The Render Workbench let's you produce high-quality images from FreeCAD models, using open-source external rendering engines.
Barcelona pavilion Screenshot
Barcelona pavilion Povray rendering
Barcelona pavilion Cycles rendering
Asm V4 Screenshot
Asm V4 LuxCore rendering
Asm V4 Ospray rendering
Church of the light Screenshot
Church of the light LuxCore rendering
Church of the light Cycles rendering
Car Screenshot
Car Ospray rendering
Car LuxCore rendering
Brick assembly Screenshot
Brick assembly Appleseed rendering
Brick assembly Luxcore rendering
Villa Savoye Screenshot
Villa Savoye Appleseed rendering
Villa Savoye Cycles rendering
A pure Python workbench, Render is seamlessly integrated in FreeCAD: the whole rendering scene - objects, lighting, materials, camera, etc. - can be described with FreeCAD objects, to be exported to external renderers.
Compared with other approaches based on third-part computer graphics applications, Render aims to:
Avoid the user to learn another 3D/computer graphics software: everything you need to know is in FreeCAD.
Simplify rendering workflow and relieve user from any intermediate file manipulation - like import, export, scene retouching etc.
Make scene configuration persistent and especially prevent rework in an external tool each time the model has been modified.
Supported renderers
At the moment six rendering engines are supported:
Cycles (standalone version)
Intel Ospray Studio
Pbrt-v4 (experimental)
In quick-start mode, after workbench installation has correctly been done, rendering a FreeCAD model is just a 4-step process:
Create a rendering project: Press the button in the toolbar corresponding to your renderer and select a template suitable for your renderer (you may start with a 'studio' flavour, like appleseed_studio_light.appleseed, cycles_studio_light.xml, luxcore_studio_light.cfg, povray_studio_light.pov etc.).
Add views of your objects to your rendering project: Select both the objects and the project, and press the Add view button.