FCGear Workbench

FCGear External Workbench icon


The FCGear Workbench is an external workbench for manufacturing different types of gears and worm gears in FreeCAD. The parametric modelling allows the required geometries to be changed at any time. For example, by changing a few parameters, the involute gear becomes either a spur gear, helical gear or double helical gear.

In order for the results from FCGear to be usable, a certain amount of basic knowledge about the different types of gearing is required. Module, pitch diameter or root diameter are common terms and should therefore be known.

In conjunction with 3D printing, home users now have the opportunity to design and produce gears and worm gears according to their own personal ideas and, if necessary, to adapt them to the constructional conditions.

The FCGear Workbench can be installed via the Addon Manager. For manual installation see Installing more workbenches.

After installation, the tools are available in the Gear toolbar and in the Gear menu.


Types of gears

Involute gear

From left to right: Spur gearing, helical gearing, double helical gearing (see FCGear InvoluteGear)

Internal involute gear

From left to right: Spur gearing, helical gearing, double helical gearing (see FCGear InternalInvoluteGear)

Involute rack

From left to right: Spur gearing, helical gearing, double helical gearing (See FCGear InvoluteRack)

Cycloid gear

From left to right: Spur gearing, helical gearing, double helical gearing (see FCGear CycloidGear)

Cycloid rack

From left to right: Spur gearing, helical gearing, double helical gearing (See FCGear CycloidRack)

Bevel gear

From left to right: Spur gearing, spiral gearing (see FCGear BevelGear)

Crown gear

Crown gear (see FCGear CrownGear)

Worm gear

Worm gear (see FCGear WormGear)

Timing gear

Timing gearing (see FCGear TimingGear)

Lantern gear

Lantern gearing (see FCGear LanternGear)

Hypocycloid gear

Hypocycloid gearing (see FCGear HypoCycloidGear)


Links to FCGear Workbench

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