Ship LoadExample/ro

Ship Load

Menu location
Ship design → Load‏‎ an example ship geometry
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also



FreeCAD-Ship lucrează pe Ship entities, are trebuie create în prealabil pe baza geometriei furnizate. formele geometrice trebuie să fie un solid sau un set de solide și trebuie să îndeplinească următoarele criterii:

Ship works over Ship entities, that must be created on top of provided geometry. Geometry must be a solid, or set of solids. The following criteria must be taken into account:

Schematic view of sign criteria
Schematic view of sign criteria
Ship sign criteria

In order to help new users, Ship includes a geometries examples loader, with the following to choose from:

Încărcarea geometriei pentru nave din seria 60

Pentru a ajuta utilizatorii noi, nava include un exemplu de încărcător de geometrie, cu următoarele opțiuni:

Executing the tool (Ship design/Load an example ship geometry) a task dialogue will shown. Select Series 60 from Iowa University and press Accept. Tool loads new document with s60_IowaUniversity geometry.

Warning, before editing anything!
You are now working with the original example file.
To preserve the original unedited example, you must first save it as a new file before editing anything.
