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The ModernUI Workbench is an external workbench that replaces the standard user interface. It has modern features such as:
Install with the Addon Manager.
Note: To uninstall, you have to create a macro and execute it. If you do not feel confident about this, consider to not install.
To easily test Modern UI without interfering with your standard configuration, you can contain it in a separate directory. Uninstalling Modern UI is then simply accomplished by deleting the directory. introduced in version 0.19
For example:
$ mkdir modernUI # new directory that contains Modern UI $ cd modernUI $ HOME="$PWD" FREECAD_USER_HOME="$PWD" FreeCAD_0.19.AppImage
When starting FreeCAD like this for the first time, you have a new default configuration. Now install (and configure) Modern UI. This is essentially a portable FreeCAD version.
Instead of using the command line, you can also create a dedicated desktop icon.
There are not dedicated instructions for Windows yet, however, it is very similar to creating a portable version of FreeCAD on a USB medium.
Detailed instructions can be found on GitHub.
The uninstall sequence is as follows:
from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
mw = FreeCADGui.getMainWindow()
WBList = FreeCADGui.listWorkbenches()
for WB in WBList:
for tb in mw.findChildren(QtWidgets.QToolBar):