Assembly3 TracePartMove/pl
Assembly3 TracePartMove
Menu location
Assembly3 → Trace part move
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
Trace part move command traces one single point of a kinematic assembly, when one of the assembled objects is moved with either the
Move part tool or the
Axial move tool.
- Optionally select a wire object:
- A point to trace itself.
- An edge or face to trace the center point of its shape.
- Activate the
Trace part move command using one of the following:
- Select one object of the assembly and move it using one of the following:
- Press the esc key or the OK button (Axial move only) to finish tracing.
- Find an AsmTrace object in the Tree view.
- If you don't select any shape in the first step, you will be tracing the shape that was selected in the third step.
- To change the element to trace, you need to disable this tool before selecting a new element and enabling it again.
- If you control the movement with another tool such as this kinematic controller that allows to use a mover tool in parallel, you could use this tool to alter the assembly step by step and use the mover tool to add a point and connecting line on each step. It is possible to use the mover tool as a trigger by picking and dragging any of the arrows - just a tiny bit until the next point and line appears (use transparency if necessary).
- (I hope there will be a more elegant way in the future)
Centrum użytkownika
- Jak zacząć
- Instalacja: Pobieranie programu, Windows, Linux, Mac, Dodatkowych komponentów, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Podstawy: Informacje na temat FreeCAD, Interfejs użytkownika, Profil nawigacji myszką, Metody wyboru, Nazwa obiektu, Edytor ustawień, Środowiska pracy, Struktura dokumentu, Właściwości, Pomóż w rozwoju FreeCAD, Dotacje
- Pomoc: Poradniki, Wideo poradniki
- Środowiska pracy: Strona Startowa, Złożenie, BIM, CAM, Rysunek Roboczy, MES, Inspekcja, Siatka, OpenSCAD, Część, Projekt Części, Punkty, Inżynieria Wsteczna, Robot, Szkicownik, Arkusz Kalkulacyjny, Powierzchnia 3D, Rysunek Techniczny, Test Framework