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Sketch → Sketcher constraints → Constrain horizontal distance |
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Constraint Length, Constraint VerticalDistance |
Stanoví horizontální vzdálenost mezi 2 body nebo konci přímek. Je-li vybrána pouze 1 položka, je vzdálenost stanovena k počátku.
The Sketcher ConstrainDistanceX tool
fixes the horizontal distance between two points or the endpoints of a line. If a single point is pre-selected, the distance is relative to the origin of the sketch.
See also: Drawing aids.
Single tool
(default): press the down arrow to the right of the Distance from origin:
Sketch.addConstraint(Sketcher.Constraint('DistanceX', Edge, PointOfEdge, -1, 1, App.Units.Quantity('123.0 mm')))
Distance between two vertices:
Sketch.addConstraint(Sketcher.Constraint('DistanceX', Edge1, PointOfEdge1, Edge2, PointOfEdge2, App.Units.Quantity('123.0 mm')))
Horizontal span of line (the GUI allows selecting the edge itself, but it is just a shorthand for using the two extremities of the same line):
Sketch.addConstraint(Sketcher.Constraint('DistanceX', Line, 1, Line, 2, App.Units.Quantity('123.0 mm')))
The Sketcher scripting page explains the values which can be used for Edge
, Edge1
, Edge2
, PointOfEdge
, PointOfEdge1
, PointOfEdge2
and Line
, and contains further examples on how to create constraints from Python scripts.