Assembly3 TracePartMove/pl

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Other languages:

Assembly3 TracePartMove

Menu location
Assembly3 → Trace part move
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also


The Trace part move command traces one single point of a kinematic assembly, when one of the assembled objects is moved with either the Move part tool or the Axial move tool.


  1. Optionally select a wire object:
    • A point to trace itself.
    • An edge or face to trace the center point of its shape.
  2. Activate the Trace part move command using one of the following:
  3. Select one object of the assembly and move it using one of the following:
  4. Press the esc key or the OK button (Axial move only) to finish tracing.
  5. Find an AsmTrace object in the Tree view.


(I hope there will be a more elegant way in the future)