FEM CalculiX Cantilever 3D

Finite Element Analysis
Time to complete
10 minutes
FreeCAD version
0.16.6377 or above
Example files
See also


This example is meant to show how a simple Finite Element Analysis (FEA) in FreeCAD's FEM Workbench looks like in the FreeCAD interface and how the results can be visualized. It illustrates how to trigger a FEA and how to change the load value and load direction. Furthermore, since the example file is provided with any FreeCAD installation, it a useful and easy check to run for the purpose of ascertaining if the the FEM Workbench is set up properly.


Set up the example file

Load the example file

Activate the analysis container

Analysis container and its objects

  1. a solver
  2. a material
  3. a fixed boundary condition
  4. a force load
  5. a FEM mesh

Visualizing Results

  1. Be sure the analysis is activated.
  2. Be sure the analysis still contains the result object, if not just reload the example file.
  3. Double click the result object , or select it and click the Show result button in the FEM toolbar.
  4. In the task window, choose z-Displacement. It shows -86.93 mm in negative z-direction. This makes sense since the force is in negative z-direction as well.
  5. Activate the check box besides the bottom slider of displacement show.
  6. The slider can be used to alter the mesh to view the deformation in a simplified manner.
  7. Choose among the different Result types to view all in the GUI available result types.

Purging Results

  1. Be sure the analysis is activated.
  2. To remove the results: select in the icon toolbar the Purge results button.

Running the FEA

Running the FEA the fast Way

Changing Load Direction and Load Value

What next?