Part Box/ko

Part Box

Menu location
Part → Primitives → Cube
부품 작업대
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Part Primitives


부품 작업대에서 상자(Part Box) 명령은 파라메트릭 상자 고체인 직사각형 직육면체를 만듭니다. 데이터Placement 속성으로 정의된 좌표계에서 상자의 바닥 면은 왼쪽 앞 꼭지점이 원점에 닿으면서 XY 평면 위에 놓이고, 앞쪽 모서리는 X축과 평행합니다.


  1. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Cube button.
    • Select the Part → Primitives → Cube option from the menu.
  2. The box is created.
  3. Optionally change the dimensions and 데이터Placement of the box by doing one of the following:
    • Double-click the object in the Tree view:
      1. The Geometric Primitives task panel opens.
      2. Change one or more properties.
      3. The object is dynamically updated in the 3D view.
      4. Press the OK button.
    • Change the properties in the Property editor.
    • Change the 데이터Placement with the Std TransformManip command.


Part Box from the scripting example

A Part Box object created with the scripting example below is shown here.



See also: Property editor.

A Part Box object is derived from a Part Feature object and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:



The object has the same attachment properties as a Part Part2DObject.



See also: Autogenerated API documentation, Part scripting and FreeCAD Scripting Basics.

A Part Box can be created with the addObject() method of the document:

box = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::Box", "myBox")


import FreeCAD as App

doc = App.activeDocument()

box = doc.addObject("Part::Box", "myBox")
box.Length = 4
box.Width = 8
box.Height = 12
box.Placement = App.Placement(App.Vector(1, 2, 3), App.Rotation(75, 60, 30))
