Code snippets/ru


Эта страница содержит примеры, обрывки, куски FreeCAD python кода, собранный для получения пользователями оптыта и обсуждения на форумах. Читайте и используете их как начало для ваших собственных сценариев...


Обычный файл

Каждый модуль должен содержать, помимо основного файла модуля, файл, ответственный за вставку модуля в главное Gui. Это простой пример.

class ScriptWorkbench (Workbench): 
    MenuText = "Scripts"
    def Initialize(self):
        import Scripts # assuming is your module
        list = ["Script_Cmd"] # That list must contain command names, that can be defined in
        self.appendToolbar("My Scripts",list) 


Обычный файл модуля

Это пример главного файла модуля, содержащего всё что ваш модуль делает. Это файл, вызываемый в предыдущем примере. Вы можете установить здесь все ваши пользовательские команды.

import FreeCAD, FreeCADGui 
class ScriptCmd: 
   def Activated(self): 
       # Here your write what your ScriptCmd does...
       FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage('Hello, World!')
   def GetResources(self): 
       return {'Pixmap' : 'path_to_an_icon/myicon.png', 'MenuText': 'Short text', 'ToolTip': 'More detailed text'} 
FreeCADGui.addCommand('Script_Cmd', ScriptCmd())


Импорт нового типа файлов

Создание ипортировщика в нового типа файлов в FreeCAD просто. FreeCAD не считает, что вы импортируете данные в открытый документ, а скорее что вы просто можете непосредственно открыть новый тип файла. Так что все что вам нужно сделать, это добавить новое расширение файла в список известных расширений FreeCAD, и написать код, который будет читать файл и создавать объекты FreeCAD:

Это строка должна быть добавлена в файл для добавления нового расширения файлов в список:

# Assumes is the file that has the code for opening and reading .ext files
FreeCAD.addImportType("Your new File Type (*.ext)","Import_Ext")

Тогда в файле

def open(filename): 
   # here you do all what is needed with filename, read, classify data, create corresponding FreeCAD objects

Экспорт вашего документа в новые типы файлов работает схожим образом, исключая того что вы используете:

FreeCAD.addExportType("Your new File Type (*.ext)","Export_Ext")


Добавление линии

Простейшая линия через две точки.

import Part,PartGui 
# add a line element to the document and set its points 


Добавление многоугольника

Многоугольник это просто набор соединенных отрезков (polyline в AutoCAD). Он необязательно должен быть замкнутым.

import Part, PartGui 
doc = App.activeDocument()
n = list() 

# create a 3D vector, set its coordinates and add it to the list 
v = App.Vector(0,0,0) 
v = App.Vector(10,0,0) 
#... repeat for all nodes 

# Create a polygon object and set its nodes 
p = doc.addObject("Part::Polygon","Polygon") 
p.Nodes = n 


Добавление и удаление объекта из группы

grp=doc.addObject("App::DocumentObjectGroup", "Group") 
lin=doc.addObject("Part::Feature", "Line")
grp.addObject(lin) # adds the lin object to the group grp
grp.removeObject(lin) # removes the lin object from the group grp

Примечание: Вы также можете добавлять другие группы в группу...


Добавление полигональной сетки

import Mesh
# create a new empty mesh
m = Mesh.Mesh()
# build up box out of 12 facets
m.addFacet(0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,1.0, 0.0,1.0,1.0)
m.addFacet(0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,1.0,1.0, 0.0,1.0,0.0)
m.addFacet(0.0,0.0,0.0, 1.0,0.0,0.0, 1.0,0.0,1.0)
m.addFacet(0.0,0.0,0.0, 1.0,0.0,1.0, 0.0,0.0,1.0)
m.addFacet(0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,1.0,0.0, 1.0,1.0,0.0)
m.addFacet(0.0,0.0,0.0, 1.0,1.0,0.0, 1.0,0.0,0.0)
m.addFacet(0.0,1.0,0.0, 0.0,1.0,1.0, 1.0,1.0,1.0)
m.addFacet(0.0,1.0,0.0, 1.0,1.0,1.0, 1.0,1.0,0.0)
m.addFacet(0.0,1.0,1.0, 0.0,0.0,1.0, 1.0,0.0,1.0)
m.addFacet(0.0,1.0,1.0, 1.0,0.0,1.0, 1.0,1.0,1.0)
m.addFacet(1.0,1.0,0.0, 1.0,1.0,1.0, 1.0,0.0,1.0)
m.addFacet(1.0,1.0,0.0, 1.0,0.0,1.0, 1.0,0.0,0.0)
# scale to a edge langth of 100
# add the mesh to the active document


Добавление дуги или окружности

import Part
doc = App.activeDocument()
c = Part.Circle() 
f = doc.addObject("Part::Feature", "Circle") # create a document with a circle feature 
f.Shape = c.toShape() # Assign the circle shape to the shape property 


Получение доступа и изменение представления объекта

Каждый объект в FreeCAD документе ассоциируется с визуальным представлением объекта, которое хранит все параметры , определяющие как объект представлен, такие как цвет, длина линий, и.т.д... Смотри так же отрывок Перечисление компонентов объекта ниже

gad = Gui.activeDocument() # access the active document containing all 
                           # view representations of the features in the
                           # corresponding App document 

v = gad.getObject("Cube")  # access the view representation to the Mesh feature 'Cube' 
v.ShapeColor               # prints the color to the console 
v.ShapeColor=(1.0,1.0,1.0) # sets the shape color to white


Replace the form of mouse with one image

import PySide2
from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication
from PySide2.QtGui import QColor, QPixmap, QImage, QPainter, QCursor
from PySide2.QtCore import Qt

myImage = QtGui.QPixmap("Complete_Path_to_image.bmp")
cursor = QtGui.QCursor(myImage)


Replace the form of mouse with one image (cross) include

The image is created by Gimp exported in a .XPM file. Copy and use the code between the bracket "{" code to copy "}"

import PySide2
from PySide2 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication
from PySide2.QtGui import QColor, QPixmap, QImage, QPainter, QCursor
from PySide2.QtCore import Qt

cross32x32Icon = [
"32 32 2 1",
" 	c None",
".	c #FF0000",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                                ",
"............... . ..............",
"                                ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               ",
"                .               "

myImage = QtGui.QPixmap(cross32x32Icon)
cursor = QtGui.QCursor(myImage)


Observe camera change in the 3D viewer via Python

This can be done adding a Node sensor to the camera:

from pivy import coin
def callback(*args):
    cam, sensor = args
    print("Cam position : {}".format(cam.position.getValue().getValue()))
    print("Cam rotation : {}".format(cam.orientation.getValue().getValue()))

camera_node = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getCameraNode()
node_sensor = coin.SoNodeSensor(callback, camera_node)


Наблюдение за поведением мыши в трёхмерном окне через Python

Оболочка Inventor позволяет добавить один и более узлов обратного вызова (callback) в дерево сцен просмотрщика. По умолчанию, в FreeCAD на каждый просмотрщик установлен один узел обратного вызова, который позволяет добавить глобальные или статические функции C++. В соответствующих привязках Python предоставляются некоторые методы, позволяющие использовать эту технику из кода Python.

#This class logs any mouse button events. As the registered callback function fires twice for 'down' and
#'up' events we need a boolean flag to handle this.
class ViewObserver:
   def logPosition(self, info):
       down = (info["State"] == "DOWN")
       pos = info["Position"]
       if (down):
           FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Clicked on position: ("+str(pos[0])+", "+str(pos[1])+")\n")
o = ViewObserver()
c = v.addEventCallback("SoMouseButtonEvent",o.logPosition)

Теперь, выберите какую нибудь область в окне 3D-просмотра и наблюдайте сообщения в окне вывода. Для завершения наблюдения просто вызовите


Поддерживаются следующие типы событий

Python функции которые могут быть зарегистрированы в addEventCallback() предлагающем словарь(dictionary). В зависимости от наблюдателя события словарь может содержать различные ключи.

Для всех событий существуют ключи:

Для всех клавишных событий, т.e. для событий клавиатуры, мыши или spaceball

Для событий связанных с клавиатурой:

Для событий связанных с мышью

Для событий spaceball:

и наконец события движения:


Показать нажатые клавиши и команды Событий

Этот макрос отображает в отчете нажатия клавиш и команды всех событий

class ViewObserver:
   def logPosition(self, info):
           down = (info["Key"])
           FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(str(down)+"\n") # here the character pressed
           FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage(str(info)+"\n") # list all events command
       except Exception:
o = ViewObserver()
c = v.addEventCallback("SoEvent",o.logPosition)

#v.removeEventCallback("SoEvent",c) # remove ViewObserver


Манипулирование графом сцен в Python

Возможно так же получить и изменить в Python граф сцен с помощью модуля 'pivy' - привязки Python для Coin.

from pivy.coin import *                # load the pivy module
view = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView   # get the active viewer
root = view.getSceneGraph()            # the root is an SoSeparator node

API Python для pivy создано используя инструмент SWIG. Так как мы используем в FreeCAD некоторые самонаписанные узлы, вы не можете создавать их напрямую через Python. Но можно создать узел по его внутреннему имени. Экземпляр типа 'SoFCSelection' можно создать с помощью

type = SoType.fromName("SoFCSelection")
node = type.createInstance()


Добавление и удаление объектов в/из графа сцены

Добавление новых узлов в граф сцены (scenegraph) может сделать таким образом. Позаботьтесь всегда добавлять SoSeparator, чтобы иметь информацию о геометрии, координатах и материалах объекта. Следующий пример добавляет красную линию из (0,0,0) в (10,0,0):

from pivy import coin
sg = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getSceneGraph()
co = coin.SoCoordinate3()
pts = [[0,0,0],[10,0,0]]
ma = coin.SoBaseColor()
ma.rgb = (1,0,0)
li = coin.SoLineSet()
no = coin.SoSeparator()

Чтобы удалить её, просто введите:



Сохранить sceneGraph в 3 сериях из 36 файлов

Просмотрите фрагмент кода, развернув этот раздел.

import math
import time
from FreeCAD import Base
from pivy import coin

dirname = "C:/Temp/animation/"





# this sets the lookat point to the center of circumsphere of the global bounding box

# the camera's position, i.e. the user's eye point

# view direction

# this is the point on the screen the camera looks at
# when rotating the camera we should make this point fix

# around x axis
for i in range(steps):
    view.saveImage(dirname+"x-%d.png" % i,*size)

# around y axis
for i in range(steps):
    view.saveImage(dirname+"y-%d.png" % i,*size)

# around z axis
for i in range(steps):
    view.saveImage(dirname+"z-%d.png" % i,*size)


Добавление к интерфейсу пользовательских виджетов

Вы можете создать собственные виджеты с помощью Qt designerа, превратив их в сценарии на Python, и загрузив их в интерфейс FreeCAD с помощью PySide.

Python код созданный с помощью Ui python compiler (это инструмент для конвертирования файлов ui. созданных qt-designer в python код) в основном выглядит так (это простой пример, вы также может писать этот код напряму с помощью python):

class myWidget_Ui(object):
    def setupUi(self, myWidget):
        myWidget.setObjectName("my Nice New Widget")
        myWidget.resize(QtCore.QSize(QtCore.QRect(0,0,300,100).size()).expandedTo(myWidget.minimumSizeHint())) # sets size of the widget
        self.label = QtGui.QLabel(myWidget) # creates a label
        self.label.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(50,50,200,24)) # sets its size
        self.label.setObjectName("label") # sets its name, so it can be found by name

    def retranslateUi(self, draftToolbar): # built-in QT function that manages translations of widgets
        myWidget.setWindowTitle(QtGui.QApplication.translate("myWidget", "My Widget", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))
        self.label.setText(QtGui.QApplication.translate("myWidget", "Welcome to my new widget!", None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))

Тогда все что вам нужно сделать, это создать ссылку на FreeCAD Qt окно, вставить виджет в него, и "преобразовать" этот виджет в ваш с Ui кодом который мы только что сделали:

app = QtGui.qApp
FCmw = app.activeWindow() # the active qt window, = the freecad window since we are inside it
# FCmw = FreeCADGui.getMainWindow() # use this line if the 'addDockWidget' error is declared
myNewFreeCADWidget = QtGui.QDockWidget() # create a new dckwidget
myNewFreeCADWidget.ui = myWidget_Ui() # load the Ui script
myNewFreeCADWidget.ui.setupUi(myNewFreeCADWidget) # setup the ui
FCmw.addDockWidget(QtCore.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea,myNewFreeCADWidget) # add the widget to the main window


Добавить вкладку в Combo View

Следующий код позволяет добавить вкладку к Combo view отдельно от уже существующих вкладок «Модель» и «Задачи». Он также использует модуль uic для загрузки файла пользовательского интерфейса прямо на этой вкладке.

# create new Tab in ComboView
from PySide import QtGui,QtCore
#from PySide import uic

def getMainWindow():
   "returns the main window"
   # using QtGui.qApp.activeWindow() isn't very reliable because if another
   # widget than the mainwindow is active (e.g. a dialog) the wrong widget is
   # returned
   toplevel = QtGui.qApp.topLevelWidgets()
   for i in toplevel:
       if i.metaObject().className() == "Gui::MainWindow":
           return i
   raise Exception("No main window found")

def getComboView(mw):
   for i in dw:
       if str(i.objectName()) == "Combo View":
           return i.findChild(QtGui.QTabWidget)
       elif str(i.objectName()) == "Python Console":
           return i.findChild(QtGui.QTabWidget)
   raise Exception ("No tab widget found")

mw = getMainWindow()
tab = getComboView(getMainWindow())
tab.addTab(tab2,"A Special Tab")



Enable or disable a window

This script give the ability to manipulate the UI from the Python console to show/hide different components in the FreeCAD interface such as:

from PySide import QtGui
mw = FreeCADGui.getMainWindow()
dws = mw.findChildren(QtGui.QDockWidget)

# objectName may be :
# "Report view"
# "Tree view"
# "Property view"
# "Selection view"
# "Combo View"
# "Python console"
# "draftToolbar"

for i in dws:
  if i.objectName() == "Report view":
    dw = i

va = dw.toggleViewAction()
va.setChecked(True)        # True or False
dw.setVisible(True)        # True or False


Open a custom webpage

import WebGui


Get the HTML contents of an opened webpage

from PySide import QtGui,QtWebKit
a = QtGui.qApp
mw = a.activeWindow()
v = mw.findChild(QtWebKit.QWebFrame)
html = unicode(v.toHtml())
print( html)


Retrieve the coordinates of 3 selected points or objects

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# the line above to put the accentuated in the remarks
# If this line is missing, an error will be returned
# extract and use the coordinates of 3 objects selected
import Part, FreeCAD, math, PartGui, FreeCADGui
from FreeCAD import Base, Console
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection() # " sel " contains the items selected
if len(sel)!=3 :
  # If there are no 3 objects selected, an error is displayed in the report view
  # The \r and \n at the end of line mean return and the newline CR + LF.
  Console.PrintError("Select 3 points exactly\r\n")
else :
  for obj in sel:

  for pt in points:
    # display of the coordinates in the report view

  Console.PrintMessage(str(pt[1]) + "\r\n")


List all objects

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import FreeCAD,Draft
# List all objects of the document
doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument
objs = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects
#App.Console.PrintMessage(str(objs) + "\n")
#App.Console.PrintMessage(str(len(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects)) + " Objects"  + "\n")

for obj in objs:
    a = obj.Name                                             # list the Name  of the object  (not modifiable)
    b = obj.Label                                            # list the Label of the object  (modifiable)
        c = obj.LabelText                                    # list the LabeText of the text (modifiable)
        App.Console.PrintMessage(str(a) +" "+ str(b) +" "+ str(c) + "\n") # Displays the Name the Label and the text
        App.Console.PrintMessage(str(a) +" "+ str(b) + "\n") # Displays the Name and the Label of the object

#doc.removeObject("Box") # Clears the designated object


List the dimensions of an object, given its name

for edge in FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.MyObjectName.Shape.Edges: # replace "MyObjectName" for list
    print( edge.Length)


Function resident with the mouse click action

Here with SelObserver on a object select

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# causes an action to the mouse click on an object
# This function remains resident (in memory) with the function "addObserver(s)"
# "removeObserver(s) # Uninstalls the resident function
class SelObserver:
    def setPreselection(self,doc,obj,sub):                # Preselection object
        App.Console.PrintMessage(str(sub)+ "\n")          # The part of the object name

    def addSelection(self,doc,obj,sub,pnt):               # Selection object
        App.Console.PrintMessage("addSelection"+ "\n")
        App.Console.PrintMessage(str(doc)+ "\n")          # Name of the document
        App.Console.PrintMessage(str(obj)+ "\n")          # Name of the object
        App.Console.PrintMessage(str(sub)+ "\n")          # The part of the object name
        App.Console.PrintMessage(str(pnt)+ "\n")          # Coordinates of the object
        App.Console.PrintMessage("______"+ "\n")

    def removeSelection(self,doc,obj,sub):                # Remove the selection
        App.Console.PrintMessage("removeSelection"+ "\n")

    def setSelection(self,doc):                           # Set selection
        App.Console.PrintMessage("setSelection"+ "\n")

    def clearSelection(self,doc):                         # If click on the screen, clear the selection
        App.Console.PrintMessage("clearSelection"+ "\n")  # If click on another object, clear the previous object
s =SelObserver()
FreeCADGui.Selection.addObserver(s)                       # install the function mode resident
#FreeCADGui.Selection.removeObserver(s)                   # Uninstall the resident function

Other example with ViewObserver on a object select or view

#This class logs any mouse button events. As the registered callback function fires twice for 'down' and
#'up' events we need a boolean flag to handle this.
class ViewObserver:
   def __init__(self, view):
       self.view = view
   def logPosition(self, info):
       down = (info["State"] == "DOWN")
       pos = info["Position"]
       if (down):
           FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Clicked on position: ("+str(pos[0])+", "+str(pos[1])+")\n")
           pnt = self.view.getPoint(pos)
           FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("World coordinates: " + str(pnt) + "\n")
           info = self.view.getObjectInfo(pos)
           FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("Object info: " + str(info) + "\n")

o = ViewObserver(v)
c = v.addEventCallback("SoMouseButtonEvent",o.logPosition)


Display the active document

class DocObserver:                      # document Observer
    def slotActivateDocument(self,doc):

#App.removeDocumentObserver(obs)                 # desinstalle la fonction residente

To remove the observer call:

App.removeDocumentObserver(obs)                 # desinstalle la fonction residente


Find/select all elements below the cursor

from pivy import coin
import FreeCADGui

def mouse_over_cb( event_callback):
    event = event_callback.getEvent()
    pos = event.getPosition().getValue()
    listObjects = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getObjectsInfo((int(pos[0]),int(pos[1])))
    obj = []
    if listObjects:
        FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("\n *** Objects under mouse pointer ***")
        for o in listObjects:
            label = str(o["Object"])
            if not label in obj:

view = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView

mouse_over = view.addEventCallbackPivy( coin.SoLocation2Event.getClassTypeId(), mouse_over_cb )

# to remove Callback :
#view.removeEventCallbackPivy( coin.SoLocation2Event.getClassTypeId(), mouse_over)

#The easy way is probably to use FreeCAD's selection.

#you get that kind of result :
#'Document': 'Unnamed', 'Object': 'Box', 'Component': 'Face2', 'y': 8.604081153869629, 'x': 21.0, 'z': 8.553047180175781

#You can use this data to add your element to FreeCAD's selection :


Перечисление компонентов объекта

This function list the components of an object and extracts:

  • this object its XYZ coordinates,
  • its edges and their lengths center of mass and coordinates
  • its faces and their center of mass
  • its faces and their surfaces and coordinates
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This function list the components of an object
# and extract this object its XYZ coordinates,
# its edges and their lengths center of mass and coordinates
# its faces and their center of mass
# its faces and their surfaces and coordinates
# 8/05/2014

import Draft,Part
def detail():
    sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()   # Select an object
    if len(sel) != 0:                           # If there is a selection then
        pas    =0
        perimetre = 0.0   
        EdgesLong = []

        # Displays the "Name" and the "Label" of the selection
        App.Console.PrintMessage("Selection > " + str(sel[0].Name) + "  " + str(sel[0].Label) +"\n"+"\n")

        for j in enumerate(sel[0].Shape.Edges):                                     # Search the "Edges" and their lengths
            Edges.append("Edge%d" % (j[0]+1))
            perimetre += (sel[0].Shape.Edges[compt_E-1].Length)                     # calculates the perimeter

            # Displays the "Edge" and its length
            App.Console.PrintMessage("Edge"+str(compt_E)+" Length > "+str(sel[0].Shape.Edges[compt_E-1].Length)+"\n")

            # Displays the "Edge" and its center mass
            App.Console.PrintMessage("Edge"+str(compt_E)+" Center > "+str(sel[0].Shape.Edges[compt_E-1].CenterOfMass)+"\n")

            num = sel[0].Shape.Edges[compt_E-1].Vertexes[0]
            Vertx.append("X1: "+str(num.Point.x))
            Vertx.append("Y1: "+str(num.Point.y))
            Vertx.append("Z1: "+str(num.Point.z))
            # Displays the coordinates 1
            App.Console.PrintMessage("X1: "+str(num.Point[0])+" Y1: "+str(num.Point[1])+" Z1: "+str(num.Point[2])+"\n")

                num = sel[0].Shape.Edges[compt_E-1].Vertexes[1]
                Vertx.append("X2: "+str(num.Point.x))
                Vertx.append("Y2: "+str(num.Point.y))
                Vertx.append("Z2: "+str(num.Point.z))
            # Displays the coordinates 2
            App.Console.PrintMessage("X2: "+str(num.Point[0])+" Y2: "+str(num.Point[1])+" Z2: "+str(num.Point[2])+"\n")

        App.Console.PrintMessage("Perimeter of the form  : "+str(perimetre)+"\n") 

        FacesSurf = []
        for j in enumerate(sel[0].Shape.Faces):                                      # Search the "Faces" and their surface
            Faces.append("Face%d" % (j[0]+1))

            # Displays 'Face' and its surface
            App.Console.PrintMessage("Face"+str(compt_F)+" >  Surface "+str(sel[0].Shape.Faces[compt_F-1].Area)+"\n")

            # Displays 'Face' and its CenterOfMass
            App.Console.PrintMessage("Face"+str(compt_F)+" >  Center  "+str(sel[0].Shape.Faces[compt_F-1].CenterOfMass)+"\n")

            # Displays 'Face' and its Coordinates
            FacesCoor = []
            fco = 0
            for f0 in sel[0].Shape.Faces[compt_F-1].Vertexes:                        # Search the Vertexes of the face
                fco += 1
                FacesCoor.append("X"+str(fco)+": "+str(f0.Point.x))
                FacesCoor.append("Y"+str(fco)+": "+str(f0.Point.y))
                FacesCoor.append("Z"+str(fco)+": "+str(f0.Point.z))

            # Displays 'Face' and its Coordinates
            App.Console.PrintMessage("Face"+str(compt_F)+" >  Coordinate"+str(FacesCoor)+"\n")

            # Displays 'Face' and its Volume
            App.Console.PrintMessage("Face"+str(compt_F)+" >  Volume  "+str(sel[0].Shape.Faces[compt_F-1].Volume)+"\n")

        # Displays the total surface of the form
        App.Console.PrintMessage("Surface of the form    : "+str(sel[0].Shape.Area)+"\n")

        # Displays the total Volume of the form
        App.Console.PrintMessage("Volume  of the form    : "+str(sel[0].Shape.Volume)+"\n")



List the PropertiesList

import FreeCADGui
from FreeCAD import Console
o = App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject
op = o.PropertiesList
for p in op:
    Console.PrintMessage("Property: "+ str(p)+ " Value: " + str(o.getPropertyByName(p))+"\r\n")


Add a single Property Comment

import Draft
obj = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()[0]
obj.addProperty("App::PropertyString","GComment","Draft","Font name").GComment = "Comment here"


Search and data extraction

Examples of research and decoding information on an object.

Each section is independently and is separated by "############" can be copied directly into the Python console, or in a macro or use this macro. The description of the macro in the commentary.

Displaying it in the "Report View" window (View > Views > Report view)

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
# Exemples de recherche et de decodage d'informations sur un objet
# Chaque section peut etre copiee directement dans la console Python ou dans une macro ou utilisez la macro tel quel
# Certaines commandes se repetent seul l'approche est differente
# L'affichage se fait dans la Vue rapport : Menu Affichage > Vues > Vue rapport
# Examples of research and decoding information on an object
# Each section can be copied directly into the Python console, or in a macro or uses this macro
# Certain commands as repeat alone approach is different
# Displayed in Report view: View > Views > report view
# rev:30/08/2014:29/09/2014:17/09/2015 22/11/2019 30/12/2022
from FreeCAD import Base
import DraftVecUtils, Draft, Part

# info in the object

box = App.ActiveDocument.getObject('Box')                                 # object 
print(dir(box))                                                           # all options disponible in the object
print(box.Name)                                                           # object name
print(box.Content)                                                        # content of the object in XML format
# example of using the information listed
# search the name of the active document 
mydoc = FreeCAD.activeDocument().Name                                     # Name of active Document
App.Console.PrintMessage("Active docu    : "+(mydoc)+"\n")

# search the document name and the name of the object selected
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
object_FullName = sel[0].FullName                                         # file Name and Name of the object selected
App.Console.PrintMessage("object_FullName: "+(object_FullName)+"\n")

# search the label of the object selected
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
object_Label = sel[0].Label                                               # Label of the object (modifiable)
App.Console.PrintMessage("object_Label   : "+(object_Label)+"\n")

#TypeID object FreeCAD selected
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
App.Console.PrintMessage("sel            : "+str(sel[0])+"\n\n")          # sel[0] first object selected

# search the Name of the object selected
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
object_Name  = sel[0].Name                                                # Name of the object (not modifiable)
App.Console.PrintMessage("object_Name    : "+str(object_Name)+"\n\n")

# search the Sub Element Name of the sub object selected
    SubElement = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()                    # sub element name with getSelectionEx()
    element_ = SubElement[0].SubElementNames[0]                           # name of 1 element selected
    App.Console.PrintMessage("elementSelec   : "+str(element_)+"\n\n")            

# give the length of the subObject selected
SubElementLength = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0].Length # sub element or element name with getSelectionEx()
App.Console.PrintMessage("SubElement length: "+str(SubElementLength)+"\n")# length

# list the edges and the coordinates of the object[0] selected
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
i = 0
for j in enumerate(sel[0].Shape.Edges):                                   # list all Edges
    i += 1
    App.Console.PrintMessage("Edges n : "+str(i)+"\n")
    a = sel[0].Shape.Edges[j[0]].Vertexes[0]
    App.Console.PrintMessage("X1             : "+str(a.Point.x)+"\n")     # coordinate XYZ first point
    App.Console.PrintMessage("Y1             : "+str(a.Point.y)+"\n")     #
    App.Console.PrintMessage("Z1             : "+str(a.Point.z)+"\n")     #
        a = sel[0].Shape.Edges[j[0]].Vertexes[1]
        App.Console.PrintMessage("X2             : "+str(a.Point.x)+"\n") # coordinate XYZ second point
        App.Console.PrintMessage("Y2             : "+str(a.Point.y)+"\n") #
        App.Console.PrintMessage("Z2             : "+str(a.Point.z)+"\n") #

# give the sub element name, length, coordinates, BoundBox, BoundBox.Center, Area of the SubObjects selected
    SubElement = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()                                        # sub element name with getSelectionEx()
    subElementName = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubElementNames[0]                     # sub element name with getSelectionEx()
    App.Console.PrintMessage("subElementName : "+str(subElementName)+"\n")
    subObjectLength = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0].Length                  # sub element Length
    App.Console.PrintMessage("subObjectLength: "+str(subObjectLength)+"\n\n")
    subObjectX1 = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0].Vertexes[0].Point.x         # sub element coordinate X1
    App.Console.PrintMessage("subObject_X1   : "+str(subObjectX1)+"\n")
    subObjectY1 = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0].Vertexes[0].Point.y         # sub element coordinate Y1
    App.Console.PrintMessage("subObject_Y1   : "+str(subObjectY1)+"\n")
    subObjectZ1 = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0].Vertexes[0].Point.z         # sub element coordinate Z1
    App.Console.PrintMessage("subObject_Z1   : "+str(subObjectZ1)+"\n\n")

        subObjectX2 = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0].Vertexes[1].Point.x     # sub element coordinate X2
        App.Console.PrintMessage("subObject_X2   : "+str(subObjectX2)+"\n")
        subObjectY2 = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0].Vertexes[1].Point.y     # sub element coordinate Y2
        App.Console.PrintMessage("subObject_Y2   : "+str(subObjectY2)+"\n")
        subObjectZ2 = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0].Vertexes[1].Point.z     # sub element coordinate Z2
        App.Console.PrintMessage("subObject_Z2   : "+str(subObjectZ2)+"\n\n")

    subObjectBoundBox = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0].BoundBox              # sub element BoundBox coordinates
    App.Console.PrintMessage("subObjectBBox  : "+str(subObjectBoundBox)+"\n")
    subObjectBoundBoxCenter = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0].BoundBox.Center # sub element BoundBoxCenter
    App.Console.PrintMessage("subObjectBBoxCe: "+str(subObjectBoundBoxCenter)+"\n")
    surfaceFace = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0].Area                        # Area of the face selected
    App.Console.PrintMessage("surfaceFace    : "+str(surfaceFace)+"\n\n")

# give the area of the object
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
surface = sel[0].Shape.Area                                               # Area object complete
App.Console.PrintMessage("surfaceObjet   : "+str(surface)+"\n\n")

# give the Center Of Mass and coordinates of the object
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
CenterOfMass = sel[0].Shape.CenterOfMass                                  # Center of Mass of the object
App.Console.PrintMessage("CenterOfMass   : "+str(CenterOfMass)+"\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("CenterOfMassX  : "+str(CenterOfMass[0])+"\n")   # coordinates [0]=X [1]=Y [2]=Z
App.Console.PrintMessage("CenterOfMassY  : "+str(CenterOfMass[1])+"\n")   # or CenterOfMass.x, CenterOfMass.y, CenterOfMass.z
App.Console.PrintMessage("CenterOfMassZ  : "+str(CenterOfMass[2])+"\n\n")

# list the all faces of the object selected
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
for j in enumerate(sel[0].Shape.Faces):                                   # List alles faces of the object
    App.Console.PrintMessage("Face           : "+str("Face%d" % (j[0]+1))+"\n")

# give the volume of the object selected
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
volume_ = sel[0].Shape.Volume                                             # Volume of the object
App.Console.PrintMessage("volume_        : "+str(volume_)+"\n\n")
# give the BoundBox of the oject selected all type
objs = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
if len(objs) >= 1:                                                         # serch the object type
    if hasattr(objs[0], "Shape"):
        s = objs[0].Shape
    elif hasattr(objs[0], "Mesh"):      # upgrade with wmayer thanks #
        s = objs[0].Mesh
    elif hasattr(objs[0], "Points"):
        s = objs[0].Points

boundBox_= s.BoundBox                                                     # BoundBox of the object
App.Console.PrintMessage("boundBox_      : "+str(boundBox_)+"\n")         # 
boundBoxLX   = boundBox_.XLength                                          # Length x boundBox rectangle
boundBoxLY   = boundBox_.YLength                                          # Length y boundBox rectangle
boundBoxLZ   = boundBox_.ZLength                                          # Length z boundBox rectangle

boundBoxXMin = boundBox_.XMin                                             # coordonate XMin
boundBoxYMin = boundBox_.YMin                                             # coordonate YMin
boundBoxZMin = boundBox_.ZMin                                             # coordonate ZMin
boundBoxXMax = boundBox_.XMax                                             # coordonate XMax
boundBoxYMax = boundBox_.YMax                                             # coordonate YMax
boundBoxZMax = boundBox_.ZMax                                             # coordonate ZMax

boundBoxDiag= boundBox_.DiagonalLength                                    # Diagonal Length boundBox rectangle
boundBoxCenter = boundBox_.Center                                         # BoundBox Center
boundBoxCenterOfGravity = boundBox_.CenterOfGravity                       # BoundBox CenterOfGravity

App.Console.PrintMessage("boundBoxLX     : "+str(boundBoxLX)+"\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("boundBoxLY     : "+str(boundBoxLY)+"\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("boundBoxLZ     : "+str(boundBoxLZ)+"\n\n")

App.Console.PrintMessage("boundBoxXMin   : "+str(boundBoxXMin)+"\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("boundBoxYMin   : "+str(boundBoxYMin)+"\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("boundBoxZMin   : "+str(boundBoxZMin)+"\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("boundBoxXMax   : "+str(boundBoxXMax)+"\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("boundBoxYMax   : "+str(boundBoxYMax)+"\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("boundBoxZMax   : "+str(boundBoxZMax)+"\n\n")

App.Console.PrintMessage("boundBoxDiag   : "+str(boundBoxDiag)+"\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("boundBoxCenter : "+str(boundBoxCenter)+"\n")

App.Console.PrintMessage("boundBox Center of Gravity : "+str(boundBoxCenterOfGravity )+"\n\n")


# give the complete placement of the object selected
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
pl = sel[0].Shape.Placement                                               # Placement Vector XYZ and Yaw-Pitch-Roll
App.Console.PrintMessage("Placement      : "+str(pl)+"\n")

# give the placement Base (xyz) of the object selected
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
pl = sel[0].Shape.Placement.Base                                          # Placement Vector XYZ
App.Console.PrintMessage("PlacementBase  : "+str(pl)+"\n\n")
# give the placement Base (xyz) of the object selected
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
oripl_X = sel[0].Placement.Base[0]                                        # decode Placement X
oripl_Y = sel[0].Placement.Base[1]                                        # decode Placement Y
oripl_Z = sel[0].Placement.Base[2]                                        # decode Placement Z

# same 
#oripl_X = sel[0].Placement.Base.x                                        # decode Placement X
#oripl_Y = sel[0].Placement.Base.y                                        # decode Placement Y
#oripl_Z = sel[0].Placement.Base.z                                        # decode Placement Z
App.Console.PrintMessage("oripl_X        : "+str(oripl_X)+"\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("oripl_Y        : "+str(oripl_Y)+"\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("oripl_Z        : "+str(oripl_Z)+"\n\n")

# give the placement rotation of the object selected (x, y, z, angle rotation)
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
rotation = sel[0].Placement.Rotation                                      # decode Placement Rotation
App.Console.PrintMessage("rotation              : "+str(rotation)+"\n\n")

# give the placement rotation of the object selected (x, y, z, angle rotation)
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
pl = sel[0].Shape.Placement.Rotation                                      # decode Placement Rotation other method
App.Console.PrintMessage("Placement Rot         : "+str(pl)+"\n\n")

# give the rotation of the object selected (angle rotation)
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
pl = sel[0].Shape.Placement.Rotation.Angle                                # decode Placement Rotation Angle
App.Console.PrintMessage("Placement Rot Angle   : "+str(pl)+"\n\n")

# give the rotation.Q of the object selected (angle rotation in Radian) for convert: math.degrees(angleInRadian)
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                                 # select object with getSelection()
Rot   = sel[0].Placement.Rotation.Q                                       # Placement Rotation Q
App.Console.PrintMessage("Rot           : "+str(Rot)+ "\n")
Rot_0 = sel[0].Placement.Rotation.Q[0]                                    # decode Placement Rotation Q
App.Console.PrintMessage("Rot_0         : "+str(Rot_0)+ " rad ,  "+str(180 * Rot_0 / 3.1416)+" deg "+"\n") # or math.degrees(angle)
Rot_1 = sel[0].Placement.Rotation.Q[1]                                    # decode Placement Rotation 1
App.Console.PrintMessage("Rot_1         : "+str(Rot_1)+ " rad ,  "+str(180 * Rot_1 / 3.1416)+" deg "+"\n") # or math.degrees(angle)
Rot_2 = sel[0].Placement.Rotation.Q[2]                                    # decode Placement Rotation 2
App.Console.PrintMessage("Rot_2         : "+str(Rot_2)+ " rad ,  "+str(180 * Rot_2 / 3.1416)+" deg "+"\n") # or math.degrees(angle)

Rot_3 = sel[0].Placement.Rotation.Q[3]                                    # decode Placement Rotation 3
App.Console.PrintMessage("Rot_3         : "+str(Rot_3)+"\n\n")

Rot_Axis = sel[0].Placement.Rotation.Axis                                 # Placement Rotation .Axis
App.Console.PrintMessage("Rot_Axis      : "+str(Rot_Axis)+ "\n")
Rot_Angle = sel[0].Placement.Rotation.Angle                               # Placement Rotation .Angle
App.Console.PrintMessage("Rot_Angle     : "+str(Rot_Angle)+ "\n\n")

# give the rotation of the object selected toEuler (angle rotation in degrees)
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()                             # select object with getSelection()
angle   = sel[0].Shape.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()                   # angle Euler
App.Console.PrintMessage("Angle          : "+str(angle)+"\n")
Yaw   = sel[0].Shape.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[0]                  # decode angle Euler Yaw (Z) lacet (alpha)
App.Console.PrintMessage("Yaw            : "+str(Yaw)+"\n")
Pitch = sel[0].Shape.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[1]                  # decode angle Euler Pitch (Y) tangage (beta)
App.Console.PrintMessage("Pitch          : "+str(Pitch)+"\n")
Roll  = sel[0].Shape.Placement.Rotation.toEuler()[2]                  # decode angle Euler Roll (X) roulis (gamma)
App.Console.PrintMessage("Roll           : "+str(Roll)+"\n\n")

rot = App.Rotation()
print("Angle: ", rot.Angle)
print("Axis: ", rot.Axis)
print("RawAxis: ", rot.RawAxis)
print("YawPitchRoll: ", rot.getYawPitchRoll())
print("Rotation: ", rot)
print("Quaternion: ", rot.Q)


# find Midpoint of the selected line
import Draft, DraftGeomUtils
sel = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()
vecteur = DraftGeomUtils.findMidpoint(sel[0].Shape.Edges[0])              # find Midpoint


Manual search of an element with label

# Extract the coordinate X,Y,Z and Angle giving the label (here "Cylindre")
App.Console.PrintMessage("Base.x       : "+str(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObjectsByLabel("Cylindre")[0].Placement.Base.x)+"\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("Base.y       : "+str(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObjectsByLabel("Cylindre")[0].Placement.Base.y)+"\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("Base.z       : "+str(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObjectsByLabel("Cylindre")[0].Placement.Base.z)+"\n")
App.Console.PrintMessage("Base.Angle   : "+str(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObjectsByLabel("Cylindre")[0].Placement.Rotation.Angle)+"\n\n")

Note: Usually the angles are given in Radian. To convert them:

  1. angle in Degrees to Radians :
    • Angle in radian = pi * (angle in degree) / 180
    • Angle in radian = math.radians(angle in degree)
  2. angle in Radians to Degrees :
    • Angle in degree = 180 * (angle in radian) / pi
    • Angle in degree = math.degrees(angle in radian)


Cartesian coordinates

This code displays the Cartesian coordinates of the selected item.

Change the value of "numberOfPoints" if you want a different number of points (precision)

numberOfPoints = 100                                                         # Decomposition number (or precision you can change)
selectedEdge = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0].copy() # select one element
points  = selectedEdge.discretize(numberOfPoints)                            # discretize the element
for p in points:                                                             # list and display the coordinates
    print( i, " X", p.x, " Y", p.y, " Z", p.z)

Other method display on "Int" and "Float"

import Part
from FreeCAD import Base

c=Part.makeCylinder(2,10)        # create the circle                     # display the shape

# slice accepts two arguments:
#+ the normal of the cross section plane
#+ the distance from the origin to the cross section plane. Here you have to find a value so that the plane intersects your object
s=c.slice(Base.Vector(0,1,0),0)  # 

# here the result is a single wire
# depending on the source object this can be several wires

# if you only need the vertexes of the shape you can use
for i in s.Vertexes:

# but you can also sub-sample the section to have a certain number of points (int) ...
for i in p1:
    print( i )                                             # Vector()
    print( ii, ": X:", i.x, " Y:", i.y, " Z:", i.z )       # Vector decode
Draft.makeWire(p1,closed=False,face=False,support=None)    # to see the difference accuracy (20)

## uncomment to use
#import Draft
#Draft.downgrade(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject,delete=True)  # first transform the DWire in Wire         "downgrade"
#Draft.downgrade(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject,delete=True)  # second split the Wire in single objects   "downgrade"
##Draft.upgrade(FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection(),delete=True) # to attach lines contiguous SELECTED use "upgrade"

# ... or define a sampling distance (float)
for i in p2:
    print( i )                                             # Vector()
    print( ii, ": X:", i.x, " Y:", i.y, " Z:", i.z )       # Vector decode 
Draft.makeWire(p2,closed=False,face=False,support=None)  # to see the difference accuracy (0.5)

## uncomment to use
#import Draft
#Draft.downgrade(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject,delete=True)  # first transform the DWire in Wire         "downgrade"
#Draft.downgrade(App.ActiveDocument.ActiveObject,delete=True)  # second split the Wire in single objects   "downgrade"
##Draft.upgrade(FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection(),delete=True) # to attach lines contiguous SELECTED use "upgrade"


Select all objects in the document

import FreeCAD
for obj in FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects:
    print( obj.Name )                               # display the object Name
    objName = obj.Name
    obj = App.ActiveDocument.getObject(objName)
    Gui.Selection.addSelection(obj)                 # select the object


Select a face of an object by Name object and Face number

# select one face of the object
import FreeCAD, Draft
nameObject = "Box"                             # objet
faceSelect = "Face3"                           # face to selection
loch=App.ActiveDocument.getObject(nameObject)  # objet
Gui.Selection.clearSelection()                 # clear all selection
Gui.Selection.addSelection(loch,faceSelect)    # select the face specified
s = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()
#Draft.makeFacebinder(s)                       #


Get the normal vector of a face of an object by Name object and number Face (r.Q)

## normal of a face by giving the number of the face and the name of the object (rotation Q with yL, uV) = (App.Vector (x, y, z), angle))
## normal d'une face en donnant le numero de la face et le nom de l'objet (rotation Q avec yL, uV) = (App.Vector(x, y, z),angle))
from FreeCAD import Vector

numero_Face = 2      # number of the face searched (begin 0, 1, 2, 3 .....)
nomObjet    = "Box"  # object name
yL = Gui.ActiveDocument.getObject(nomObjet).Object.Shape.Faces[numero_Face].CenterOfMass
uv = Gui.ActiveDocument.getObject(nomObjet).Object.Shape.Faces[numero_Face].Surface.parameter(yL)

nv = Gui.ActiveDocument.getObject(nomObjet).Object.Shape.Faces[numero_Face].normalAt(uv[0], uv[1])
direction = yL.sub(nv + yL)
print("Direction  : ",direction)

r = App.Rotation(App.Vector(0,0,1),direction)
print("Rotation   : ", r)
print("Rotation Q : ", r.Q)


Get the normal vector of a face of an object by Name object and number of Face

numero_Face = 2       # number of the face searched (begin 0, 1, 2, 3 .....)
nomObjet    = "Box"   # object name
normal      = Gui.ActiveDocument.getObject(nomObjet).Object.Shape.Faces[numero_Face].normalAt(0,0)
print("Face"+str(numero_Face), " : ", normal)


Get the normal vector of an object selected and number of Face

## normal of a face by giving the number of the face of the selected object
selectionObjects = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection()     
numero_Face = 3    # numero de la face recherchee
normal = selectionObjects[0].Shape.Faces[numero_Face].normalAt(0,0)
# selectionne la face numerotee


Get the normal vector on the surface

This example show how to find normal vector on the surface by find the u,v parameters of one point on the surface and use u,v parameters to find normal vector

def normal(self):
   ss=FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0].copy()#SubObjects[0] is the edge list
   points  = ss.discretize(3.0)#points on the surface edge, 
             #this example just use points on the edge for example. 
             #However point is not necessary on the edge, it can be anywhere on the surface. 
   for pp in points:
      pt=FreeCAD.Base.Vector(pp.x,pp.y,pp.z)#a point on the surface edge
      uv=face.Surface.parameter(pt)# find the surface u,v parameter of a point on the surface edge
      normal=face.normalAt(u,v)#use u,v to find normal vector
      print( normal)
      line=Part.makeLine((pp.x,pp.y,pp.z), (normal.x,normal.y,normal.z))


Get the normal vector of the face and create a line at the point mouse clicked

import PySide2
import Draft, Part, FreeCAD, FreeCADGui
import FreeCADGui as Gui
from FreeCAD import Base

FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.openTransaction("Tyty")    # memorise les actions (avec annuler restore)
selectedFace = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].SubObjects[0]
pointClick = FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0].PickedPoints[0]

########## section direction
plr = FreeCAD.Placement()
yL = pointClick
uv = selectedFace.Surface.parameter(yL)
nv = direction = selectedFace.normalAt(uv[0], uv[1])
r = App.Rotation(App.Vector(0,0,1),nv)
plr.Rotation.Q = r.Q
plr.Base = pointClick
########## section direction

line = Draft.make_wire([App.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0), App.Vector(0.0,0.0,20.0)] )    # create line
print( "Direction (radian) : ",direction )    # direction in radian


Get the normal vector of a surface from a STL file

def getNormal(cb):
    if cb.getEvent().getState() == coin.SoButtonEvent.UP:
        pp = cb.getPickedPoint()
        if pp:
            vec = pp.getNormal().getValue()
            index = coin.cast(pp.getDetail(), "SoFaceDetail").getFaceIndex()
            print("Normal: {}, Face index: {}".format(str(vec), index))

from pivy import coin
meth=Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.addEventCallbackPivy(coin.SoMouseButtonEvent.getClassTypeId(), getNormal)

you are done then run for quit:

Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.removeEventCallbackPivy(coin.SoMouseButtonEvent.getClassTypeId(), meth)


Create one object to the position of the Camera

# create one object of the position to camera with "getCameraOrientation()"
# the object is still facing the screen
import Draft

plan = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getCameraOrientation()
plan = str(plan)
###### extract data
a    = ""
for i in plan:
    if i in ("0123456789e.- "):
a = a.strip(" ")
a = a.split(" ")
####### extract data

#print( a)
#print( a[0])
#print( a[1])
#print( a[2])
#print( a[3])

xP = float(a[0])
yP = float(a[1])
zP = float(a[2])
qP = float(a[3])

pl = FreeCAD.Placement()
pl.Rotation.Q = (xP,yP,zP,qP)         # rotation of object
pl.Base = FreeCAD.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0) # here coordinates XYZ of Object
rec = Draft.makeRectangle(length=10.0,height=10.0,placement=pl,face=False,support=None) # create rectangle
#rec = Draft.makeCircle(radius=5,placement=pl,face=False,support=None)                   # create circle
print( rec.Name)

here same code simplified

import Draft
pl = FreeCAD.Placement()
pl.Rotation = FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getCameraOrientation()
pl.Base = FreeCAD.Vector(0.0,0.0,0.0)
rec = Draft.makeRectangle(length=10.0,height=10.0,placement=pl,face=False,support=None)


Read And write one Expression

import Draft
doc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument

obj = Draft.makeCircle(radius=1.0,placement=pl,face=False,support=None)    # create circle

print( obj.PropertiesList )                                                  # properties disponible in the obj

doc.getObject(obj.Name).setExpression('Radius', u'2mm')                    # modify the radius
doc.getObject(obj.Name).setExpression('Placement.Base.x', u'10mm')         # modify the placement 
doc.getObject(obj.Name).setExpression('FirstAngle', u'90')                 # modify the first angle

expressions = obj.ExpressionEngine                                         # read the expression list
print( expressions)

for i in expressions:                                                      # list and separate the data expression
    print( i[0]," = ",i[1])


Create a Sketch on a Surface in PartDesign

This snippet can be useful, if you want to create a sketch on a surface in PartDesign from inside a macro. Note, that body might be None, if no active body is selected and that the Selection might be empty.

body = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView.getActiveObject('pdbody')
first_selection = Gui.Selection.getSelectionEx()[0]

feature = first_selection.Object
face_name = first_selection.SubElementNames[0]

sketch = App.ActiveDocument.addObject('Sketcher::SketchObject','MySketch')
sketch.MapMode = 'FlatFace'
sketch.Support = (feature, face_name)



How to Simulate a Mouse Click at a given Coordinate

The position is relative to the GL widget. See forum thread.

from PySide2 import QtCore
from PySide2 import QtGui
from PySide2 import QtWidgets

mw = Gui.getMainWindow()
gl = mw.findChild(QtWidgets.QOpenGLWidget)
me = QtGui.QMouseEvent(QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease, QtCore.QPoint(800,300), QtCore.Qt.LeftButton, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton, QtCore.Qt.NoModifier)

app = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance()
app.sendEvent(gl, me)

If you have a 3d point and want to get the 2d point on the opengl widget then use this:

from PySide2 import QtCore
from PySide2 import QtGui
from PySide2 import QtWidgets
from FreeCAD import Base

x, y, z, = 10,10,10
v = Gui.ActiveDocument.ActiveView
point3d = Base.Vector(x, y, z)
point2d = v.getPointOnScreen(point3d)
size = v.getSize()
coordX = point2d[0]
coordY = size[1] - point2d[1]

me = QtGui.QMouseEvent(QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease, QtCore.QPoint(coordX,coordY), QtCore.Qt.LeftButton, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton, QtCore.Qt.NoModifier)


How to create a face with holes using Python API

This snippet demonstrates how to create a face with internal holes through the Python API. See forum thread.

import FreeCAD, Part

# Create poles that will define the Face
pts = [(-2, 2, 0),
       (0, 2, 1),
       (2, 2, 0),
       (2, -2, 0),
       (0, -2, 1),
       (-2, -2, 0)]

bs = Part.BSplineCurve()
bs.buildFromPoles(pts, True)  # True makes this periodic/closed

# Make the Face from the curve
myFace = Part.makeFilledFace([bs.toShape()])

# Create geometry for holes that will be cut in the surface
hole0 = Part.Geom2d.Circle2d(FreeCAD.Base.Vector2d(0,0), 1.0)
hole1 = Part.Geom2d.Circle2d(FreeCAD.Base.Vector2d(0,1.5), 0.1)

edge0 = hole0.toShape(myFace)
edge1 = hole1.toShape(myFace)
wireb = Part.Wire(bs.toShape())
wire0 = Part.Wire(edge0)
wire1 = Part.Wire(edge1)

# Cut holes in the face
myFace.validate()  # This is required


Close and restart FreeCAD

import PySide2 
from PySide2 import QtWidgets, QtCore, QtGui

def restart_freecad():
    """Shuts down and restarts FreeCAD"""

    args = QtWidgets.QApplication.arguments()[1:]
    if FreeCADGui.getMainWindow().close():
            QtWidgets.QApplication.applicationFilePath(), args



See Coin3d snippets


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