TechDraw API/ro

Aceste funcții fac parte din TechDraw Workbench și pot fi utilizate în script-uri și macro sau din interpretorul Python, odată ce modulul TechDraw </ code> a fost importat. Exemple bune de programare-script de bază TechDraw pot fi găsite în unit test scripts.

Good examples of basic TechDraw scripting can be found in the unit test scripts.

A se vedea TechDrawGui API pentru mai mule funcții.


import FreeCAD
import TechDraw

page = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject('TechDraw::DrawPage', 'Page')
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject('TechDraw::DrawSVGTemplate', 'Template')
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Template.Template = templateFileSpec
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Page.Template = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Template
view = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject('TechDraw::DrawViewPart', 'View')
rc = page.addView(view)
EdgeWalker(listOfEdges, [bool])

Description: Creează filamente/polilinii de la marginile de intrare prin secțiunea grafică plană. Opțional excludeți OuterWire prin setarea parametrului opțional la fals.

Returns: List of wires sorted by size (descending)


Description: Finds the OuterWire (largest) of a list of edges (that form a planar graph).

Returns: Outer wire

findShapeOutline(TopoShape, scale, direction)

Description: Project shape in direction and find outer wire of result.

Returns: Outline wire


Description: Return the edges of a DrawViewPart in Dxf format.

Returns: String


fileSpecDxf = "fcOut.dxf"
v = App.ActiveDocument.View
s = TechDraw.viewPartAsDxf(v)
dxfEnd = "0\nEOF\n"
dxfFile = open(fileSpecDxf, "w")

Description: Return the edges of a DrawViewPart in Svg format.

Returns: String


fileSpecSvg = "fcOut.svg"
v = App.ActiveDocument.View
s = TechDraw.viewPartAsSvg(v)
head = '<svg\n' + \
       '	xmlns="" version="1.1" \n' + \
       '	xmlns:freecad="">\n'
tail = '\n</svg>'
svgFile = open(fileSpecSvg, "w")
writeDXFView(DrawViewPart, FileName)

Description: Save the DrawViewPart in Dxf.

Returns: File


import TechDraw
writeDXFPage(DrawPage, FileName)

Description: Save the DrawPage in Dxf.

Returns: File


import TechDraw

DrawViewPart Cosmetics

CosmeticVertex (CV) routines accessible from Python

dvp = App.ActiveDocument.View #CV's belong to views.

Add a CosmeticVertex at p1 (View coordinates). Returns unique tag.
tag = dvp.makeCosmeticVertex(vector p1)

Add a CosmeticVertex at p1 (3d model coordinates). Returns unique tag.
tag = dvp.makeCosmeticVertex3d(vector p1)

Returns CosmeticVertex with unique id.
cv = dvp.getCosmeticVertex(string id)

Returns CosmeticVertex with name (Vertex6). Used in selections.
cv = dvp.getCosmeticVertexBySelection(string name)

Removes CosmeticVertex from View. Returns None.
dvp.removeCosmeticVertex(object cv)

Removes all CosmeticVertices from the View. Returns None.

CosmeticView attributes
Tag: unique identifier. String.
Point: location within view. Vector.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Py CosmeticVertex demo
import FreeCAD
import TechDraw

v = App.ActiveDocument.View
p = App.Vector(-3.0, -3.0, 0.0)

#make CV
tag = v.makeCosmeticVertex(p)
print("t: {}".format(tag))

#retrieve CV
cv = v.getCosmeticVertex(tag)
print("cv: {}".format(cv))
print("Tag: {}".format(cv.Tag))

cv2 = v.getCosmeticVertexBySelection("Vertex4")
print("New Point: {}".format(cv2.Point))

#make CV from 3d
p3d = App.Vector(2.0, 2.0, 2.0)
print("3d point in: {}".format(p3d))
tag3d = v.makeCosmeticVertex3d(p3d)
cv3 = v.getCosmeticVertex(tag3d)
print("3d point out: {}".format(cv3.Point))

CosmeticEdge (CE) routines accessible from Python

dvp = App.ActiveDocument.View #CE's belong to views.

Make a CosmeticEdge from p1 to p2(View coordinates). Returns unique tag.
tag = dvp.makeCosmeticLine(p1, p2)

Make a CosmeticEdge at center with radius radius(View coordinates). Returns unique tag.
tag = dvp.makeCosmeticCircle(center, radius)

Make a CosmeticEdge at center with radius radius(View coordinates) from start angle to end angle. Returns unique tag.
tag = dvp.makeCosmeticCircleArc(center, radius, start, end)

Returns CosmeticEdge with unique id.
ce = dvp.getCosmeticEdge(id)

Returns CosmeticEdge by name (Edge25). Used in selections.
ce = dvp.getCosmeticEdgeBySelection(name)

Removes CosmeticEdge ce from View. Returns None.

Removes all CosmeticLines from the View. Returns None.

CosmeticEdge attributes
Tag: unique identifier. String.
Format: appearance attributes (style, color, weight, visible). Tuple.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Py CosmeticEdge demo
import FreeCAD
import TechDraw

org = App.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
midTop = FreeCAD.Vector (1.0, 5.0, 0.0)   # middle, top
midBot = FreeCAD.Vector(2.0, -5.0, 0.0)      # middle, bottom
stdZ = FreeCAD.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
center = FreeCAD.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
arcCenter = FreeCAD.Vector(3.0, 3.0, 0.0)
vPt = FreeCAD.Vector(-3.0, 3.0, 0.0)
topRight = FreeCAD.Vector(5.0, 5.0, 0.0)
bottomLeft = FreeCAD.Vector(-5.0, -5.0, 0.0)

arcStart = -45
arcEnd = 45

solid = 1 
dashed = 2
dotted = 3
weight15 = 0.15
weight75 = 0.75
pyRed = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pyBlue = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pyGreen = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
pyBlack = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
shadow = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0)

radius = 5.0
style = dashed
weight = weight75

dvp = App.ActiveDocument.View


print("making line")
tag = dvp.makeCosmeticLine(midTop,midBot,style, weight, pyBlue)
ce = dvp.getCosmeticEdge(tag)
print("line tag: {}".format(tag))

print("making diagonal")
dvp.makeCosmeticLine(bottomLeft,topRight,solid, weight, pyGreen)

print("making circle")
tag2 = dvp.makeCosmeticCircle(center, radius, style, weight, pyRed)
ce2 = dvp.getCosmeticEdge(tag2)

print("making circleArc")
dvp.makeCosmeticCircleArc(arcCenter, radius, arcStart, arcEnd, style, weight, shadow)

print("making new format")
oldFormat = ce.Format
newFormat = (dotted,oldFormat[1], pyRed, True)
ce.Format = newFormat

print("removing CE with tag: {}".format(tag2))


CenterLine (CL) routines accessible from Python

Makes a new CenterLine
tag = dvp.makeCenterLine(subObjs, mode)

Retrieves CenterLine with unique tag.
cl = dvp.getCenterLine(tag)

Retrieves CenterLine by subobject name. Used in selection.
cl = dvp.getCenterLine("Edge5")

Removes CenterLine cl from View. Returns None.

CenterLine Attributes
Tag: unique identifier. String. ReadOnly.
Type: 0 - face, 1 - 2 line, 2 - 2 point. Integer. ReadOnly.
Mode: 0 - vert, 1 - horiz, 2 - aligned. Integer.
Format: appearance attributes (style, color, weight, visible). Tuple.
HorizShift: left/right offset. Float.
VertShift: up/down offset. Float.
Rotation: rotation in degrees. Float.
Extension: additional length to be added. Float.
Flip: reverse the order of points for 2 point CenterLine. Boolean.
Edges: names of source edges. List of string.
Faces: names of source faces. List of string.
Points: names of source points (Vertices). List of string.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Py CenterLine demo
import FreeCAD
import Part
import TechDraw

start = FreeCAD.Vector (1.0, 5.0, 0.0)   # middle, top
end = FreeCAD.Vector(1.0, -5.0, 0.0)      # middle, bottom
faceNames = ["Face0"]
edgeNames = ["Edge2", "Edge3"]
vertNames = ["Vertex1", "Vertex2"]
vMode = 0   #vertical
hMode = 1   #horizontal
aMode = 2   #aligned
solid = 1 
dashed = 2
dotted = 3
weight15 = 0.15
weight75 = 0.75
pyRed = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pyBlue = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pyBlack = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
hShift = 1.0
vShift = 1.0
extend = 4.0
rotate = 30.0
flip = False;

dvp = App.ActiveDocument.View

print("making face CenterLine")
tag = dvp.makeCenterLine(faceNames,vMode)
cline = dvp.getCenterLine(tag)
print("cline tag: {}".format(tag))

print("making new format")
oldFormat = cline.Format
newFormat = (dotted,oldFormat[1], pyRed, True)
cline.Format = newFormat
cline.Extension = 10.0

print("making edgeCenterLine")
cline2 = dvp.makeCenterLine(edgeNames,hMode)

print("making vertexCenterLine")
cline3 = dvp.makeCenterLine(vertNames,aMode)


DrawViewPart Geometry

[topoShapeEdge] = dvp.getVisibleEdges()

[topoShapeEdge] = dvp.getHiddenEdges()

topoShapeEdge = dvp.getEdgeByIndex(i)
topoShapeEdge = dvp.getEdgeBySelection("Edge1")

topoShapeVertex = dvp.getVertexByIndex(i)
topoShapeVertex = dvp.getVertexBySelection("Vertex1")

Redraw the graphic for this View.