Aceste funcții fac parte din TechDraw Workbench și pot fi utilizate în script-uri și macro sau din interpretorul Python, odată ce modulul TechDraw </ code> a fost importat. Exemple bune de programare-script de bază TechDraw pot fi găsite în unit test scripts.
Good examples of basic TechDraw scripting can be found in the unit test scripts.
A se vedea TechDrawGui API pentru mai mule funcții.
import FreeCAD
import TechDraw
page = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject('TechDraw::DrawPage', 'Page')
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject('TechDraw::DrawSVGTemplate', 'Template')
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Template.Template = templateFileSpec
FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Page.Template = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Template
view = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject('TechDraw::DrawViewPart', 'View')
rc = page.addView(view)
Description: Creează filamente/polilinii de la marginile de intrare prin secțiunea grafică plană. Opțional excludeți OuterWire prin setarea parametrului opțional la fals.
Returns: List of wires sorted by size (descending)
Description: Finds the OuterWire (largest) of a list of edges (that form a planar graph).
Returns: Outer wire
fileSpecDxf = "fcOut.dxf"
v = App.ActiveDocument.View
s = TechDraw.viewPartAsDxf(v)
dxfEnd = "0\nEOF\n"
dxfFile = open(fileSpecDxf, "w")
fileSpecSvg = "fcOut.svg"
v = App.ActiveDocument.View
s = TechDraw.viewPartAsSvg(v)
head = '<svg\n' + \
' xmlns="" version="1.1" \n' + \
' xmlns:freecad="">\n'
tail = '\n</svg>'
svgFile = open(fileSpecSvg, "w")
import TechDraw
import TechDraw
DrawViewPart Cosmetics
CosmeticVertex (CV) routines accessible from Python
dvp = App.ActiveDocument.View #CV's belong to views.
Add a CosmeticVertex at p1 (View coordinates). Returns unique tag.
tag = dvp.makeCosmeticVertex(vector p1)
Add a CosmeticVertex at p1 (3d model coordinates). Returns unique tag.
tag = dvp.makeCosmeticVertex3d(vector p1)
Returns CosmeticVertex with unique id.
cv = dvp.getCosmeticVertex(string id)
Returns CosmeticVertex with name (Vertex6). Used in selections.
cv = dvp.getCosmeticVertexBySelection(string name)
Removes CosmeticVertex from View. Returns None.
dvp.removeCosmeticVertex(object cv)
Removes all CosmeticVertices from the View. Returns None.
CosmeticView attributes
Tag: unique identifier. String.
Point: location within view. Vector.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Py CosmeticVertex demo
import FreeCAD
import TechDraw
v = App.ActiveDocument.View
p = App.Vector(-3.0, -3.0, 0.0)
#make CV
tag = v.makeCosmeticVertex(p)
print("t: {}".format(tag))
#retrieve CV
cv = v.getCosmeticVertex(tag)
print("cv: {}".format(cv))
print("Tag: {}".format(cv.Tag))
cv2 = v.getCosmeticVertexBySelection("Vertex4")
print("New Point: {}".format(cv2.Point))
#make CV from 3d
p3d = App.Vector(2.0, 2.0, 2.0)
print("3d point in: {}".format(p3d))
tag3d = v.makeCosmeticVertex3d(p3d)
cv3 = v.getCosmeticVertex(tag3d)
print("3d point out: {}".format(cv3.Point))
CosmeticEdge (CE) routines accessible from Python
dvp = App.ActiveDocument.View #CE's belong to views.
Make a CosmeticEdge from p1 to p2(View coordinates). Returns unique tag.
tag = dvp.makeCosmeticLine(p1, p2)
Make a CosmeticEdge at center with radius radius(View coordinates). Returns unique tag.
tag = dvp.makeCosmeticCircle(center, radius)
Make a CosmeticEdge at center with radius radius(View coordinates) from start angle to end angle. Returns unique tag.
tag = dvp.makeCosmeticCircleArc(center, radius, start, end)
Returns CosmeticEdge with unique id.
ce = dvp.getCosmeticEdge(id)
Returns CosmeticEdge by name (Edge25). Used in selections.
ce = dvp.getCosmeticEdgeBySelection(name)
Removes CosmeticEdge ce from View. Returns None.
Removes all CosmeticLines from the View. Returns None.
CosmeticEdge attributes
Tag: unique identifier. String.
Format: appearance attributes (style, color, weight, visible). Tuple.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Py CosmeticEdge demo
import FreeCAD
import TechDraw
org = App.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
midTop = FreeCAD.Vector (1.0, 5.0, 0.0) # middle, top
midBot = FreeCAD.Vector(2.0, -5.0, 0.0) # middle, bottom
stdZ = FreeCAD.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
center = FreeCAD.Vector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
arcCenter = FreeCAD.Vector(3.0, 3.0, 0.0)
vPt = FreeCAD.Vector(-3.0, 3.0, 0.0)
topRight = FreeCAD.Vector(5.0, 5.0, 0.0)
bottomLeft = FreeCAD.Vector(-5.0, -5.0, 0.0)
arcStart = -45
arcEnd = 45
solid = 1
dashed = 2
dotted = 3
weight15 = 0.15
weight75 = 0.75
pyRed = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pyBlue = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pyGreen = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
pyBlack = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
shadow = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0)
radius = 5.0
style = dashed
weight = weight75
dvp = App.ActiveDocument.View
print("making line")
tag = dvp.makeCosmeticLine(midTop,midBot,style, weight, pyBlue)
ce = dvp.getCosmeticEdge(tag)
print("line tag: {}".format(tag))
print("making diagonal")
dvp.makeCosmeticLine(bottomLeft,topRight,solid, weight, pyGreen)
print("making circle")
tag2 = dvp.makeCosmeticCircle(center, radius, style, weight, pyRed)
ce2 = dvp.getCosmeticEdge(tag2)
print("making circleArc")
dvp.makeCosmeticCircleArc(arcCenter, radius, arcStart, arcEnd, style, weight, shadow)
print("making new format")
oldFormat = ce.Format
newFormat = (dotted,oldFormat[1], pyRed, True)
ce.Format = newFormat
print("removing CE with tag: {}".format(tag2))
CenterLine (CL) routines accessible from Python
Makes a new CenterLine
tag = dvp.makeCenterLine(subObjs, mode)
Retrieves CenterLine with unique tag.
cl = dvp.getCenterLine(tag)
Retrieves CenterLine by subobject name. Used in selection.
cl = dvp.getCenterLine("Edge5")
Removes CenterLine cl from View. Returns None.
CenterLine Attributes
Tag: unique identifier. String. ReadOnly.
Type: 0 - face, 1 - 2 line, 2 - 2 point. Integer. ReadOnly.
Mode: 0 - vert, 1 - horiz, 2 - aligned. Integer.
Format: appearance attributes (style, color, weight, visible). Tuple.
HorizShift: left/right offset. Float.
VertShift: up/down offset. Float.
Rotation: rotation in degrees. Float.
Extension: additional length to be added. Float.
Flip: reverse the order of points for 2 point CenterLine. Boolean.
Edges: names of source edges. List of string.
Faces: names of source faces. List of string.
Points: names of source points (Vertices). List of string.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Py CenterLine demo
import FreeCAD
import Part
import TechDraw
start = FreeCAD.Vector (1.0, 5.0, 0.0) # middle, top
end = FreeCAD.Vector(1.0, -5.0, 0.0) # middle, bottom
faceNames = ["Face0"]
edgeNames = ["Edge2", "Edge3"]
vertNames = ["Vertex1", "Vertex2"]
vMode = 0 #vertical
hMode = 1 #horizontal
aMode = 2 #aligned
solid = 1
dashed = 2
dotted = 3
weight15 = 0.15
weight75 = 0.75
pyRed = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pyBlue = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
pyBlack = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
hShift = 1.0
vShift = 1.0
extend = 4.0
rotate = 30.0
flip = False;
dvp = App.ActiveDocument.View
print("making face CenterLine")
tag = dvp.makeCenterLine(faceNames,vMode)
cline = dvp.getCenterLine(tag)
print("cline tag: {}".format(tag))
print("making new format")
oldFormat = cline.Format
newFormat = (dotted,oldFormat[1], pyRed, True)
cline.Format = newFormat
cline.Extension = 10.0
print("making edgeCenterLine")
cline2 = dvp.makeCenterLine(edgeNames,hMode)
print("making vertexCenterLine")
cline3 = dvp.makeCenterLine(vertNames,aMode)
DrawViewPart Geometry
[topoShapeEdge] = dvp.getVisibleEdges()
[topoShapeEdge] = dvp.getHiddenEdges()
topoShapeEdge = dvp.getEdgeByIndex(i)
topoShapeEdge = dvp.getEdgeBySelection("Edge1")
topoShapeVertex = dvp.getVertexByIndex(i)
topoShapeVertex = dvp.getVertexBySelection("Vertex1")
Redraw the graphic for this View.
- Pages: Insert Default Page, Insert Page using Template, Update template fields, Redraw Page, Print All Pages, Export Page as SVG, Export Page as DXF
- Views:
- TechDraw views: Insert View, Insert Broken View, Insert Section View, Insert Complex Section View, Insert Detail View, Insert Projection Group, Insert Clip Group, Insert SVG Symbol, Insert Bitmap Image, Share View, Turn View Frames On/Off, Project Shape
- Views from other workbenches: Insert Active View, Insert Draft Workbench Object, Insert BIM Workbench Object, Insert Spreadsheet View
- Stacking: Move view to top of stack, Move view to bottom of stack, Move view up one level, Move view down one level
- Dimensions: Insert Dimension, Insert Length Dimension, Insert Horizontal Dimension, Insert Vertical Dimension, Insert Radius Dimension, Insert Diameter Dimension, Insert Angle Dimension, Insert 3-Point Angle Dimension, Insert Area Annotation, Create Arc Length Dimension, Insert Horizontal Extent Dimension, Insert Vertical Extent Dimension, Create Horizontal Chain Dimensions, Create Vertical Chain Dimensions, Create Oblique Chain Dimensions, Create Horizontal Coordinate Dimensions, Create Vertical Coordinate Dimensions, Create Oblique Coordinate Dimensions, Create Horizontal Chamfer Dimension, Create Vertical Chamfer Dimension, Insert Balloon Annotation, Insert Axonometric Length Dimension, Insert Landmark Dimension, Dimension Repair, Link Dimension to 3D Geometry
- Hatching: Hatch Face using Image File, Apply Geometric Hatch to Face,
- Annotations: Insert Annotation, Add Leaderline to View, Insert Rich Text Annotation, Add Cosmetic Vertex, Add Midpoint Vertices, Add Quadrant Vertices, Add Centerline to Faces, Add Centerline between 2 Lines, Add Centerline between 2 Points, Add Cosmetic Line Through 2 points, Add Cosmetic Circle, Change Appearance of Lines, Show/Hide Invisible Edges, Add Welding Information to Leader, Add Surface Finish Symbol, Add Hole or Shaft Tolerances
- Extensions:
- Attributes and modifications: Select Line Attributes, Cascade Spacing and Delta Distance, Change Line Attributes, Extend Line, Shorten Line, Lock/Unlock View, Position Section View, Position Horizontal Chain Dimensions, Position Vertical Chain Dimensions, Position Oblique Chain Dimensions, Cascade Horizontal Dimensions, Cascade Vertical Dimensions, Cascade Oblique Dimensions, Calculate the area of selected faces, Calculate the arc length of selected edges, Customize format label
- Centerlines and threading: Add Circle Centerlines, Add Bolt Circle Centerlines, Add Cosmetic Thread Hole Side View, Add Cosmetic Thread Hole Bottom View, Add Cosmetic Thread Bolt Side View, Add Cosmetic Thread Bolt Bottom View, Add Cosmetic Intersection Vertex(es), Add an offset vertex, Add Cosmetic Circle, Add Cosmetic Arc, Add Cosmetic Circle 3 Points, Add Cosmetic Parallel Line, Add Cosmetic Perpendicular Line
- Dimensions: Insert '⌀' Prefix, Insert '□' Prefix, Insert 'n×' Prefix, Remove Prefix, Increase Decimal Places, Decrease Decimal Places
- Miscellaneous: Remove Cosmetic Object
- Additional: Line Groups, Templates, Hatching, Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, Preferences
User documentation
- Getting started
- Installation: Download, Windows, Linux, Mac, Additional components, Docker, AppImage, Ubuntu Snap
- Basics: About FreeCAD, Interface, Mouse navigation, Selection methods, Object name, Preferences, Workbenches, Document structure, Properties, Help FreeCAD, Donate
- Help: Tutorials, Video tutorials
- Workbenches: Std Base, Assembly, BIM, CAM, Draft, FEM, Inspection, Material, Mesh, OpenSCAD, Part, PartDesign, Points, Reverse Engineering, Robot, Sketcher, Spreadsheet, Surface, TechDraw, Test Framework
- Hubs: User hub, Power users hub, Developer hub