FEM Workbench oferă un flux modern de analiză prin metoda elementelor finite (MEF) pentru FreeCAD. În principal, acest lucru înseamnă că toate instrumentele pentru a face o analiză prin Metoda Elementului Finit sunt combinate într-o singură interfață grafică(GUI).
Pașii pentru a face AEF în Atelierul AEF din FreeCAD GUI sunt:
Începând cu versiunea 0.15 a FreeCAD, Atelierul AEF poate fi folosit pe platforme Windows, Mac OSX și Linux. Deoarece Atelierul AEF folosește software extern, cantitatea de intervenție manuală până când Atelierul AEF este gata de utilizare va depinde de sistemul de operare pe care îl utilizați. Verificați FEM Install page for instructions on setting up the external tools.
Workflow of the FEM Workbench; the workbench calls two external programs to perform meshing of a solid object, and perform the actual solution of the finite element problem
!!FUZZY!!* Preferences...: Preferințe disponibile în Instrumentele MEF.
FEM Install pentru o detaliată descriere a modului cum lucrează Modului MEF.
The following pages explain different topics of the FEM Workbench.
FEM Install: a detailed description on how to set up the external programs used in the workbench.
FEM Geometry Preparation and Meshing: tips regarding geometry preparation for FEM and meshing.
FEM Mesh pentru informații suplimentere privind AEF asupra Plaselor în Modulul MEF din FreeCAD
FEM Solver for further Informations about FEM Solvers in FEM Module,
FEM CalculiX Pentru informații suplimentare despre Calculix, cel mai folosit ți bine dezvoltat rezolvitor în Modulul MEF
FEM Concrete for informations about analysis's of concrete structures.
Tutorial 1 FEM CalculiX Cantilever 3D
Tutorial 2 FEM Tutorial
Tutorial 3 FEM Tutorial Python
Tutorial 4 FEM Shear of a Composite Block
Tutorial 5: Transient FEM analysis
Tutorial 6: Post-Processing of FEM Results with Paraview
Tutorial 7: FEM Example Capacitance Two Balls; Elmer's GUI tutorial 6 "Electrostatics Capacitance Two Balls" using FEM Examples.
Cuprins tutoriale de analiză termică la piese mecanice PDF's
Video Tutorial 1 Forum post with you tube link
Video Tutorial 2 Forum post with you tube link
Further video Tutorials Forum post with you tube link
The FEM Workbench is under constant development. An objective of the project is to find ways to easily interact with various FEM solvers, so that the end user can streamline the process of creating, meshing, simulating, and optimizing an engineering design problem, all within FreeCAD.
The following information is aimed at power users and developers who want to extend the FEM Workbench in different ways. Familiarity with C++ and Python is expected, and also some knowledge of the "document object" system used in FreeCAD is necessary; this information is available in the Power users hub and the Developer hub. Please notice that since FreeCAD is under active development, some articles may be too old, and thus obsolete. The most up to date information is discussed in the FreeCAD forums, in the Development section. For FEM discussions, advice or assistance in extending the workbench, the reader should refer to the FEM subforum.
A developer's guide has been written to help power users in understanding the complex FreeCAD codebase and the interactions between the core elements and the individual workbenches. The book is hosted at github so multiple users can contribute to it and keep it updated.