SheetMetal Extrude/it

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Posizione nel menu
SheetMetal → Extrude
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Introdotto nella versione
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Lo strumento Extrude estende una faccia del foglio di lamiera.

It creates a simple extension along the face normal of the selected edge face:

If an outline sketch is added it creates interlocking geometry to close a profile:

Three profiles with outline sketches to add → three results


Simple Extension

Per estendere la faccia:

  1. Iniziare con una piastra di base o un foglio, selezionare una faccia sottile che rappresenta lo spessore della lamiera
  2. Cliccare sullo strumento Extrude per estendere la faccia.

Task panel

A Task panel was introduced in version 0.5.00

Double-click an existing Extend object in the Tree view to re-open the Task panel and edit the parameters.

Interlocking Extension

(Prepare a sketch for interlocking tabs)
  1. Select the edge face to be extended.
  2. Invoke the command as described above.
  3. Press the OK button to finish the command and close the Task panel.
  4. In the Property editor press the ... button of the DatiSketch property.
  5. The Link dialog window opens.
    • Select the prepared sketch from the list
    • Press the OK button to close the dialog.
  6. Set the property DatiUse Subtraction to true to create cut-outs to make room for the extensions.
  7. Set the property DatiOffset to adjust the clearance around the extension.

Three profiles → position of the sketches → results without cut-outs → final results


Nota: questo ambiente non dispone di uno strumento per creare una piastra di base, quindi è necessario avviare il modello con uno dei seguenti metodi:

After inserting a sketch, at least one of its outlines must at least touch one opposite face or the tool will fail to create any extension or cut-out.
Just one outline touching an opposite face is enough to create extension geometry from all outlines of the sketch.

Three outline sketches and their resulting extensions: separate triangle plate with a rectangular cut-out, circle without clearance → unfold solid is split at an unexpected position

Nota: In un'operazione di estensione, impostare Refine = true.


See also: Property editor.

A SheetMetal Extend object is derived from a Part Feature object or, if it is inside a PartDesign Body, from a PartDesign Feature object, and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:



  • Datigap1: Distanza dal lato sinistro.
  • Datigap2: Distanza dal lato destro.
  • Datilength: Lunghezza.

Parameters Ext.