FCGear CycloidGear

FCGear CycloidGear

Menu location
Gear → Cycloid Gear
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
FCGear InvoluteGear


Cycloidal gears are very sensitive to an inaccurate adjustment of the centre distance, which then leads to a change in the transmission ratio. For these reasons, cycloidal gears are hardly found in mechanical engineering but are only used in special cases such as in the watch industry, for roots type blowers or for the drive of gear racks.

From left to right: Spur gearing, helical gearing, double helical gearing


  1. Switch to the FCGear Workbench.
  2. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Cycloid Gear button in the toolbar.
    • Select the Gear → Cycloid Gear option from the menu.
  3. Change the gear parameter to the required conditions (see Properties).



An FCGear CycloidGear object is derived from a Part Feature object and inherits all its properties. It also has the following additional properties:










Special cases

Straight line as hypocycloid

To obtain a straight line, directly towards the center, as hypocycloid, use the following expression for the Datainner_diameter: teeth / 2. Such a tooth form is often found in historical clockworks and thus called "clock toothing". A larger Dataclearance makes the effect even more visible.

Full hypocycloid/epicycloid as tooth

To obtain a gear made of complete hypocycloid and epicycloid curves use the following expressions:

The reference diameter is d = m * z, with m being the Datamodule and z being the Datateeth. For a complete hypocycloid, the rolling diameter has to be d_i = d / (z*2) = m*z / (z*2). And if we now normalize this by the module, we get d_in = m*z / (z*2) / m = 1 / 2. The additional explicit tolerance value (1e-6 in the expression above) is required to overcome coincidence issues.

Now the cycloids' rolling circle diameters have to match the gear's addedum/dedendum. The addendum, i.e. the tooth length above the reference circle, is 1 + Datahead. The dedendum, i.e. the tooth length below the reference circle, is 1 + Dataclearance. Both are normalized by the module, thus we need a head/clearance value of 1 - d_in. The additional / 1mm and * 2 are required to overcome shortcomings already fixed in the development version of the FCGear Workbench, but porting those fixes back to the stable version may break existing models.

Such "gears" allow the the number of teeth to be as low as two and are used as rotary vanes in pumps or compressors (cf. Roots-type Supercharger).

Infinitely large epicycloid

If the radius of the epicycloid's rolling circle becomes infinitely large, it becomes a rolling straight line. Such a degenerated epicycloid is called involute. Gears with such a tooth form are handled by the involute gear command. It is by far the most common tooth form Today.

Useful formulas

See FCGear InvoluteGear.

Properties cycloid parameter view