draft.make_point(App.Vector(1500, 0, 0))
p2 = Draft.make_point(App.Vector(2500, 0, 0))
p3 = Draft.make_point(App.Vector(2000, 1000, 0))

compound = doc.addObject("Part::Compound", "Compound")
compound.Links = [p1, p2, p3]

point_array = Draft.make_point_array(polygon, compound)