Draft Constrain/zh-cn




Constraining is available with most Draft and BIM commands.

While the cursor is constrained the task panel locks the values that are not being modified


按住Shift键,即可在上一个输入点的水平(X)方向或垂直(Y)方向上绘制当前输入点。至于约束的是水平方向还是垂直方向,则取决于按下 Shift时鼠标指针的位置;如果按键时指针位于上一个点的东西两侧,则约束的是水平方向;如果按键时指针位于上一个点的南北两侧,则约束的是垂直方向。如果要改变约束方向,只需松开Shift键,并将指针移到另一个新位置,再重新按下Shift键即可。

Usage X, Y and Z constraints

  1. Choose a Draft or BIM command to create your geometry.
  2. Pick a first point. A previous point is required.
  3. Press X, Y or Z to specify the direction.
  4. The cursor is now constrained.
  5. Pick the next point.
  6. If the command is still active optionally do one of the following:
    • Press the same key to disable the constraint.
    • Press one of the two other keys to constrain in a different direction.
  7. X, Y and Z constraints are automatically disabled when the command is finished.



See also: Preferences Editor and Draft Preferences.