CAM DressupDogbone

CAM DressupDogbone

Menu location
CAM → Path Dressup → Dogbone
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
CAM DressupTag, CAM DressupRampEntry, CAM DressupDragKnife


The tool DressupDogbone dresses up an existing path to overcut corners on inside angles of a profile or contour operation. A cylindrical cutter cannot cut all the way into an acute corner without colliding with the model. In certain cases, it may be preferable to violate the model and ensure that the material at the corner is removed. This is especially necessary if parts are going to intersect/interlock with each other.


  1. Select a contour or profile path CAM objects.
  2. Select the CAM → Path Dressup → Dogbone option from the menu.



The dogbone dressup needs a straight path segment (G1) before and after the corner where the dressup should be inserted.