FEM ElementGeometry1D/ro

FEM ElementGeometry1D

Menu location
Model → Beam cross section
Default shortcut
Introduced in version
See also
FEM tutorial


ElementGeometry1D is used to define cross sections for beam elements. Currently, the following types of cross sections are available: rectangular, circular and pipe.

1.1 and above: Box and elliptical cross sections are also available.

Cum se folosește

  1. There are several ways to invoke the command:
    • Press the Beam cross section button.
    • Select the Model → Element Geometry → Beam cross section option from the menu.
  2. Choose the type of cross section and specify the necessary dimensions:
    • Rectangular: width and height,
    • Circular: diameter,
    • Pipe: outer diameter and thickness,
    • 1.1 and above: Elliptical: axis 1 length and axis 2 length,
    • 1.1 and above: Box: height, width, thicknesses T1 - T4.
  3. Optionally, press the Add button in the task panel and then click on the edge you want to have a prescribed cross section. If the edge selection is free, all the remaining edges (whose cross section is not defined by other FEM ElementGeometry1D objects) will be automatically assigned.

Beam section types, local axes used by CalculiX and dimensions specified in FreeCAD FEM


